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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Hawk Summoning

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Posts : 63
Ryo : 350

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue260/260Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyThu Jul 14, 2011 8:11 pm

Animal Type: Hawk
Number of "Family" Members: One

Name: Wanozakai
Height: 22”7
Weight: 950 lbs
Rank: S
Element: Fuuton
Personality: Very well known as the ‘Wanderer of the Sky’, hence his name ‘Wanozakai’. His personality is somewhat a selfish one that has his own personal goals and doesn’t even value (most) of the people he had acquired a contract with. Although he isn’t a Bijuu at all, his personality sometimes seems to rival one. He has an arrogant tone to his voice that is good at mocking the opponent and try to get him to make unnecessary movements, thus flaws in his/her fighting abilities.

Wanozakai is also very confident in his own strength and isn’t afraid of whatever summoning or person he might come across. Everything he sees and gets into a fight with, he wants to destroy and create havoc amongst the human beings whenever he enters the human world. Although he would like to destroy even his contractor(s), he refrains himself from doing so, because that would basically mean less percent chance to enter the human world.

He sees his own world, where all the summonings roam around, as some sort of prison where his life just has a daily routine. Nothing seems to faze this arrogant hawk and doesn’t seem nervous in even the most desperate situations.

Name: Wind Bullet
Rank: B
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m). Mid (5m ~ 10m). Far (10m+).
Description: A bullet made out of wind used by the summoning called Wanozakai. Upon focusing his own chakra into his lungs, he'll inhale all of the air. When he has finished gathering the amount of air and chakra, he'll release all of it at once while forming the shape of a large sized ball which has the ability to cut through the opponent's skin and bones upon impact, unless the target is a summoning itself. In that case, it'll cut through the flesh but not the bones. It's also inevitable that the target will be blown backwards. Maximum speed is 200 MPH. Cooldown is 2 posts. Size is 250 CM width and height.

Name: Screech
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m). Mid (5m ~ 10m). Far (10m+).
Description: A deaf making technique used by the summoning called Wanozakai. Upon focusing his own chakra into his lungs, he’ll inhale all of the air. When he has finished gathering the necessary amount of air and chakra, he’ll release all of it at once in a powerful screech. The screech is said to be powerful enough to temporarily paralyze or even crush the target(s)’(s) eardrums, causing them to be temporarily or permanently deaf. Cooldown is 8 posts.

Of course, the damage done depends how much distance there is between the summoning and the target. Here under you’ll see a list that’ll explain it.

0m ~ 5m: Permanently deaf.
5m ~ 10m: Temporarily deaf. Lasts 6 posts.
10m+: Temporarily deaf. Lasts 4 posts.

If the summoning's contractor is within the range of 10m as well, he/she can be permanently / temporarily deaf as well.

On top of the ‘being deaf’ part, it’s logical that the target(s)’(s) will also receive internal damage to the ears. Which can be very painful.

Name: Spirit of Wind
Rank: A
Type: Ninjutsu
Element: Fuuton
Range: Close (0m ~ 5m). Mid (5m ~ 10m). Far (10m+).
Description: An interesting 'fusion' type-technique used by the summoning Wanozaki. Upon focusing all of his chakra, he'll also inhale all of the air around him. He'll absorb enough air to fill his entire body. When he has finally reached its limit of holding the air, the chakra will make sure that the air gathered in his body will materialize in a body of its own, covering Wanozaki's entire body. It will seem that his entire body has been transformed in the wind itself. Not only is the damage done to him reduced by half, his power in attacking has been doubled as well. Thus, double as fearsome. This technique lasts for 2 posts. Cooldown of 5 posts.

Equipment: N/A

Last edited by Rei on Fri Jul 15, 2011 10:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue330/330Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:07 pm

Wind Bullet - On my Dragon app, the speed for mine were asked to be 200 mph at B rank. Cooldown and full dimension size of the bullet

Screech - Id say, right next to the ear for permanent deaf, the entire topic from 1-5, the others are ok. Cooldown.

Spirit of Wind - Needs a cooldown.
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Posts : 63
Ryo : 350

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue260/260Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:18 pm

Wind Bullet - Then to be fair I'll edit in that their max. speed is 200 MPH. Cooldown is 2 posts. Size is 250 CM, width and height.

Screech - Cooldown is 8 posts, due to it being almost unavoidable and due to the damage done. The permanent deaf idea you suggested would be possible, but I think being 5 metres away and having to get a screech from an animal that big would cause enough damage to crush your eardrums, right?

Spirit of Wind - Cooldown of 5 posts.
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue330/330Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:22 pm

Wind Bullet - approved.

Screech - Makes sense, but Im trying to protect peoples hearing here lol. If you want it that way, then itll be fine, but will eat up your spending amount for this summon

Spirit of Wind - Approved

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Ryo : 350

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue260/260Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:23 pm

Thanks for approving two of them. Yeah, I actally do want it that way.

If you don't mind, please put up the price of the summoning and techniques here to see if it's within the amount of Ryo I currently have.
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue330/330Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:46 pm

Ok, with the 31,000 'summoning' ryo for the S Rank, you have two A Ranks, and a B. The wind bullet is 8500 ryo, due to its nature of power. The Screech tech is 10,000 due to it being able to deafen someone within 15 ft. Distance. The last jutsu is 9,000 due to its practical use and description. This gives you 27,500 ryo out of 31,000 leaving you 3,500 to use. The scroll is going to cost YOU still, only 25,000 ryo.

Screech needs a cooldown and also put in that it can cause you to go deaf as well, if you are in range.
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Posts : 63
Ryo : 350

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue260/260Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:49 pm

I also put up the cooldown for Screech about 2 posts back (8 posts cooldown).

I'll just leave it at using 27,500 ryo and buy it. If you accept everything about this application, post it here and I'll deduct my own Ryo, considering you're probably on your phonen and unable to access the Admin panel.

After you accept everything, I'll edit all information into the Jutsu that we discussed.
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Male Posts : 5756
Ryo : 12100

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue330/330Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (330/330)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 9:56 pm

Make your edits. In actuality, my phone accesses the Admin panel easier than the rest of the site. Ill deduct your ryo and once you make the edits, you may place it in your tech list.
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Posts : 63
Ryo : 350

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Hawk Summoning Left_bar_bleue260/260Hawk Summoning Empty_bar_bleue  (260/260)

Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning EmptyFri Jul 15, 2011 10:01 pm

Everything edited in. Thanks for deducting the Ryo and helping with creating approvable techniques.

Will be moved to technique list now.
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Hawk Summoning Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hawk Summoning   Hawk Summoning Empty

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