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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 A wandering Storm

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Male Posts : 44
Ryo : 4500

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A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue100/100A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptyFri Jun 12, 2015 8:02 pm

It was a cool evening, the sun had just set and a light breeze had settled in for the night. It wasn't unusual for the 14 year old Shinro to be wandering the streets at about that time. He liked to just roam and get a feeling for the village before heading home for the night. Some would ask him if his parents knew he was out this late. Normally Shinro would be a happy go luck kid, but when asked about his parents he always clammed up and became cold. This was one of those nights.

 Shinro had been walking back to his residence when a woman about 30 stopped him. "Do your parents know your out so late young man?" He didn't answer. When the woman had walked up he had been smiling, enjoying the calm atmosphere of the village. However, after she asked about his parents Shinro put his fist into the nearest wall. This woman looked a lot like what he remembered his mother looking like. So when she asked it set him off harder then ever before. Tears formed in his eyes from the pain his blow had caused as well as the memories that flooded his mind. It was while in this haze of memories that he had ran into a building. Not bothering to look around, he just went to the back and took the first empty seat. Slowly the tears left his eyes leaving him looking empty. Tho in the smokey haze of a pub who would notice?

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Male Posts : 490
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Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue415/415A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (415/415)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptySat Jun 13, 2015 1:50 am

It was probably one of the calmer Boufuugakure nights. The sun had barely set when the Kanetsukage noticed a light breeze ruffling his short hair a bit. The man was dressed in a white button-up shirt, red pants, and a black cloak covering himself. To his left hip was his normal katana and strapped to his back, also concealed under the fabric of the large billowing cloak, was his most prized of weaponry. The legendary Purgatory. Syn often found himself waking along the streets whenever he was bored or just felt like a walk would be nice, so it wasn't unusual for him to see others doing the same.

He walked at a nice pace; not too fast or too slow. The Kanetsukage passed through crowds so seamlessly he would've been hard to make out. One of Syn's greatest assets had always been his ability to be both stealthy and deceiving, he could hide in plain sight and you'd never know. His eyes scanned the surroundings until he came across a pub, Loki's Delight. It had been quite a while since the last time Syn had visited this place. 

Eh, what harm could it do?

With that in mind, Syn entered without hesitation and took up one of the rarely available seats a bit across from a kid he had noticed earlier, but did not notice anymore as his back was too him. Syn blade on his left hip and the one on his back began to be increasingly noticeable as he sat down, though he paid it no mind.

Word Count ~ 252
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Male Posts : 44
Ryo : 4500

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue100/100A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptySat Jun 13, 2015 10:07 am


 Shinro could feel himself starting to sink into a dark depression. 'I need to pull myself out of this. Its been so many years so why can't i just let this go?' He shook his head hard trying to shake free of the dark memories that plagued him. Even with the world spinning he noticed as a man wearing a black coat and some red pants past him by, sparing a glace. Shinro watched as the man moved across the room and too a seat a little ways from him. With his back turned ,and with his coat having ridden up when he sat, Shinro could see that the man was armed with two blades. Tho he couldn't make out the types of blades due to his inexperience with them.

The boy sat there for a while eyes just kind of watching those blades. For some reason his mind had turned at that point to day dreaming. Maybe it was some sort of coping mechanism or maybe just boredom. In his mind he saw himself walk up behind the man and zap the end of his blade using Denryuu. The man would jump up with a yelp and spin to and fro looking for the culprit before slipping and landing on his ass. This made Shinro laugh. It was not so much a happy laugh as one of relief, the dark memories having faded due to the slight out burst. Now he sat eyes still lingering on those two blades, the crook of a smile turning the corner of his mouth, "Just going to be another one of those nights i guess"

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Male Posts : 490
Ryo : 48850

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue415/415A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (415/415)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptySat Jun 13, 2015 7:51 pm

Still sitting on the chair of the bar simply daydreaming, Syn absentmindedly pick up a joint from out of his pocket, before which giving the owner a mischievous smirk. The owner responded in kind. Syn and the owner of this bar held a long history of friendship and mutual ideals. Putting the joint to his mouth, the incognito Kanetsukage held it between both his right index and middle finger before heating up his left index, as was apart of his clan's abilities, and apply it to the end of it. He took a large, but slow drag and sat back, blowing a large cloud into the air as he simply killed some time.

Eerily, however, Syn felt he was being watched from somewhere behind him. Smirking and then quickly regaining his composure he stayed put. However, his ears perked at the faint sound of a voice saying,"Just going to be another one of those nights i guess".

Syn had always retained an almost extrasensory type of hearing due to his large and faithful years meditating. However, not knowing who exactly said it in a bar like such, he didn't really pay it any mind. Thus, Syn stretched and then took another drag.

