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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Umikage's Office (Missions)

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PostSubject: Umikage's Office (Missions)   Umikage's Office (Missions) EmptyWed Jan 08, 2014 2:59 am


Name: Feed The Family
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Catch at least 5 fish and then deliver them to Old Man Yukai.
Description: Old Man Yukai, in his old and worn out state, is unable to go fishing anymore, so he has hired you to do it for him. You will be provided with special bait and a fishing rod to use during the mission. The bait attracts a special fish that is a rare find in the market, so fishing is your only option if you want to please Old Man Yukai and get your reward. So Have Fun!


Name: The Dreaded Cats
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Catch the cat without causing it any noticeable injury and return it to its owner.
Description: Oh yes, the most difficult and gut-wrenching mission that most ninja will ever take. Little Madoka has lost her cat and its your job to find it. You must catch the cat using any means possible (Remember, you can't hurt the cat too much). The cat won't willingly surrender to you and is quite the fighter, so I expect a tussle, break a leg.


Name: Behind the Dumpster
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Clear the dog pack behind the restaurant, or convince the owner otherwise.
Description: A local restaurant has hired you to clear out the wildlife and the dog pack that has recently claimed its new home behind the restaurants dumpster. It isn't necessary to kill the dogs, as they are not vicious and terrible animals, unless you are just sadistic like that (Don't blame me when PETA finds out). If you are feeling especially kind, you can also try and convince the owner to let the dogs stay, or find them a new home to move into.


Name: Paranormal Activity
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Get rid of the ghosts haunting Miss Nodoka.
Description: Miss Nadoka has become completely convinced that she and her house are being attacked by specters from beyond our realm. Weird noises can be heard throughout the house. Windows, doors, and kitchenware mysteriously move on their own, and there is a weird unsettling feeling that something is watching you when inside. You have been hired to get to the bottom of this and figure out whats really happening, whether it be animals, the way the house was built, or if it really is ghosts after all. Looks like you've got a mystery to solve.


Name: Babies And Ninjas
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Take care of the kids till Mommy and Daddy get home.
Description: Mr. and Mrs. Shinonome both work all day, so they usually hired ninja to take care of their three children. The usual babysitter is out on another mission, so you have been chosen to take care of the three kids. They are all under the age of 6 so it is not going to be an easy task. They most likely will call you names, pull your hair, run around, drop food on the carpet, pull on the curtains, push over a vase, or even jump on the bed. It wouldn't be a surprise if you had to change a diaper while there. You must make sure that all the kids survive the day safe and sound and the house is exactly as it was when you arrived. Good Luck!


Name: Dock Hands
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Load at least 10 crates throughout the day.
Description: The dock is short on workers today, so ninja have been hired to keep the harbor running smoothly. You are in charge of moving crates on to ships. You are required to meet your daily quota or else you don't get your reward. You can move the crates on the ship with whatever means you can think of, but keep in mind, if you break any of the crates or things inside, your reward will be confiscated and you will still have to finish the work day, so have fun.


Name: Delivery Boy
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Deliver supplies to the ninja outposts bordering the village.
Description: The outpost are running low on supplies, so it is your duty to deliver the supplies to the 6 outposts in need of them. None of them are in dangerous areas, but they are all very spread out so it won't be an easy trek between the posts. Also, you only have until nightfall to deliver it all, so godspeed to you.


Name: Make Em Shine!
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Man the station for the day.
Description: The elders thought it would be a good idea to open up a small shoe shine station in the market as a way to earn some extra cash. Today, you have been chosen to man the station. Its actually quite a popular stop, so don't expect no one to come around. You must be polite to the client, as this is a business. You also have to perform a decent job. If any complaints are filed, you will lose your reward. If you mess up on purpose or on accident, you are forced to give the customer a full refund, but on the bright side, you get to keep any tips you get (Not really).


Name: Wash my boat
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: Wash the customers boat
Description: You have been hired to thoroughly wash a small boat on the harbor. Given its size, the estimated time to clean it all is about 3 1/2 hours, but you can make it quicker if you improvise. Maybe a little water jutsu here and there, stuff like that, but if the boat is harmed in anyway, you will fail the mission. You also might have to get rid of the little raccoon family that has found its way onto the boat and in to one of the smaller compartments, and when I say might, I mean you will. So go knock yourself out.


Name: It's For My Boy Scout Badge
Difficulty: D
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 5,000 Ryo
Experience: 25 Experience
Objective: You must accompany the elderly women throughout her day and shield her from potential harm.
Description: Little Madam Gladus throughout her little old lady day. You must help her around the house, wash dishes, prepare food, you can even dress her if you want, but I suggest you keep it PG and just skip that. You must accompany her through the market as she buys groceries and make sure she can pick out some good deals. She has a tendency to walk through dark alleys and she also forgets her purse when stopping. You must also make sure she arrives to bingo on time and then accompany her back home, where the mission can end. Also, I forgot to mention that she is a pincher.



