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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Cafe Nox (positively open~)

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Male Posts : 32
Ryo : 7000

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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue100/100Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyThu Jan 22, 2015 10:46 am

This little tea house, of only four rooms, was the greatest thing that Kiyoshi had ever had for himself. There was a storage room filled with various teas and coffees, where he slept on the wooden floor. Had anybody else seen this they would surely have thought it absurd, but those who live on the forest floor for long enough learn to sleep near what is most precious and not sleep on anything which they wouldn't want to get back out of. This room was connected, as in without a door between the two of them, to a small kitchen where he prepared minor things and kept the hot water rolling at all times.

    There was an open doorway from the kitchen going into a small area surrounded by a bar. A "Black Lady" incense stick burnt on a plate on the counter. An small gap between the bar and the wall let him get out to bring things to anybody who would want to order anything. This was his lounge. The walls were plain but two long boxes, one on each wall, contained a mix of the various prettier plants he found outside and the sprouts that would eventually be a part of his mother's strain of Hibiscus.On the same wall as the counter but on the other side of it, there was a small room separated by a purple curtain. This small room was a restroom for the guests with another incense of the same scent burning.

    He poured some of the steaming water into a green cup and then dropped in one of the nicer tea bags. "Constant Comment" was the name of the tea. He leaned down onto his elbow, standing behind his counter, sighing contently as he began to say,
"This delicious red tea, with a secret recipe, orange rinds and spices so sweety, leaves us with a taste to comment on constantly." in a nearly musical voice.

Word Count:

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:35 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 263
Ryo : 3006

Character sheet
Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue350/350Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (350/350)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyMon Jan 26, 2015 6:13 am

"Oh really?" Storm said as he listened to the kid chime about his tea. He wasn't a tea man himself, preferring regular water over any other drink, but why not try out something new once in a while? Storm took his eyes from his book, staring coldly at the man behind the bar. "Can I try some? How much will this cost me?"

While the kid would say words to him, Storm would look back at his book and begin reading again. "The price is fine," the Uchiha man would say once the kid told him the price. "Just get me some." He would remain silent once the tea came, and probably remain so through out the remainder of his time there.
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Male Posts : 32
Ryo : 7000

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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue100/100Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyMon Jan 26, 2015 6:31 am

Kiyoshi gave a deep bow after discussing the price, most likely his least favuorite part of running his little business, and moved quickly back into his little kitchen. Water was always on the boil so he poured some from the tea pot into a green mug with no handle. He took a spoon of the tea they were discussing prior and placed it on a square of cloth. He then folded around that and stapled it shut with a string between the folds. He then tied the other side of the string to a tag with the name of the tea, "Constant Comment" and the price written in black ink.

"I am pleased to have you here in my humble establishment," Kiyoshi told him in a soft voice. His gaze was just as soft and so was his smile. His posture was much less humble. He stood tall as he could, which honestly wasn't very, and with the pride of a much taller man. He sat the tea down with a small noise to alert his new customer. He didn't yet know how aware of his situation this man probably was, even when he was reading. "If there is anything that I can do for your, don't hesitate to ask. Being the only customer here you needn't worry about keeping me busy."

Word Count:

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:32 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 263
Ryo : 3006

Character sheet
Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue350/350Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (350/350)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyMon Jan 26, 2015 6:59 am

Storm shifted to the next page, becoming more engrossed in what he read the more he read it. The book was small, almost equaling the size of a notepad. It had a dark grey covering, with the words, 'The history of Tsukigakure' as the title. It looked to have a lot of pages to it, nearly stretching to one thousand.

The man said words to Storms, and he heard them clearly enough to make a reply. "It is a nice place. Very relaxing and soothing for my nose. You did a good job decorating it."

As the tea was sat next to him, he placed his book down to focus on the tea cup. Storm placed both his fingers on it, enjoying the feeling of its warmth on his skin. He closed his eyes and kept his calm composure as he took a sip of the tea, a sip so tiny that it equaled a rain drop. He placed the tea down, then said nothing about it.

