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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Hashin Valeno

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Posts : 47
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Hashin Valeno Left_bar_bleue220/220Hashin Valeno Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

Hashin Valeno Empty
PostSubject: Hashin Valeno   Hashin Valeno EmptyWed Mar 16, 2011 7:05 am

Hashin Valeno Kyuzo12

‘The iceberg travels upstream, choking it off at its source. The river runs dry, dead and forsaken, yet the iceberg endures. The river has made a terrible mistake and the hyozan now rises to destroy it.’ ‘We are free, bound only to each other. My life is yours, yours is mine. Harm one, harm all. The survivors must avenge. Whatever is taken from the Hyozan, the Hyozan recovers tenfold.’ Strike the top of the iceberg and the bottom will surface.’ ‘The sun rises to burn the skies. The iceberg melts but is still as cold and dense to see another winter, ready to brave the sun once more.’ ‘We will torment you. We will scorch your lands, steal your riches, slaughter the men of your army and starve their families. We will destroy your castles, enslave your people and befoul their graves. We will do all this and the only way to avoid this is if we cannot find you.

We have found you’

Ninja Application


First Name: Hashin
Last Name: Valeno
Alias: The Wandering Demon
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Birthday: October 13
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: none
Affiliation: Wandering Shinobi
Rank: Jounin
Element: Katon – Doton - Fuuton
Specialization: Fuuinjutsu - Ijutsu - Ninjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: When one once had everything in life handed to them on a silver platter only to be cast out of their luxurious ways it can only be expected that the soul shall be made hard and unwilling to let others come in close the the intimate inners of their personality. Hashin was cast out in such a manner which resulted in a violent streak of criminal acts which gained him titles and fame but this had no effect on him for at that point in his life he was focused only on his ability to survive through the long cold nights alone. It was a deep concern of his that he might be sent to meet his demon god early in his life but after a years long pilgrimage through the hot desert dunes he came to peace and shaped himself into the man that he now is known as throughout several major countries. He is a kind man to those whom he sees as able to help him along in his own goals, a type of sadist that is despised among most of society that will use people like dolls that are to be cast to the four winds when he has finished his use of them but along the way gain heir total companionship so that the realization that they meant nothing to him in the end is even greater and more amusing.


  • His Swords
  • Poetry (specifically Haiku but he can appreciate any form)
  • The sense of passion right before battle


  • War
  • Dishonorable People
  • Disrespect shown towards elders

Motivation: To regain his lost honor

Fears: Death

Clan Information

Clan name none

Bloodline Name: Shikigami no Mai

Bloodline Ability:

Paper Manipulation
The people of this clan are generally known to be able to manipulate paper, create paper, become paper. People of this clan can make paper into a lethal weapon. It also seems that when they become paper, they also become ageless as a result. People of this clan are immortal towards age, so they cannot die like that. Paper is Strong to Water and Weak to Oil.

Location: Scattered

Clan History: This clan never started as a noble family or a couple of supreme shinobi who ruled the land or anything like that. It started as two people, a brother and a sister, who ran a library together. They found knowledge to be a sacred treasure and guarded it with their lives. However, they weren't actually shinobi, so they had to learn the basics of combat. Realizing that they weren't adept at combat, they thought of the irony... of using their treasure to combat enemies. By utilizing simple manipulation of wind chakra they ironically both had, they learned to fight using paper. These two went on to get married (to different people) and have kids. Each one taught their children how to use this style from the first moment they could cross their arms and stand. This tradition was passed along for generations, and eventually it came to the modern day. The people of this clan, or bloodline really, have actually over the generations, become so adept at paper manipulation that it evolved into what it is today with advanced attacks.



(Just so you know, the culture of the small village Hashin was from viewed the devil worshipers as actual demons and the Succubus/Incubus were high ranking clergy)