Name: Hope this isn't too Boaring
Difficulty: C
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 15,000 Ryo
Experience: 50 Experience
Objective: Kill or scare away the boar that's wrecking the fields.
Description: A local farm on the island is issuing a bounty for anyone who is able to get rid of a boar that is causing trouble, eating up the crops and scaring the livestock. The boar is bigger then the average boar, being similar to a small adult bear in size and will charge you on sight and it is quite durable, so strategy is encouraged. Hope its not to unboarable.


Name: Off to Sea, You Land Lubber!
Difficulty: C
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 15,000 Ryo
Experience: 50 Experience
Objective: Protect the small shipping ship.
Description: You have been assigned to protect a small ship during a short trip towards a nearby island village and back. Make sure no pirates, sea animals, or anything of the sort attack or cause any harm to the ship, and help out wherever needed, like cleaning the deck. Can't have you laying around on a ship for the entire mission. The trip is over when the ship is docked at the harbor. Try not to drown.


Name: Disaster Contractor
Difficulty: C
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Rebuild the Area
Description: A recent hurricane came in closer then expected and ended up wrecking a small area of the village. Luckily, no one got hurt, due to the villages quick response. Your job is to rebuild the houses and buildings that were destroyed. You will be working with a small crew and the materials will be provided. Its expected that you get at least one house done a day (You need to make three houses, with or without help, or you fail the mission).


Name: Thug Life?
Difficulty: C
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 15,000
Experience: 50
Objective: Complete The Mission!
Description: Some locals are complaining of a local gang that is causing trouble along the hood. That's where you come in. You were hired to stop them. You can try and talk them out of this life, but chances are, unless you have a sharp tongue, you will have to get a bit rough with them. Try not to kill them if possible. They are still members of the village, after all. There will be about 5. They are normal humans for the most part, except one, who doesn't know any jutsu, but he does have around B Rank Strength and C Rank Speed and C Rank Endurance. Also, at least two will be armed with a knife or sword.



Name: Blow The Man Down!
Difficulty: B
Location: The Ocean Near Shippuugakure
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Destroy the ship and capture/kill its crew
Description: Spies have spotted a small vessel owned by some pirates near one of the neighboring islands. Its your job to go and take out the ship of small time pirates. They are all around Chunin and genin level. The spies have determined their number to be about 10 pirates.


Name: A Snake In The Village?
Difficulty: B
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Shadow The Potential Traitor
Description: Unfortunately, one ninja of the village has been suspected of giving out info to other villages and pirates. You have been ordered to spy on him/her and to report if the ninja is seen doing anything shady. You are not to engage unless ordered to. Obviously, do net get spotted. On the rare occasion that you do get spotted, or even captured, you are not to reveal any info about who sent you or even that you are from Shippuugakure.



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Umikage's Office (Missions) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Umikage's Office (Missions)   Umikage's Office (Missions) EmptySun Jul 06, 2014 3:25 am

Name: Gate Duty
Difficulty: C
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 15,000 Ryo
Experience: 50 Experience
Objective: Guard the gates & make sure no one suspicious enters the village unchecked.
Description: In every ninjas life comes a time where they must protect the gates of the cities. Today is one of those days. You will take up a post at one of the many entrances to the village and review everyone who comes in and out. Although this is but a simple C-Rank mission, it is highly important for the safety of the village. Don't be afraid to get a little handsy, though. You never know where someone is hiding their weapons.

Name: SPD (Shippuu Police Department)
Difficulty: C
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 15,000 Ryo
Experience: 50 Experience
Objective: Patrol The Streets
Description: Make sure nothing big happens on the streets. Keep an eye out for mischief and law breakers and on the chance you do see something, apprehend the culprits as quick as possible. If not, you fail. Do not pass go. Do not collect 15,000 ryo. No Slackers.

Name: Capture The Pirate
Difficulty: B
Location: Shippuugakure
Objective: Capture the Small Crew
Description: A small crew under one of the bigger pirate leaders has been spotted inland. You have been sent out to not to kill, but to capture them and bring them back to the village for interrogation. There is no need for you to bring them all back alive, but the mission will be considered a failure if you don't manage to bring back at the very least 3 of them alive.
Name: Interrogation
Difficulty: B
Location: Shippuugakure
Objective: Interrogate the pirates
Description: You and another (Can be NPC) are charged with the interrogation of two pirates that were captured recently. Locations of bases or any other bands of criminals or pirates would be nice info to get from them. These pirates are usually very loyal. Try and keep torture to a minimum, rewarding them for info should also be kept to a minimum.