"I do not need much, just a nice, quiet place to read my book. So please, leave me be." Storm rested his vibrant muscles back on the bar as he began reading his book again. He had no shirt on his body, showing his abs and large yet slim muscles to the world. Storm had on regular white samurai pants, his backpack near his side, on the floor. Anyone could tell that Storm was not a regular resident, they could also tell that Storm was not the type of guy to mess with, his nearly emotionless eyes said so for him. But what they could also easily tell was that he was someone that had been through a lot, this coming from the many scars all over his body.
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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyMon Jan 26, 2015 7:54 am

Thick shrubbery in all directions: the perfect disguise, but also the most alarming attribute for trackers. While Vex could easily hide from on-lookers and viewers from a distance, anyone skilled enough in tracking could retrace her footsteps merely by studying the grass or trees. Vex was not a very careful person in nature, rather, she was far from careful. Labeled as the most violent shinobi in Boufuugakure, Vex was a girl of average height and not at all heavy. Thick silk white locks of straight hair fell down her shoulders just passed her shoulder-blades and glistened softly in the serene sunlight. Her unusual eyes darted to and fro, looking everywhere for signs of danger.

Her eyes were unusual in the fact that she possessed no visible pupil, instead she possessed equally white and pure eyes like her hair. She was not blind, even though from a visual perspective, it looked as though she were. Cataracts even one could assume from the lack of pupils. Her eyes were perfectly working though, just an unusual aspect about her person. Her attire consisted completely different than her nearly- godly figure represented. While her body was basically a sin, perfect curves in every area and a nice sized bust that would put most older women to shame: she wore somewhat simple clothing to hide most of her figure.

She wore crimson loose-fitted baggy pants made of light material that made no sound while she stepped through with forest carelessly. Her feet were covered in standard black shinobi sandals and she wore a loose-fitted white shirt with baggy sleeves and an open area for her lovely cleavage. Across her left shoulder were two unique weapons- a single metal loop and leather harness was strapped across her chest and lead to around her shoulder where the metal loop supported the two weapons.

Two long bandage-wrapped handles protruded from above her left shoulder that lead down to a brutal looking rectangle blade with no tip. It was ash black in color and sharp on all four sides. The second weapon was a large battle fan, shaped like a gourd and possessing a black metal chain that was attached to the other handle of the sword. Both weapons were unusually large and scraped against the soft grass as she walked carefree. These were her Xanadu weapons, her legacy and her curse handed down from her father's generaton to hers.

His had been a cruel generation, he had used and abused his special powers to laughter small villages single-handed. Often he took her as a young child and taught her the art of killing. She would ride his shoulders as he roared in a bloody rage, covered in blood as he would mercilessly chop villagers apart. Men, women and child. Finally as he grew old and passed on the weapons to Vex, she beheaded him and set out on her own adventure: that adventure had now led her here... to Tsukigakure's forest on her way t the village.

She stopped suddenly, a small sign with an arrow pointing to a dinky little cabin which looked quite comfortable. It offered beverages and Vex surely was thirsty from her travel from Boufuuugakure to here. It wouldn't hurt to get a drink before going to the village I guess... she reasoned as she turned her steps towards Kiyoshi's little tavern. She travelled quickly and appropriate as if she had only travelled a short distance and was not tired. She reached the door quickly, eager to be out of site of possible trackers.

Inside the building was small but cozy, it smelled pleasant and was not crowded. That was nice, but she frowned as she recognized the inhabitants of the building as males. She stepped through the door and shut it behind her, her weapons scraped against the floor heavily as she approached Kiyoshi with a blank expression. Excuse me. I will have a bottle of water. She said in a flat and undisputable tone while setting an appropriate amount of ryo on the counter. She turned and waited as she rested her back against the counter and inspected Storm: he was an interesting fellow, shirtless and seemingly completely content reading some guide about the village Tsukigakure. So... he is a traveler too huh.. then this guy here must be..

She turned her glance to Kiyoshi, a seemingly young fellow who was responsible and mature for his age. Not fearful of running a little business for himself. He possessed a headband of the Death village, and that made Vex smile. Ahahaah! I know what that means! A sudden loud and boisterous voice exclaimed: it was a voice that likely neither of the two could see or hear. It was a spirit, a spirit of her clan weapon Wrath. Only those gifted spiritually and who have seen death itself could see or commune with the crimson orb with glowing eyes.

Vex didn't roll her eyes this time, Wrath was quite right- the spirit had been a part of her conscious ever since she could remember. Wrath knew her better than she even knew herself. Finding out that Kiyoshi was a Tsukigakure-nin had sparked a flame inside her seemingly missing heart. So.. you are a Tsuki-nin? What is your name then? She asked Kiyoshi, while also mindfully remembering the second stranger in the room. Kiyoshi seemed to be a gentle soul, quick o offer help and ever cheerful despite her rude entry upon scraping her weapons against his floor and her rude first greeting.

