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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Anaguma Zeppeki

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Anaguma Zeppeki
Anaguma Zeppeki
Male Posts : 73
Ryo : 1350

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Anaguma Zeppeki Empty
PostSubject: Anaguma Zeppeki   Anaguma Zeppeki EmptyWed Jun 08, 2011 1:40 pm

Anaguma Zeppeki 610679-bigthumbnail

Faith is the greatest weapon a man can have.
Ninja Application


First Name: Anaguma
Last Name: Zeppeki
Alias: Set's Disciple
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: May 2nd
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Raiton, Katon, Fuuton
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Anaguma is mature for his age, though still likes to enjoy life, never hesitating to slack off when the opportunity presents itself. He is a highly trustworthy person, who enjoys to meet new people, and make new friends, which he does quiet easily as he is a very likable person. He is also quick to protect his friends, stepping up to defend them faster than anyone else, including themselves sometimes. He hates it whenever people are rude, whether it's to him, or his friends it matters not. Ana will not stand by and let the person get away with it.

Ana takes his job as Clan leader very seriously, protecting his clan, and making sure all their needs are met, water, food, proper tools, clothing and anything else essential to everyday life. He takes pride in making sure that his clan prospers, and will do whatever is needed of him to defend it, and make sure that his clan survives.

He is also more comfortable out in the desert, being a worshipped of Set, who's domain is the desert. He also he enjoys causing chaos between those who he considers to be his enemies. He has been known to, on occasion have odd mood swings, becoming very rude and scornful, where as most of the time he is simply chaotic, causing mischeif, not harm.

Likes: Anaguma likes to talk, make friends, take long journeys into the desert, and defend his friends. He also enjoys providing for his people, making sure to keep them properly fed, clothed etc.

Dislikes: Anaguma dislikes his friends, or himself being insulted, he also dislikes rudeness, threats made to his clan, attacks on his clan, and anyone who tries to destroy his clan, or its homeland.

Motivation: His motivation is to protect his clan, make sure that they continued to exist, as they have for hundreds of years prior.

Fears: Death, and his older sister.

Clan Information

Clan name Zeppeki

Bloodline Name: Farao no chi

Bloodline Ability: The ability of this clan is a direct link with their gods, who grant them their special abilities. Each member of the clan worships one god above all others, and that god gives that clan member there elements. The list is as follows:

-Set: Raiton, Katon, Fuuton
-Anubis: Katon, Doton, Fuuton
-Bastet: Raiton, Doton, Suiton
-Osiris: Doton, Suiton, Raiton
-Sekhmet: Katon, Fuuton, Doton
-Nephyths: Suiton, Fuuton
-Horus: Fuuton, Raiton
-Ra: Katon, Fuuton
-Nut: Fuuton, Suiton
-Geb: Doton, Suiton

Each clan member is also born with a nonfunctioning eye, left or right, it matters not. On this pure white useless eye is the symbol of the god that that member worships most. Once a member has a symbol they can not switch to a different god. All members of the clan have the same specializations, Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Ijutsu.

Location: Sabakugakure

Clan History: The clan started out as a small nomadic family who lived off of what the desert in which they resided provided. They never stayed in one place too long, always moving about the desert, treating nature with the greatest respect. They were unique, due to their religion, which consisted of hundreds of different gods, each one being a personification of an element or object. The clan made many shrines to these gods, praising their powers. They even had a group men devoted to the worship of their gods; their preists.

The clan grew over time, slowly progressing into a small villages worth of people. They finally were forced to settle into a permanent settlement, unable to move about with so many people. They built large shrines to the gods, building idols of them to worship. The clan was happy with their lot in life, giving the gods many sacrifices to keep them favourable. The clan lived this way for not a handful of years, before the famine came.

The famine demolished the clan's pastures, killing off all of their cattle, causing many of the clan to die off. The high priest began to pray to the gods, asking for their aid, praying to them, hoping that they would send them food, or a way out, some way to survive. No answer was forth coming, the gods were silent, for many days. The high preist began to fast, making all of the priests under him follow his lead, allowing the ordinary people of the clan larger portions of their dwindling food supplies.

For a week he fasted, then that night, he recieved a vision, a dream as he sat in the shrine, chanting. The gods showed him a valley, a valley so lush, so green that it hurt the eyes to look upon for too long. A winding slash of blue crisscrossed through the center of the valley, providing the much needed water that provided life out in the dessert. The high priest was shown a safe path to the valley, he awoke from his dream, and spread the good news telling the entire clan of his dream.

The next day they had packed everything they could gather, and began to head towards the safe path the gods showed to the high priest, the Nile river, which lead directly into the valley. So the clan set forth, heading off for this new land that was to be their own, in order to start their new lives. Many more died on the two day journey to the river, but five infants were born, within days of each other. Though these five children all shared a birth defect. Each one of them was born with only one working eye. The other was dead and milky white.

The high priest prayed to the gods, asking them about this strange defect, and again the gods gave him a vision. They appeared to him, telling him of the power of the path of the Shinobi, of the power of chakra, and how they themselves could access this power. The Gods went on to explain that the children who were just born would be able to learn elemental chakra, though only if they devoted themselves to one god above all others. The dead eyes were a sacrifice to the gods for this power they had been granted.

