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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Rosuto Dokuta (Done)

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Rosuto Dokuta
Rosuto Dokuta
Male Posts : 207
Ryo : 950

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PostSubject: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyMon Apr 04, 2011 3:32 am

Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Animeboyblackhair-1
Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application
First Name: Rosuto
Last Name: Dokuta
Alias: n/a
Gender: Male
Age: 18
Birthday: April 13
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None
Affiliation: Boufuugakure Missing-Nin
Rank: C-Rank (if I may)
Element: Raiton, Katon, Fuuton
Specialization: Ijutsu, Genjutsu, and Taijutsu
Personal v2
Personality: Rosuto is a very quiet but intelligent man. He never starts conversations and when talked to he will say the bare minimum and no more, usually a yes or no answer. He is very calm in contact but tends to avoid it if possible, but when he is attacked he has the full intention to kill the aggressor, even if he dosent know them. He is lost in the world and dosent know where he belongs in this world, which he constantly searchs for. He loves to read medical books, develop new Ijutsu, and practices them when ever hes given the opporitunity. He also has found much intrest in the human psyche and studys genjutsu as well. While preforming his Ijutsu he always keeps a blank face and whispers his analysis of the situation to himself as well as what he has to do to fix it.

Likes: Studying, Training, and Rain

Dislikes: Talking, Talkative people, and Agressive people

Motivation: To find his place in the world where he is accepted for who he is and when he does, protect and help those people with his life and abilities.

Fears: Rejection and being labeled a freak because of his personality

Clan Information

Clan name Dokuta

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A


Childhood Arc:
Rosuto was born on a rainy day in April in Boufuugakure . He was an only child and got almost anything he asked for, but for him, all he ever asked for was books. Even as a child he was very intelligent and not very social. He tried to be, but many of the children in his neighborhood thought of him as a spoiled know-it-all and refused to talk to him or even worse beat him up for it, except for one girl, her name was Ukeire. She thought his intelligence was a gift and that it was even attractive. She and him would hang out almost everyday and read books together, she was almost as smart as he was and didnt talk much just like him, they were perfect for each other from the start. Besides when with Ukeire he stayed inside the majority of his childhood reading books about the human body and psyche, even as a child he had an interest in them, and even stranger he understood most of what he read.

Academy Arc:
Rosuto was enrolled at the Boufuugakure ninja academy at the age of 8. His clan had no special abilities. Rosuto was an exception, he was born with the ability to control his chakra precisely, because of this he was at the top of his class. He was able to execute perfectly most of the basic academy jutsu on his first try, and he hoped more than anything that this would make him popular among his peers, It did for only one person, and that was Ukeire, it seemed the smarter he got the stronger their relationship would get, on the other hand for his classmates and peers it did the exact opposite. He was ridiculed constantly and beat up for being "too smart" or "too talented". So again after classes at the academy he would either go study books with Ukeire or go home and read by himself. Now that he was exposed to the idea of chakra and jutsu he now began reading books and scrolls about the 2 types of jutsu that dealt with his favorite subjects, the human body and psyche, Ijutsu and Genjutsu. He was at the top of his class when he graduated from the ninja academy at the age of 10 and at that point could use basic Genjutsu, and even some Ijutsu. He was praised among his teachers and senseis as a natural of chakra control, but that was only to his face, in private they were just like the others who ridiculed him. It seemed that as of now Ukeire was the only one who understood him, the only one that he could trust.

Genin Arc: 
Rosuto was assigned to a 3 man cell in Boufuugakure, It consisted of Rosuto, Ukeire, and a boy by the name of Kyozetsu. Kyozetsu was a cocky arrogant boy that treated Rosuto like everyone else did, but when in combat he relied on his Ijutsu and Genjutsu skills to be a support ninja in their squad during missions, but right when the mission ended he instantly began ridiculing him for his gift and made him feel like a freak. Again he found comfort in his reading and hanging out with Ukeire. He was now reading books about more advanced forms of Ijutsu and Genjutsu becoming stronger by himself and with Ukeire helping him more than he did with his sensei. After completing a certain amount of missions his sensei decided to sign him and his squad up for the Chuunin exams, he hoped this would be a chance to show his worth to the village and prove that he was not a freak and fight people just as strong or stronger than him.

Chuunin Exam Arc:
During the Chuunin Exam Rosuto began to lead his squad, his intelligence made him very combat effiecent and he knew how to use his and his squadmates abilities effectively and powerfully. Kyozetsu was beginning to look up to him, to not ridicule him so much for his abilities, as without Rosutos Ijutsu abilities he wouldve died multiple times during the exams. In the final round of the exams he was pitted against none other than Kyozetsu. All respect he had for Rosuto through the other parts of the exam instantly vanished as they entered the arena against each other. Even though Rosuto had far more intellgence and chakra control he couldn't do much against his superior Taijutsu and Ninjutsu. Just as Kyozetsuwas about to knock him out, he began calling him a freak and saying that how even though he supposedly trusted him and looked up to him during the exams that he was just using him for his Ijutsu. Rosuto was enraged by this, he instantly jumped up and mercilessly assaulted Kyozetsu his personality was the exact opposite of what it was 5 minutes ago. He continued to assault his opponent with the Offensive Ijutsu he had learned and it ended with him delivering a fatal blow to Kyozetsus heart.