The second man seemed mostly uninterested, or at least appeared that way. He was quiet and withdrawn, careful and content in the most simple of ways. A killer. As one herself, she could easily pick out that this stranger had killed a good number of people: good or bad, she didn't care much- she wasn't one to judge. The amount of blood she and her father had spilled was enough to make a small stream run for days with the thick red life liquid. She would take her water bottle without appreciation or a thanks, mostly because rudeness was second nature to her... but she wanted to invoke some hostility within the host and get him to fight her. Her blood boiled and she wanted a good battle; a mere test to see how strong the shinobi of Tsukigakure were.

The other man was a whole other story. He was more evasive in a passive manner, so she took a sip of her water and then sat at the table with him. She propped her feet up on the table and bumped it with her weight, causing more than half of his tea to spill. She watched him carefully out of the corner of her eye while resting her hands behind her head: this was a seemingly innocent gesture of relaxation, but her hands were easily within reach of Wrath and Chastity. Oops.. Was all she said.

Had either of the males reacted suddenly, rudely or in a hostile manner, she would whip Wrath and Chastity out of the hook and cleave the table in half and lift her weight with the fan and kick the two table halves at both males as she would flip backwards and land her feet on the wall. Suddenly, she would push up abruptly and dash between both males, her weapons' edges aligned to their necks as she flew between them.

Word count- 1,236

Last edited by Vex on Mon Jan 26, 2015 9:17 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 32
Ryo : 7000

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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue100/100Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyMon Jan 26, 2015 8:46 am

Kiyoshi smiled, full of delight as somebody else entered. She was one of those women. There were women that he knew that some men would find extremely attractive but he didn’t feel either way himself. The female body was an odd thing to him. He knew that he was supposed to feel
aroused but it was all raw meat to him. He was worried when he saw contempt fall over her face toward himself and his customer. He hoped only that he could give her such an impression that he would wipe away any negative stereotypes that she may have originally held. He held the same warmth in his face for her that he held for his male colleague.

"Here you go, Miss," Kiyoshi said in an even voice as he pocketed some of the currency and placed a bottle of cold water in front of her. He made sure to keep his distance as he was supposed to facilitate the needs of each guest to the best of his abilities. It seemed that her needs included not coming into contact with him, which he could respect. He was a little worried when her gaze shifted over to his other guest. Contempt leading to interest could easily be a sign of a fight waiting to start. That wasn't anything that he wanted to deal with starting out in this building. He didn't let his worry get reflected in his gaze.

His spine jumped a little bit, as he felt some spiritual entity. Whatever it was it was beyond him, but due to his blood he could not ever be totally out of the loop on these spiritual affairs. This was the first time that an emotion, fear specifically, show on his face. He then quickly washed it away with the calm look of a cheerful monk. "Indeed I am, Ma'am," in a voice that in no way mirrored the fear in his heart, "My name is Kiyoshi Osamaru. I am a genin of this fine land." His voice swelled with a bit of pride as he said his name, especially his clan name, but it began to fade away as he mentioned his rank. Being a Genin at his age was definitely not something he felt any pride in. He ducked below the counter slowly, with a sad look in his face when he grabbed a rag and began to calmly clean up the mess and reassured his male guest that the refill would be on the house. He shot the new arrival a coy smile. She reminded him of stories his father told of dark spirits who would come to test your mental strength. Giving in would be fun, but he was going to wait a little bit longer. The water needed to come to a proper boil before there could be a proper brew. This rule applied here as well.

word count:

Last edited by Kiyoshi on Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:26 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 263
Ryo : 3006

Character sheet
Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue350/350Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (350/350)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyThu Jan 29, 2015 8:16 am

A young female walked into the building, her sandals heavily making sound on the floor. Storm did not look up, but he could hear everything that the person did. From the sound of her voice, he could tell that she was definitely a girl, and from the tone of her voice, he could tell that she was not particularly in a good mood.

She didn't seem to want much trouble. She said nothing to him, did nothing to him, and expected nothing from him, so Storm discarded her existence and relished in his book once again. Although, this did not mean that he wouldn't be aware of her.