Name: Thug Mobsters
Difficulty: B
Location: The Ocean Near Shippuugakure
Reward: 30,000
Experience: 100
Objective: Eliminate everyone except for the Mobster lead. If you cannot capture the Mobster lead, eliminate him/her as well.
Description: Have you already crashed a Thug’s Life and found out how intricately wrought intimidation is in their line of work? Good, if not… you definitely will in this mission. New reports have flooded into the Umikage’s office about the lower thug’s bosses whom have been spotted operating in a crashed Ship on Shipwreck Cove. Here, where hurricane effects are strongest in the village, they’ve decided to operate. The mobsters number about three. Two of the supporting mobsters were once highly trained military men and will wield with especial skill a katana each. The lead mobster, who still reports to the Thug Boss, is a rogue shinobi from Shippugakure no Sato who has fallen victim to greed and now acts purely for monetary profit and gain. The mobsters are generally strong, having base soul stats of B Rank Strength, Speed and Endurance. Each mobster will be different though and will have a different affinity type each time [based on the affinity that you choose-the lead mobster will have all the canon jutsu for that element]. You’re assigned to the mission to eliminate all targets or bring them in for questioning.

Name: Hostage Situation
Difficulty: A
Location: Shippuugakure
Objective: Find and then save the citizens and apprehend the culprits if possible.
Description: Unknown assailants have taken out several ninja and have taken 2-4 hostages. You have to track them down to where ever they are hiding out and make sure no harm comes to any of the hostages. Its recommended you take out the 3 criminals (B-Rank each) quickly and stealthily as they aren't above using the hostages to get away or force you to surrender. Remember that Shippuugakure does not negotiate with terrorists.

Name: Assassination Target: Pirate Lord
Difficulty: A
Objective: A wanted pirate lord has been spotted. Take him down.
Description:A pirate lords ships have been spotted near the islands of the Ocean Country. You have been ordered to destroy/capture the ships and more importantly, kill the pirate lord. He is dangerous and his crew is highly trained. The pirate lord is around A rank in strength, the crew is mostly C. They are armed. Be cautious.

Name: Thug Boss
Difficulty: A
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: 45,000
Experience: 150
Objective: Eliminate everyone, no exceptions.
Description: After taking out the lowest thugs, guns for hire, etc. you’ve made it up to the Mobsters, who been in the game long enough, cracked enough heads, and made enough money throughout their criminal career to become classified as mobsters. You eliminated them, or brought them in for questioning. Either way, you found information which is leading you to their boss. The information provided stated that the Bosses location is either in a shop off of the docks on Ao Phalanx Harbor which leads to an underground operation bunker with various rooms for storing equipment and supplies, money, communication room, and an office for the boss man of course. You will find the Thug Boss, who is a highly trained shinobi who has been running criminal activities in Shippugakure no Sato for an extended period of time and must be stopped by any means necessary. This shinobi will have control and mastery over two elements and will have two specialties; furthermore, base stats will all be ranked A. He will be protected by two lesser trained shinobi with the all B ranked soul stats. There will also be a proliferation of lesser thugs who will be wielding basic weapons for their own protection scattered throughout the rooms, doing their duties.
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PostSubject: Re: Umikage's Office (Missions)   Umikage's Office (Missions) EmptyMon Dec 15, 2014 8:41 am

Name: Monster Hunter
Difficulty: S
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: A lot
Experience: 250
Objective: Kill/Capture the Sea Dragon
Description: A large sea serpent has been spotted near a neighboring island of Shippuu. We have been tasked with eliminating the issue before it causes any real trouble. The serpent is capable of A-level water attacks and is as large as most trading ships. It will be quite agitated if any ship tresspasses into its territory. This thing also has thick skin so don't expect to just start slicing it up and serve it for dinner.

Name: Pirate King
Difficulty: S
Location: Shippuugakure
Reward: I'm clueless
Experience: 250
Objective: Kill/capture the pirate king
Description: A rare opportunity has made itself known and our scouts have spotted one of the very elusive pirate kings. These guys run the scene, controlling lords and organizing the pirate hoards. Needless to say, they are a top priority. You've been disparched after this pirate king. Meet up with the scout who is tailing the ship and then proceed to eliminate or capture the target. He's crew is made up with pirates around Special Jounin levels, around 20 men. The king himself is around S-level himself and excelling in swordplay and water jutsu. This is an important mission, best of luck.

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