Hashin was born into the harsh climate of the desert twenty seven years past and as he grew his personality grew more and more like the land he grew to love. From the beginning he had always lusted after power and sometimes even craved it like a drug on which he was able to get high, this didn’t always fly right with the village council of elders and he was often punished for his actions more harshly than anyone else. When he turned eight his father was sent out to war along with the rest of the area’s able bodied men but he would never return home. It was when his father had been confirmed dead that his mother opened up to him about his true origins and just why he craved leadership over men more than other children. He was half demon, a succubus to be more accurate, and this almost seemed to please him more than it shocked him. He knew why he wanted what he did and now he planned on keeping his secret while obtaining it, his mother wanted her son to become great as well so she did what she could to help him progress along. It wasn’t long after word of her dead husband spread throughout the small village and as it went farther more and more men lined up at the front door, amongst the litter of potential replacements Shiva found one of the elders and she also saw the potential of what she could accomplish by taking him. So the two became a pair and by abusing his influence on the law system Hashin was allowed to do pretty much whatever he pleased, he taught himself how to sneak about and the art of theft which over the years was nearly perfected by his hand. Even when he was caught in the act he was never turned in, the influence from his mother’s genetics that had passed on to him which made it exceptionally easy to talk his way out of situations in which other would surely have had the throats sliced open. This power was more useful in the highly religious centered community in which he was raised than it would have been elsewhere, for most of the sort of threats that were dished out was targeted around his new father figure. The old man, however, grew tired of having to bail out the young delinquent so he cast him out of the family and kept his mother locked indoors, having discovered her demon identity he had prepared an intricate series of charms and spells that would contain and even control her actions and thoughts. Betrayed and broken, Hashin went into the desert to find his own way and along the path he found religion fitting for those of his kind. Takesh took in the lone desert rat in his divine clawed hands and protected him for otherwise fatal occurrences including constant violent storms and herds of blood thirsty bandits returning from their most recent raid. It was in the sand dunes that the boy began his way along the path of a warrior, robbing a caravan left him with a finely crafted scimitar that shined like the sun when the light caught it. He studied techniques for years and in time was able to become a self-proclaimed master of the weapon’s use, the title of dancing shadow spread throughout the desert dunes like a fever as his growingly risky raids on both villages and even the other bandit tribes themselves grew from rumor to local legend. What happened next could have never been seen coming from his small world centered and extending out to be confined within the sands, the great sickness that was faster and even more devastating than word of his antics. He witnessed the aftermath of what happened when the blight came and went, though it never truly left he thought it might as well be since all the residents were deceased. His hope was quickly running out as he returned to his home for the first time in eight years, now he was nearly a man at the ripe age of twenty-four he might have been welcomed as a hero that had spread tales of wealth and power from his clan but instead he was greeted only by the presence of the sickened and the damned. He looked for his mother and when he found her his heart was dead, tied to a stake and half-dead with third degree burns all over her body. Apparently her lover had turned her over to the rest of his politician friends and she had been made an example of to other demons in the area complete with a sign reading unclean in the demonic alphabet. All inhabitants including his last remaining relative had been infected so he was not able to stay for long at all, taking pity on the woman he used his steel to send her to Takesh to enjoy the afterlife of torturing the humans that had wronged her. He left the city and after exiting the border took a bottle of strong wine that had been set on fire and used it to burn the entire small civilization down to nothing but scorched sand. Months have passed and he wanders the endless dunes looking for power that his demon blood will never let him rest without, so far his journey was turning up nothing but he keeps his head high and his eyes on the next hill hoping that he can find purpose beyond it.

RP Sample: In a split second Tsuneo had produced a kido of flames that incinerated the plant’s arms from Zane who immediately got to a safe distance away. Zane said a few quick swears then released his zanpakuto. “Come forth from the reach of night, Yoru Tsume!” An arm of shadows burst forth from Zane’s chest and reached for the vines and saw that while helping Zane, Tsuneo had been caught by the vines and they were wrapped completely around both of his arms and were slowly making their way to his throat cutting him deeply and they crept. Upon seeing this Zane’s anger took over just as it had before when his family was killed and the shadow appendage that sprang forth from him latched onto the oncoming vines. When the vines were in his grasp Zane, now aware of his actions used the shadow to pull the hollow from its camouflage inside the tree’s trunk and produced a grotesque Venus flytrap like creature.

“Damn you”, said the hollow. “Let him go,” yelled Zane, “or else you will die just that much sooner.” The hollow almost looked as though it were considering its options, but it was all just for show.
The hollow laughed and said, “You really are a great negotiator boy. Die now or die later? But in reality I don’t believe that you could destroy me at either time,” the hollow turned his one disturbing eye toward Tsuneo, “Although your friend here might actually do me some damage. Therefore, he dies now.”

The fiend quickened his pace as Tsuneo attempted to break free and caught his shoulders at the sockets. In just a second both of Tsuneo’s arms were lying detached and twitching on the ground. “Aw DAMN IT,” yelled Tsuneo in a cry of pain. When Zane saw his blood brother dying in the clutches of a hideous monster memories of when his first family flooded back over him. And just like last time the shadow arm from Zane’s chest went wild as his head quickly accessed the knowledge of what he was going to do. With a primal yell from Zane the demon stopped ripping Tsuneo like paper and turned his attention. The arm grabbed a hold of the hollow and used its unnatural strength to grasp its foe with several tons of pressure until it begged for mercy. “Please….have…….. Mercy...” pleaded the hollow. Zane simply kept completely silent and shook his head no as he exerted the last amount of pressure so that the enemy folded in upon itself, cries of pain ringing throughout the area.

Dropping the dead demon’s corpse, Zane used his shadow arm to bring his beloved brother in close to him and took him into his arms. Tsuneo was still alive, but the blood loss from his empty shoulder sockets meant he would be dead any second now. “Brother…,” said Zane. Tsuneo stopped his brother and tried to look comforting. “Now don’t go soft just because I’m going to die, “said Tsuneo laughing weakly, “you must not let my passing distract you. You must move on in your life and continue to be stronger.” Zane was nearly in tears but none the less taking in every word. “If you really want to mourn me, then do so through training. Every time you think of me and want to cry, come to this tree and swing your sword at it. Once you have done this so many times that the tree falls over, then and only then can you feel sad for me. But by then I hope you no longer feel the need to be upset.” Tsuneo winced as the blood flow increased. “I never said this enough my brother but I truly did love you as a member of my own house.” With these words Tsuneo went limp in Zane’s grasp. Taking to heart his brother’s last wishes Zane released the corpse and drew his unreleased Zanpakuto and violently hacked away at the tree for a full four days straight, barely cutting through at all. When he stopped Zane made a small grave and buried Tsuneo under the tree that now held great significance to him, and then reported back to HQ.

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Hashin Valeno Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hashin Valeno   Hashin Valeno EmptyWed Mar 16, 2011 7:02 pm

I like the Bleach Rp Sample. And everything else seems to be in order. So I dub thee:

Hashin Valeno Approvedsmile
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