He licked his thumb and turned a page, reading about interesting village facts, dated long before Eden Shinteki's time. One information he was most fascinated in, and the main reason for him owning the book, was the Omnyoton clan history. However, the clans information showed little to nothing on the book. 'Oldest clan, assassins, Masters of Yoton and Inton. Just what the hell are you Sheffield? And what is it that you can do?' Storm's mind focused back on the building when he heard sandals moving across the floor again. This time, the foot steps were moving towards him.

Those same heavy feet plopped themselves on the same table where Storm was reading, spilling his drink. Storm turned his eyes towards the spill first, then the one who was attached to those heavy feet.

Storm was right in guessing she was female, one that seemed to have a horrible attitude. She had silver hair that flowed down to her waist; her clothing was regular but hid a little bit of her robust figure; and Storm could not help but stare at what the female carried on her back, two large weapons that seemed a little too heavy for a small girl like her to carry.

The female rested her smooth legs on the table, her upper torso enjoying a comfortable position in her seat. Her hands where behind her back to add for extra comfort, but Storm was not that huge of a fool to believe this. Where her fingers were, she could easily take out one of her blades and slash through Storm's head if she wanted to. She came to him with look of mischief, no doubt looking for a fight. However, this girl was searching for trouble in the wrong place. She said 'oops,' as though this would be a worthy apology for what she had done, but more words than 'Oops' would be needed for an apology. The more he stared at her, the more he realized that this female felt little guilt for wasting his drink.

Storm's eyes darted towards the other male in the room, quickly placing a target on the man, only for if he stepped in the way. The man slowly cleaned the table, then told Storm that his refill was on the house. "How kind of you. I will accept your offer." He said, waiting patiently for a response.

As the man would begin to move away, Storm would quickly grab his hand, and look into the mans eyes, his dark orbs staring into the mans soul. He gave a small nod to the man, then let him go. While the man would be making more tea, Storm would be taking care of the girl.

"Do you wish to fight me?" Storm closed his book, leaving a book mark next to the page where he stopped reading. His backpack was pulled into his lap, unzipped, then stuffed with the book he just had. Zipping up the bag, he continued: "If you think you can handle me, then come after me. But I assure you, you will never land a hit on me."

As he sat the backpack on the floor, Storm stared at the woman, his head held higher than hers. His eyes looked down on her with disgust, like she was a mere insect, him the human. Was he egging her on, trying to make her attack rashly? Or was he really this prideful of his abilities, so much so that this girl literally seemed like an insect to him? "This is a promise." He said, waiting for her to make a move.
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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyThu Jan 29, 2015 9:34 am

Vex had nodded to herself silently, she knew that Kiyoshi had to be a Tsuki-nin, but she was unsure if he was a Genin or not. His age-range was more for a Chuunin or higher; that was a bit of a letdown for her. It wasn't all bad though, Vex had joined Boufuugakure at the age of 18 as a Genin and only became a Chuunin around the age of 20... so maybe there was still some home for this Ossamaru character.

She frowned. Then again, maybe not. He was such a kind and gentle soul, helpful and polite- probably didn't have a mean fiber in his body.... might explain why he was just a genin. Her lip curled in slight disgust as Kiyoshi cleaned up the tiny mess she had made and offered the stranger another drink, this one on the house. If the Genin didn't intend to be caught up in a fight, it was already too late: in her mind, he had already taken sides by offering the stranger a free cup of tea. She understood that he was trying to be a peace-maker and retain his tiny place where he could cater to travelers. She hated pacifists though, they didn't have the spine to do what needed to be done or protect those they loved.

Vex had slain that which was important to her and no longer had anything to keep her from cutting loose or doing whatever she wanted. She kept Boufuugakure's ninja headband, but she had made a fine slice through the symbol and let it hang loosely around her neck. This signified that she was a rogue, no longer a part of any one village or affiliated with anyone. A loose cannon, especially in her case. Wow this is great! Two murderers in one small hut with a pacifist trying to keep them from gutting each other! hahahaahaaa Oh how poetically priceless. The laughter and prodding stopped suddenly as Wrath changed the tone in his voice, his little crimson orb gyrating with excitement as he felt Vex's blood begin to boil. Kill him Vex, pull out those beady eyes of his and drop them in a martini mix and serve it to the pansy Genin.

Vex smiled, her and Wrath were always at each other's throats so to speak; but she knew the spirit always had her best interest in mind. Right now, he was agreeing with her sentiments and always had a creative way to expressing her violent desires. She continued to stare the man down playfully, he in turn stared back- only looking away long enough to grab Kiyoshi's arm and look him dead in the eyes. He was telling the boy to run if he valued his life, but who knew if the boy understood that. In either case, he was already within Vex's eyes as a target.