They gods also told the high priest that his generation would be unable to learn to use chakra, but that each child from now on would be born with only one working eye, and that future generations would have the ability to use chakra. Shortly after this vision the clan set off again on their journey through the desert, towards the lush greenery that was to be their new home. The high priest never saw it, as he died shortly after his second vision from the gods. His finaly act was to promote his right hand to high priest.

By the time the clan reached the valley their numbers had been halved, though many of the surviving women were pregnant, and each of them knew that their children would be born with this odd defect, for the high priest had told the clan of his second vision, before he died. The surviving members of the clan were frail and starving, many of them suffering from malnutrition. Luckily for them fruits, vegetables, and animals were in great abundance in this valley.

once more the clan settled down, their month long trek through the desert finished. Slowly the elders of the clan who had survived began to receive strange messages in their dreams, and awoke with odd knowledge; the knowledge of a shinobi. They had been instructed to teach the young children the way, teach them the essential skills of a ninja. Slowly more and more of the clan gained this knowledge, and were able to create an academy, to teach the youth of the village how to be a shinobi.

Years later the clan has once again returned to the size of a village, now with a strong bond with their gods, all members missing one eye. The clan now knew of the shinobi villages, especially of the closest, Sabakugakure. They did not pose a threat to the village, so the two had a tentative peace, neither attacked the other, though they would not assist each other either. The two villages have been this way for a while, in a stale mate. Until the new leader of the clan, one Anaguma Zeppeki, has tried to do the unthinkable, he is trying to make an alliance with the village. Only the future will tell what happens to those who dwell in the lush green valley known as Egypt.


Pre-academy arc

Anaguma was born to the leader of the clan, and his wife. He was the younger of two children, having an older sister, Marian, who was seven when Ana was born. His sister started to resent him almost immediately, because he stole attention away from her, due to him being naught more than an infant. He was born with the same defect that the rest of his clan has, one working eye. Though both his parents, and sister all had their left eye still, Ana had his right eye. He was an oddity in their family, but he was still a part of the family.

As he grew Ana was trained by his father to take over his duties whenever he grew too old to lead the family, this bothered Ana's sister, making her resent him even more than she already had. It was Marian's belief that she should be the next clan leader, despite the tradition of leadership being passed on to the eldest son. So one day before Ana ever entered the academy, his sister tried to kill him.

Ana was sitting in the backyard, playing with a small toy kopesh, when his siter walked up behind him, smiling and asking him to play with her. By this point Ana was five, his sister twelve. She had already achieved genin level, and knew the lower levels of the clan's jutsu. Behind her back she held a small blade, a knife, which she enhanced with her chakra. As little Ama held up the small Kopesh blade to his sister, she lashed out with the knife, cutting a shallow furrow across her brother's cheek. He didn't cry out, or wail, he simply grabbed tighter on the blade, revealing that it was no mere toy, and actually had an edge. He swung wildly at his sister, cutting open both her forearms, leaving small x shaped scars on both of her inner wrists.

After that she didn't try to take his life again, only made it a living hell, torturing Ana, taunting him, giving him nightmares for years afterwards from some of the things she did. Ana never grew to hate his sister, though he did grow to fear her, treating her as one would an angry scorpion, staying away from the claws, and trying to avoid it's stinger. unfortunately for Ana, he was never very successful, and got stung many many times.

Academy Arc

Once Ana reached the appropriate age he was enrolled in the clan's academy, being raised to become a ninja, as well as receiving special lessons from his father, preparing him for the future, so that he would be ready for the day when he had to take responsibility for the entire clan. Ana looked forward to these special lessons, as his father was a much better teacher than any at the academy, and Ana rarely got to spend time with his father during the daylight hours. Ana's training progressed quickly, and he never faltered once, never failing a single thing. He strove to perfect everything he was taught. He succeeded, both in the academy, and as the leaders apprentice.

The day Ana graduated from the academy was the day his father had nothing left to teach to him. So Ana became a full fledged genin. Of course this was the day that Marian tried to take Ana's life again, this time out of revenge for the last time. Her resentment of him, which had built up over the years, had turned into full fledged hatred. She hated Ana with every fiber of her being, and would stop at nothing to kill him, humiliate him, brutalize him, until nothing that was Ana was left in this world.

Genin Arc

As Ana was walking home from the academy, for the last time, Marian jumped out of a tree, landing next to Ana on the path. She had twin Kopesh blades on her back, and her dead eye glowed with the symbol of Sekhmet, her newly acquired patron goddess. She glared at him, shouting and swearing, pointing at him, her eyes filled with loathing, and the beginnings of insanity. She drew the blades, and charged the newly made genin. Ana knew his sister was a Chuunin now, and he knew that if she got too close too him with those blades of hers he was done for. So he did the one thing he could, he ran. Ana had always been faster than his sister, and since she was weighed down by the two blades he easily beat her home, throwing open the front door, and running through the house to find his parents.