Escape Arc:
Rosuto was completly remorseless at what he had just done and at that moment the entire village despised him and wanted nothing more than his death. He realised he couldn't stay here anymore, nobody understood him or his gifts. He fought his way through the ninja attempting to stop him and quickly stopped by his house, to his shock even his own parents rejected him and attempted to hold him until the authorities arrived, he was now blind with fury and struck down both of his parents with his Offensive Ijutsu, he couldnt believe what he had just done and knew there was only one person he could talk to, Ukeire. He grabbed all his favorite books and scrolls of Ijutsu and Genjutsu and put them in a backpack. He then snuck the remainder of the way to Ukeires house. She was appaled at what he had done but still allowed him to rest in her house for the night. He slept through the night and awoke to Storm ninja attempting to apprehend him, standing in full view watching, was Ukeire. He let his anger explode, the fact that the one person who had accepted him, who he loved, could betray him so easily. He killed the ninja attempting to apprehend him and finally unflinching, killed Ukeire. He then snuck the remainder of the way out of the village into the vast world.

Searching for a Home Arc:
So there he was, a 14 year old boy out in the world by himself, even though he had just killed his family and the only person on this earth he had actually loved, He never once looked back or regretted his decision of killing them and leaving the village, they didn't understand him and never would. So he began searching around every village, from the frozen tundra of Hyougagakure to the Scorching heat of Kazangakure, for a new home. But to his dismay every where he went he was shunned for his abilities and labeled a freak just like back in Boufuugakure. Just because of the incident in his home village, he never lost his intrest in the body and mind of humans, so while searching for a home he also continued to look for books and scrolls on Ijutsu and Genjutsu to further his knowledge and strength in the techniques. Finally after 4 years of searching he gave up on any of the villages ever accepting him for who he was.

 The Jungle Arc:
Rosuto is now an 18 year old boy, he travels from village to village still hunted by the ninja of Boufuugakure, he makes sure to never stay in one place for too long out of fear of being discovered. His favorite place to stay now is the Jungle village as they are the ones who were always the least nasty to him, tending to talk more behind his back than to his face. He still hopes to find acceptance somewhere and even though he has given up searching for it, he hopes that someday perhaps someone who would accept him would come to him. Recenty while he was in the Jungle village he heard from whispers within the village of an organization founded by one of the Jungle village. He sees this as a potential beam of hope, a last chance to find acceptance for his talents. Things may be starting to look up for Rosuto...

Bijuu Arc:
When Rosuto was 19 the idea of him being by himself in the world was too much to bear so in a last resort desperation attempt to be accepted he returned to the village which he had found to be most welcoming to him, the jungle, he told them that he would do anything to be accepted into their village as one of their ninja. The kage used this as an opprotunity to get a vessel for the six tail byakku that they had recently captured, no other villager would risk their lives by having it sealed inside them, but Rosuto would do it in a heartbeat if it meant being accepted into a group. The kage told him the risks of the sealing but it didn't matter to him. They then proceeded to seal the bijuu inside of him. Immediatly after it was sealed they felt as though he's body would give out and be consumed by the bijuu, and they were almost correct. By the power of Rosutos will to be accepted into the village with the assistance of the sealing squad of the jungle it was successfully planted inside of him, and he was officially welcomed into the jungle village as a chuunin.

The Present:
Rosuto is now an 21 year old chuunin inside the jungle village, during the two years after the sealing of the bijuu he spent them just learning to keep it surpressed and not letting it consume his body, he has no knowledge of how to access the bijuus power but hopes that in due time he will learn. Aside from that he still held his love for learning about the human body and mind, still being a primarily Ijutsu and Genjutsu ninja. Now that he was finally accepted into a group, he will do anything to protect the group and keep them happy, even if it means risking his life everyday, sharing his body with an overwhelmingly powerful force of chakra.

RP Sample:
It was a warm day in Boufuugakure, there was a slight rain falling from the sky as there always was in the village. Under a tree sat a young boy reading a book while 3 others played with a ball a close distance away. The boy who was sitting under the tree was no other than Rosuto Dokuta. He was reading one of his favorite medical books and was at the section having to do with the brain, his favorite organ.

As he read one of the boys playing with the ball kicked it and it bounced over to Rosuto. He looked up from his book at the ball then to the boy standing just a few feet away from him, as if he were afraid to get closer. Rosuto grabbed the ball and smiled at the boy and said in a soft tone while handing it to him "Heres your ball back." after he said this the boy took it and said "Thanks." the boy walked a little ways before turnig around and yelling "Freak!" the boy then kicked the very ball Rosuto gave back to him right at his face.

It made contact and threw his head backwards into the tree causing intense pain throughout his entire head. He curled into a fetal position and began to cry quietly as the boys laughed and ran away. He felt alone and rejected, a pain he had felt so many times before, and it wasnt getting easier to manage.

Last edited by Rosuto Dokuta on Tue Apr 05, 2011 7:41 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Rosuto Dokuta
Rosuto Dokuta
Male Posts : 207
Ryo : 950

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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 2:20 am

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Male Posts : 5756
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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 6:59 pm

The only problem I see in the story is the Akatsuki part. Bc Akatsuki has yet to make a move, they aren't universally hated yet. So whispers of them are ok, but not that they are hated..
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Rosuto Dokuta
Rosuto Dokuta
Male Posts : 207
Ryo : 950

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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 7:02 pm

Alright, edited
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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 7:37 pm

I'm not a great judge of apps in terms of the level of rank, but I will approve the character after one last thing... If you want a clan name and no abilities, then chakra control has to be something that your character is born with, not the clan itself. That is the last thing I see...
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Rosuto Dokuta
Rosuto Dokuta
Male Posts : 207
Ryo : 950

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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 7:41 pm

Ok, edited again
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Male Posts : 5756
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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 7:57 pm

I approve the character and clan name. I will leave the rank to Altair, who's a better judge of judging apps in terms of rank...
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Kouri Ten'nou

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Rosuto Dokuta (Done) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Rosuto Dokuta (Done)   Rosuto Dokuta (Done) EmptyTue Apr 05, 2011 8:20 pm

Rosuto Dokuta is approved as a C-rank missing ninja.
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