She focused her attention fully on Storm as the man responded to her provoking, asking if she wanted a go at him. He closed his book and put it away neatly in a pack in his lap. He sat the pack on the floor and continued to stare at her: his look was evident enough. This guy is looking down on me! I can see it in his eyes and posture! That was enough of a provocation as she needed, she hated men anyways... this just proved her with an opportunity to beat two more in their places.

She did just what she planned, she leaned back suddenly and yawned, raising one hand away from her weapons to catch Storm offguard. Her other hand grabbed Wrath's hilt, the long blade hummed at her touch and responded by returning in front of her and slicing the table in half. The cut was clean and fast, slicing the table and Storm's tea cup directly in half without cracking the delicate glass. The movement was swift and followed up by the chain attached to Chastity which whipped the fan around as she grabbed it mid-air with her other hand.

She kicked the two table halves just like she planned, one at each male in the tiny bar. The first half would vault towards Storm's mid-section in a horizontal attack. The second would b aimed at Kiyoshi's head, aiming to take the Genin out in one go. While the attacks flew forward, she vaulted backwards and used the nearby wall to boost off with her feet and lunged between both males at mid-section level and both blades positioned at their necks. Her killing intent was mildly palpable, but unmistakably there. A trained shinobi would instinctually know that she wouldn't hesitate to behead them.

It was a reckless move, especially since she knew nothing about each of her victims except that one was a killer and the other was a coward. Still, she was a rational girl and prepared a little something just incase one of them managed to evade her deadly aim with her large weapons. Today was turning out to be quite fun already; a wide grin appeared on her face as she attempted to lop their heads off.

Word count-
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Male Posts : 32
Ryo : 7000

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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue100/100Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyThu Jan 29, 2015 1:07 pm

Kiyoshi's facade of happiness, just like any of his other facades, lasted much longer than one may have expected. He was caught off guard by Storm's gesture, but very much appreciated whatever the sentiment was. From the serious tone of the room he assumed that it was a warning, but no host worth anything feels fear toward even his most wild and violent of guests. He walked back into his little kitchen and the whole process began again. He took a spoon of "Constant Comment" and put it in the center of a square of cloth. He then folded it up and sewed it up with the tag on, just as before. He then filled a mug just like the one before that with boiling water and dipped the bag into the steaming liquid.

He swallowed nervously when he heard Storm calling out the horrid woman sitting in his fine establishment. He very much would like to see her knocked down enough pegs to stop being so completely obnoxious to such a gracious host, but he also had to protect what he made. This was meant to be a safe haven, and this unbearable woman was trying to take that, not only from him, but from all of Tsukigakure. A place where one needn't worry about being attacked is so rare, and he thought he was going to be providing that.

He tensed up for a moment when he heard the cut of the table. He wasn't trained in taijutsu, but he definitely understood how to duck. Being a genin and a ninjutsu specialist he over corrected a little and wound up crouched down on the floor just avoiding the part of the table flying in his direction. At first he was confused, and then he realized what was just sent at him. He built that table with his own two hands, bought that mug with money that he earned by being a freak for the amusement of the normal people.

When he got up from the ground he could have passed for a twin brother of himself with a completely different personality. His eyes were set heavily on the woman with those weapons that reeked of a bad person who could only consort with the darkest of spirits. His small, pale hands balled up with a crackling noise into white knuckled fists. His upper lip curled up, similar to hers, only a half inch higher up. He held himself with the aggression and assertion of a warrior instead of the calm of a monk that he was usually bearing.

"You unbearable, reprehensible, worthless, burden upon society," he said in a ragged voice as he moved slowly but surely closer to her. He was remembering the type of anger when he killed that man before he found himself in Tsukigakure. Kiyoshi was a good person but some of that lingering madness and belief that killing was necessary never quite left his system. Every judgmental fiber of his being was tested as his hands quickly flew together and began to form hand signs. "That is not how you treat the host! You do not misbehave in a public area or the land of another! You do not act like a child just because you can kill!" He came into silent contact with the yokai of fire, a spirit that didn't make him in any way sick to his stomach, unlike whatever was with that girl who was so rudely interrupting his day. The space about a foot and a half in front of her suddenly heated up dramatically. There was a small spurt of fire from the floor and then it blew up a little bit. This was not enough to start some massive fire that would consume his poor restaurant, but he had to find some way to take a stand in spite of his low rank and ability.