As he ran into their bedroom he found a horrible sight, his sisters hatred for him had extended to include their parents also, their mutilated corpses hung from the rafters, on ropes made from their own intestines. Ana dropped to his knees, his stomach lurching. Neither of his parents had been armed, they had been laying in bed together, enjoying the afternoon. Ana could not look up at the blood stained ruined faces of his parents, he shut his eyes, and wept silently into the carpet. As Ana wept his sister silently stalked closer to the house, knowing how he would react, and saving her energy for the kill.

As Ana lay weeping he felt an odd sensation growing in and around his body. At first he thought it was merely sorrow building to the point of it being tangible, but no. It was the presence of a God. Set appeared to Ana, giving him a vision, taking his Ba, his spirit, to the realm of the Gods, the Duat. He told Ana that he could give him power beyond what he already possessed, which admittedly was formidable, but Ana needed to do something for Set. Set had never once had one of the clan worship him above all the others, never once in the clan's long history. Set wanted a disciple, he wanted a worshipper, someone who would willingly accept him, the God of Chaos and Evil.

Ana did as Set asked, promising to make set his patron god. So it was that Set had a worshipper, and not just any member of the clan, but the leader to be. Ana awoke, and looked up into the insane leering face of Marian. Ana's dead white eye suddenly began to glow, and on it's surface a symbol appeared. A fiery red emblem appeared where his pupil should be, the symbol of his patron god, Set. As Ana received his power a large shock wave of elemental chakra was released from his body, waves of electricity, fire, and wind pulsed out from every part of Ana's body, destroying his parents room, and brutally scarring his sister, making her match her scarred mind.

Marian fled, taking nothing but her twin Kopesh blades, and a scroll which contained copied down versions of each of the clan's jutsu. No one stopped her from fleeing, for no one knew she had taken what she had taken. Ana did not grieve her flight, only feared her return, for the only thing that fueled her, was her insanity, and need for revenge against him. Ana knew that one day she would be back, and there was no telling how many more of the clan's jutsu she would have mastered by this time.

Leadership arc

Ana now leads the clan, becoming it's youngest leader ever, and only leader to ever become an disciple of Set. Despite the fact that he chose Set the people love Ana as a leader, he is kind, and generous, rarely ever mistreating someone, and when he does it's blamed on the corruption of Set. So Ana will take long walks into the desert, sometimes being gone for many days, leaving things to his right hand, a man named Renzo. He is very good with numbers, paperwork and scheduling, which is why Ana has him, for Ana is horrible with all three. Ana is widely considered to be the best leader the clan has ever had, not counting their spiritual leaders, the priests. Ana is content with being good at something, and the fact that he is accepted to be the leader, at genin makes him all the more content.

So this is where we find Anaguma Zeppeki, making plans to ally his clan with Sabakugakure, leading his people kindly and wisely, and awaiting the fearful day when his sister returns for her vengeance.

RP Sample: Anaguma sat behind the desk he had, awaiting the small dispute that the clan's blacksmith had with one of his patrons. He said that the man was not paying him enough money for his work. Anaguma was told the price for the item purchased, and the amount payed, which matched up, but the blacksmith believed that some of the money the man used to pay for the item was fake. Ana nodded his head in thought looking over the money in question. He glanced at Renzo, who was looking at it from behind Ana, where he was usually stationed, behind his chair.

Renzo adjusted his glasses, and shook his head slightly, indicating to Ana that the money was indeed real legitimate currency, they had decided on this a long time ago, that Renzo would be the brains, but make it seem as if it ws actually Ana who had figured out the solution to the problem. Ana handed back the money to the blacksmith, also shaking his head. He smiled at the man, and offered him ryo from his own purse to pay for the anguish he had gone though. The blacksmith, shook his head no, being an honorable man, feeling that his honor had been breached by this childish squabble.

Ana watched the man walk away before turning in his chair to face Renzo, who had returned to his own desk further back in the room. Ana clasped his hands together, a slightly anxious look on his face. "anything else for the day, Renzo." the older man shut his one good eye and shook his head, smiling. "No sir, you are free for the rest of the day, in fact you have no more appointments for the rest of the week. Will you be taking another trip into the desert?"

Ana smiled in response and stood walking from his office. Being the leader of this clan, and this town was difficult, and he needed one of his famous breaks. He sighed, as he walked off, following the Nile up and out of the valley, and into the blinding glare of the desert. Ana smiled and inhaled deeply, satisfied out in a place where his chaotic impulses felt at ease. One of the downsides of being a disciple of Set, you become tainted slightly by his chaotic nature. Ana and his clan were used to it, and had found an excellent way to deal with the problem, without harming anyone.

Ana continued to wander deeper into the desert, wondering how long he would be gone this time.

Source: Google
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Anaguma Zeppeki
Anaguma Zeppeki
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PostSubject: Re: Anaguma Zeppeki   Anaguma Zeppeki EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 2:17 am

*Bump* Finished!
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
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PostSubject: Re: Anaguma Zeppeki   Anaguma Zeppeki EmptyWed Jun 15, 2011 5:11 am

Approved. Welcome to the Jungle.
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