Word Count~ 201
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Male Posts : 44
Ryo : 4500

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue100/100A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptySun Jun 14, 2015 2:58 am

It had been about 20 minutes sens entering the smokey bar, and Shinro continued to sit smiling slightly as his mind drifted. He had watched the man at the bar for a short while, seemingly mesmerized by the blades poking from beneath his black cloak. It wasn't until the man raised his hand and lowered his head to light what Shinro thought was a cigarette, that he realized just why he was so hypnotized by the blades. Only it wasn't both blades, it was only the one on the mans back that seemed to do it. As he watched the blade seemed to leave some kind of echo behind. It was only slight but it was enough to draw in Shinro's wandering mind. 'Am I really seeing this?, He reached up quickly and with the heel of his palms rubbed at his eyes. Looking again Shinro failed to see it.

 His curiosity getting the best of him he rose from his seat and slowly walked towards the man, but when he got close he stopped. The bar tender ,who seemed to have been tending to other customers not a second before, now sat leaned on the bar watching him. Shinro made eye contact before looking back at the man. His eyes drifted to the curious sword before he turned and walked away. He normally didn't feel very comfortable talking to people he didn't know, and having the bartenders gaze on him made him feel uneasy. As he walked away he looked back, 'I do still want to know about that blade' he thought. With nothing left to do ,and the feeling of defeat lingering behind, shinro left the bar and into a slowly brewing storm.

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Male Posts : 490
Ryo : 48850

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue415/415A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (415/415)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptyTue Jun 16, 2015 3:59 pm

Syn, completely relaxed due to the substance he had just smoked, was no more dull of the senses than when he had first entered. He hadn't been there long, but he could still sense someone's lingering gaze upon his back. Before he decided to turn around however, he noticed that same presence getting ever closer until it stopped. Looking to his right, the Kanetsukage noticed that his friend, the bartender, was deeply eying someone behind him. 

Probably the same person who's been watching me the whole time.

Just as soon as he was about to turn however, the presence took another direction and walked towards the door. Looking on, Syn took deep notice to something eerie.

Why was he watching me for so long and who is this kid?

Though not as strong as the man himself, Syn noticed that the boy was not a normal citizen.

Probably a new Genin. I wonder why he was staring so hard.

It was then that Synyster looked down at his cloak and saw that both of his blades were partially revealed and the one on his back, Purgatory, was as always, subtly vibrating. 

Aaah... Now it makes sense

With a smile, Syn stood up straight off of his chair after the boy had walked outside. He then gave a smile and nod towards the barkeep, who in turn responded in kind, before making his way out of the bar. Syn, not knowing which direction the boy may have taken, closed his eyes and activated his Kekkei Genkai, the Demekin's, simultaneous settings. When his eyes then reopened, his eye's normal brownish hue had been replaced. His right eye had turned green while his left, red. Red markings had also spread from his left eye, down his cheek, and across the bridge of his nose.

His eyesight increased dramatically by the activation and as such he knew the boy couldn't be far. Everything he saw had turned white, while life forms with a heartbeat gave off a red aura. Looking to his right, Syn's gaze spanned out 250 ft. He could make out every one of the villagers passing by, though not the one he was looking for. Turning to his left, Syn's gaze once again fell upon the villagers still walking about in the slowly growing storm. Quickly however, he discovered the boy, and keeping to the shadows, he quickly started to move. With his right hand, Syn made a seal that would keep his movements from being heard all the while watching the boy walk through the streets.

Word Count~ 418
Chakra~ 415/415

Active Jutsu:
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Male Posts : 44
Ryo : 4500

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue100/100A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptyWed Jun 17, 2015 12:29 am

As shinro walked he let his eyes scan the skies. He loved to watch the storm clouds as they rolled in. The way the clouds drifted over the stars like a fluffy blanket over the night skies always made him smile. However on this night it didn't, instead his mind was lost in thoughts of his mother and father. Thoughts of his brother and why he left. He barley noticed the people he passed by, paying only as much attention as it would take to maneuver round the masses. 'I need to train and clear my head' he thought to himself. Changing direction he turned from the street home and headed right. He followed the street for a few, now paying more attention to those around him. Most of the children had gone home to seek shelter from the coming storm, parents following suit. The thinned crowed now consisted of people doing last minute assignments for work or those who had no reason to rush. Quickly the scenery of homes and shops changed to one of flowers and trees. Shinro smiled as he left the residential section. He loved being in nature and away from the atmosphere of crowds and loud noises.