Word Count:

That jutsu:


Last edited by Kiyoshi on Sat Jan 31, 2015 3:21 am; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 263
Ryo : 3006

Character sheet
Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue350/350Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (350/350)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptyFri Jan 30, 2015 6:13 am

Storm watched the girl, his eyes un-altering. The female who wanted a challenge leaned back, making posture that represented her yawning. Storm's eyes closely payed attention to the motion of one of her arms, stretching past her head and high away from her body. It took him little over a second to realize what she had done. She fooled him, made him believe that one hand was about to perform an action while the other actually operated.

Storm saw the twitch in her other arm, then showed a look of surprise when her blade suddenly slashed through the table. A clean cut was what she made, with not a single imperfect edge. Even the cup was sliced to the bottom, which was much sturdier than the table. The girl made further actions, kicking one side of the table towards Storms body. He stretched his left arm quickly, catching the full momentum of the flying wood with one hand. His arm bent to a full 120 degrees, stopping close to Storm's face. The Uchiha knew that if this table would have continued going, his face would be no more, all this based on how much might he had to place into stopping half a table.

"Two diversions in one," Storm quickly thought while the world continued to move. The table hit the floor before Storm with a large boom, slanting to the side because it could no longer hold itself up. "She plans two steps ahead before taking action."

Storm's thoughts where once again interrupted by some new and unforeseen events. The owner of the establishment was pissed with the girls actions. He tried his best to make his thoughts known. Storm moved his eyes towards the girl then the male, cringing at the realization of the situation he was in.

The girl who had begun the battle had thrown herself to the wall. With killing intent ablaze, she lunged herself between the two, preparing to deal high damage to both males. Instead of trying to dodge, the man decided to engage in full argument, as though he did not feel how much blood lust this woman had.

Storm closed his eyes, then opened them while he began to do two things simultaneously. The first thing he would do is grab hold of the table beneath his feet. Its wooden texture would connect with his fingers, feeling a strong grip from the Uchiha man. Storm would calmly show how much power he really has as he would lift the table into the air, turn it all the way upside down, then forcefully shove it to the oncoming girls stomach. If this connected, the girl would be stopped dead in her tracks, and her mouth would probably ooze with blood.

His first action was great, but he was still at risk of failure. She could do a multiple of things to dodge or shred the table. She could continue her path and she could still behead Storm where he sat. So the second thing Storm would do is create two shadow clones. One clone would appear behind him, this one being a very important one for Storm. If the girl found a way to still attack, this one would be in charge of forcing him out of harm. The second clone appeared in front of him. This clone was in charge of continuing the assault on the girl and saving the owner as well. This clone would create another shadow clone which would swiftly carry the man away from harm and further into the kitchen, while the attacking shadow clone would prepare for the females next move.

Storm awaited the untold future, prepping himself for what was to come. His chakra was already charged, what was left of it, and he was ready for anything this woman could possibly do.

Word count: 627

Storms Chakra: 125/250:

Attacking Shadow clones Chakra: 62.5/125:
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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptySat Jan 31, 2015 4:26 am

It seems that vex had stirred up the peaceful and polite Genin when she had included him in her projectile attack of the sliced up table. Or perhaps was he upset that she had sliced up the table and not so much bothered by the fact that she was trying to kill him? That was an interesting notion that she gave very little thought: she could tell Wrath was getting a psychotic giggle of two at the notion of the Genin starting to curse her. He was mad and cursing her in probably the most disrespectful way that he could, it was almost laughable to Vex.

Not so much laughable when a gout of flames suddenly sprang up in front of her: she had felt the air heat up first and instinctively shielded her body by retracting the sword away from Kiyoshi and using it as a shield in front of her body as she sailed between the two men. Her attack was ended suddenly and violently though, Storm's action had barely caught her attention after the flash of fire. He had flipped up a table with his foot and grabbed it and thrust it into her mid-section as a blunt weapon. The strike stopped her momentum completely as it crashed into her mid-section and her face contorted into a smile rather than a look of pain or disbelief.

Suddenly her body disappeared into a poof of white smoke as she turned into a thick log and dropped right between the two men. The table had stopped the log's movement completely as both the table and the log dropped to the ground. Storm created three shadow clones in his second move; a move not entirely anticipated by Vex, as using several shadow clones severely drained ones chakra. Vex appeared behind the clone behind Storm instead of in front of him, she reversed her grip with Wrath in one swift movement and thrust the weapon through the shadow clone and Storm as well through his blind spot in his back: that was her intended goal anyways, if she succeeded or not, that was entirely up to Storm's own skills.

As for the other two shadow clones, the attacking clone ran forward intending to attack but would run forward and find absolutely nothing to attack after the white smoke of the substitution vanished. Vex would raise Chastity up after attempting to thrust Wrath through both Storm's clone and his person, Interesting fire trick Tsuki-nin, but let me show you some real fire... she said while grinning wickedly. Her bladed fan began to glow an ominous color.

Vex molded katon chakra in her stomach and then opened her mouth- the air in the immediate area dried up, making it impossible to breathe within the small building as her heat intensely burned the oxygen away in that split second. Suddenly three small red fireballs erupted from her mouth, each side by side and suddenly growing rapidly and vaulting towards both Storm and Kiyoshi in an extremely fast velocity. These fireballs were each 15ft in diameter and of A Rank class, capable of causing 4th degree burns. If Storm had yet to get a decent distance away from her thrust-strike, he would be hard pressed to not take one of these fireballs point-blank.

Outside of the building, it exploded from the roof and the side wall as the fireballs exploded outwards and caught the area around on fire. Where they had once stood inside a little tavern, they were now standing in a small clearing in the forest with trees burning all around them, the ground away from and around where vex stood was charred with black dirt and smoking wooden pieces f the building. Now that's how you play with fire! Great job girly! Ahahaha! Wrath cheered for her as she brought both weapons down from in front of her shielded position as she stood up defensively and looked through the smoke for her victims. Maybe I overdid it a little... she spoke to Wrath, but seemingly speaking aloud to herself as she laughed, though still on guard.

Word count-
Chakra- 95/150

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Cafe Nox (positively open~) Left_bar_bleue100/100Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Cafe Nox (positively open~) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Cafe Nox (positively open~)   Cafe Nox (positively open~) EmptySat Jan 31, 2015 2:12 pm

Kiyoshi didn't fight the clone who ran off to remove him from the battle, but still had every intention on contributing to the outcome of the fight. There was a hard realization about the destiny of his building. Afterward, for only a brief moment as his view was engulfed by flame. This is really for the best, he thought as he came to terms with the situation. Part of being a monk was about complete willingness to give up worldly possessions. Later he was going to have to beat himself up over getting so extremely upset over a table. The only way to redeem himself and possibly escape was to help in the eminent destruction of his beloved home.

He drew what little bit of air he could into his lungs and felt it begin to change as he formed another hand sign. Flammable gas was pushed out of his lungs as he exhaled. The translucent gas flowed out of his lips just a couple of moments before the ball of fire was going to incinerate him. As the gas hit the ball it exploded backward. The gas filled the entire room and greatly enhanced the explosion that Vex had started only seconds before. The gas spread out causing each ball of flames to be the centers of separate but equally powerful bangs. With Vex having created them she was the point where the blasts intersected. It would be a miracle, and by no means a small one, if she left this fight and was not crippled in some way. This was enough force to crush bone. Flame erupted outward and some followed the gas back to his lips.

Thetorm clones would surely be blown away. Kiyoshi was sent flying and covered with burns through the wall as it splintered. A few hunks of wood were pushed into his flesh. Woodeden spikes flew into his left leg, two in his right shoulder, and one in his midsection. The wall, luckily for the genin being sent through it and who had built it prior, was quite thin and rather weak. He was sent spiralling into the air and landed among the higher branches of the remaining trees in the area. Much to his disappointment, they did not seem to accept him as one of their own. He fell, already feeling so very beaten up, onto the ground with a hard thud.An arm and definitely a couple of ribs were damaged beyond the point of bed rest.

He rose to his feet for a polite bow in the direction that he flew from.
"Thank you for your advice, good woman," Kiyoshi felt a warm tear running down his cheek. He was not crying because all of his hard work was turned to ash. He needed to practice his independence from these worldly things. Homelessness was a thing of the past that he could easily return to. His heart hurt so badly because he did not know what would become of Storm. That stranger could have left him for dead but instead he saved him. He could only assume that since he was a stronger ninja that he would be fine, but he was extremely worried. He tried to stand up straight but just fell forward. He landed face first and barely hanging on to consciousness and decided to just stay that way.

Word Count:


That Jutsu:
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