 It only took another 12 or so minutes to reach the entrance of his training grounds. He had left the main path shortly after entering the garden district, and followed a trail of memory to this seldomly visited spot of his. Stopping in front of what looked like vines hanging over a rock face, Shinro turned and scanned the area not noticing anything out of the normal  . With that he pushed the vines aside and chuckled at the child sized hole. It was wide enough to fit most adults on hand and knee, but a toddler could probably walk right through without crouching. Stooping down Shinro crouch walked through the 4 foot tunnel, quickly traversing it. Rising he looked at the familiar scene: a gymnasium sized clearing surrounded on all sides by a 8 foot rock face. The grass here was a deep green, the minerals from the rocks as well as the rain from this stormy region keeping it lively year round. Fruit trees sat scattered about as lush and bountiful as the bright grass carpet. Walking further into the clearing, Shinro approached the lack at the center. Four trees sat posted like guards at the four corners of the oval mass. The lake itself was still when he approached. Its glass like appearance shattering as the first drops of rain fell to the ground. "Looks like i made it just in time"

 Shinro focused his mind clearing all thought from his head. Quickly his hands slammed together, joining at the same moment the storm released its torrents on the world. His mouth opened wide and five softball sized orbs quickly erupted forth. For a moment Shinro let those orbs hover in an ark over his head before launching them in rapid succession at the surface of the lake. Five large eruptions littered the lake sending water in all directions. His face blank and his mind like wise, Shinro prepared for the next step in his training routine.


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Male Posts : 490
Ryo : 48850

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue415/415A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (415/415)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptySat Jun 20, 2015 6:08 pm

Syn, still following the boy, let his eyes go back to their usual brownish hue when he realized just exactly where the kid was going. 

My old training grounds? I'm getting more interested in this kid by the second.

With a soft chuckle, the Kanetsukage waited a minute or so, allowing the boy to creep through the opening before following suit. It was just as he remembered it. A gymnasium sized clearing surrounded on all sides by an eight foot rock face. The grass there, a deep green, with the minerals from the rocks as well as the rain from the stormy shinobi region keeping it lively year round. Fruit trees sat scattered about as lush and bountiful as the bright grass carpet. Four trees sat posted like guards at the four corners of the oval mass as if warding off any who didn't belong, while the still lake began to ripple as the rain from the approaching storm picked up. 

Syn sat cross-legged in front of the entrance, waiting for the moment the boy would finally notice him, however making no viable movement or noise. He simply watched the boy activated a jutsu and four spherical orbs sat hovered above him before racing towards the water and erupting upon its cool surface.

He'll be strong, this kid. Kind of reminds me of myself.

At the thought, Syn again smirked.

Word Count~ 226
Chakra~ 415/415

Active Jutsu:
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Male Posts : 44
Ryo : 4500

Character sheet
A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue100/100A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptyThu Jun 25, 2015 10:43 pm

The mist began to wander as a light breeze pulled it from the now settling lake surface. Shinro stood looking at that slightly rippling water, his thoughts not finding a calm in the training.Throwing his head back he shouted. "Gah! why cant my brain just let the past go?" He continued to stand there for a few more moments as if waiting for the sky to answer. Finally deciding that there wouldn't be an answer he turned to leave, but stopped suddenly when he spotted a man sitting by the entrance. It was the same man from the bar and for some reason he was staring at Shinro with an odd grin on his face. Tho he could tell this was the same man from the bar, he didn't seem to be as tense or watchful as he had at the bar. In fact he almost seemed relaxed sitting there. Almost as if this place was familiar to him in some way.

It took a few seconds of debate for Shinro to make a decision as to what to do now, but in the end he settled for just nodding at the man as he walked past him, not taking his eyes off of him before entering the exit. However he didn't make it all the way into the small cave before the crouched boy stopped dead in his tracks. That sword was there, tho hidden by the black cloak he also wore. Shaking his head Shinro darted through the hole not stopping to listen if the man had said anything. His curiosity of the blades was not mixing well with the dread from his dark memories and he felt the need to get home as soon as possible. 'Maybe it's one of those nights' he thought to himself as he ran at full speed home. His mind now thoroughly distracted from the harshly mixing emotions from before, replaced by a kind of giddy childish excitement. He loved those nights.

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Male Posts : 490
Ryo : 48850

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A wandering Storm Left_bar_bleue415/415A wandering Storm Empty_bar_bleue  (415/415)

A wandering Storm Empty
PostSubject: Re: A wandering Storm   A wandering Storm EmptyMon Jul 06, 2015 12:43 pm

Syn sat on the training grounds floor still watching the boy as he continued his inner turmoil before turning around and finally noticing Syn sitting there. The Kanetsukage, not saying anything, simply watched as the boy nodded at him, which Syn did in return, and leave. The boy, however, stopped once more for a few seconds before turning and making a complete exit. 

Somewhat disappointing, but eh what can you do.

With that thought in mind, Syn turned toward the small opening that he had originally used to arrive at the training grounds and went back out where he came. The streets were a lot calmer this time around so Syn, without any real destination in mind, simply decided to walk back home and get some shuteye for the night.

Word Count~ 127
[End of thread.]
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