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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Midareru Sukurimo

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Midareru Sukurimo
Midareru Sukurimo
Posts : 10
Ryo : 450

Midareru Sukurimo Empty
PostSubject: Midareru Sukurimo   Midareru Sukurimo EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 9:21 pm

Midareru Sukurimo 9787431ac17000_full

Midareru Sukurimo Whoare14

First Name: Midareru
Last Name: Sukurimo
Alias: The Musician from Hell, Mid, Middy
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Height: 6'4”
Weight: 178
Birthday: June 21st
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: Yoko Sukurimo (twin sister)
Affiliation: Boufuugkure
Rank: Genin
Element: Fuuton, Katon, Doton
Specialization: Chuijutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Midareru Sukurimo Tellme11

Personality: Midareru is a sarcastic individual, he is not unfriendly, but not openly friendly or kind. He is never hurtful with his sarcasm, at least not in his own perception of the comment. He absolutely hates those people who insult his music, or music in general, and is very opinionated, though not openly so. He doesn't like voicing things, preferring to let his music talk for him. His style of music is more gothic, like metal and Punk. He does have a taste for the classical, but he rarely shows it, as it is a very small taste.

Mid can be uptight on occasion, and a stickler for the rules, but that's very rare. Mid is normally completely laid back and uncaring, not giving a damn about what people think about him. Mid also loves his guitar, and has spent so much on it. He has customized it perfectly to his liking, and he will never get rid of it, or change it in anyway. Anyone who damages it receives no respect, and no mercy.

Mid is also afraid to enter hospitals, the reason is unknown, even to himself. As well he fears bald animals, again for an unknown reason. Mid is not overly fond of anything, except for his guitar, and his music. He is very easily pissed off, but has great control over his actions, and will only get more sarcastic, but occasionally violent.

Midareru is very proud of his twin, and loves her more than anything else, including his guitar. He will not let her know, nor anyone else, and he is good at keeping it secret.

Likes: Midareru enjoys few things, being the type of person he is, he doesn't really do much, so has not much to like. Though, he does enjoy music, listening to it, playing it, writing it. And he enjoys admiring his guitar, and other people admiring it. He loves his sister, but never lets on that he does.

Dislikes: Mid dislikes few things, being the type of person he is, he really doesn't do much, and so has not much to dislike. Though he hates people who hate music, especially his own. Also anyone who is disrespectful to his guitar, he will harm brutally. Mid can not stand those who are cruel or rude or mean, etc, to his twin sister, and will defend her at whatever costs.

Motivation: Mid has little motivation, being the type of guy he is. He is so laid back his one motivation is simply to continue to exist. He has no goals for a higher rank, no wish to improve on himself, no want to make friends and have adventures, he jut wants to live on.

Fears: Midareru is not afraid of death, but he is afraid of hospitals and doctors. He has an odd fear of bald animals, such as naked mole rats. He has no idea why he has these fears, he just does. The fear of hospitals is due to hi near death during birth.

Midareru Sukurimo Blood10


Bloodline Name: Ongaku Keiosu

Bloodline Ability: Chuijutsu: Note Technique. Chuijutsu is using music as a weapon for combat, supplementary, passive, or defensive abilities/skills. The clans' chakra is constantly leaking into their notes played with any sort of musical instrument, or anything that gives off something that could be considered a musical tone, thus giving it strange properties controlled by the user. The music, being almost magical, is impossible to ignore. Even the deaf are effected, unless they can not hear due to not having the receptors in the brain working. If someone can not hear due to being unable to register the sound waves than they can still be effected by the magical music of the Sukurimo.

Thereby, techniques that prevent sound from accessing the ears are bypassed by the chakra laced notes. Obviously, many sorts of musical mediums, styles, sorts, etc are the center for all clan jutsu. Also, any born into this clan are extremely talented with one given instrument, though they must discover it for themselves.

Location: Clan was born in Kazangakure, but scattered shortly before it's destruction. Most of them now reside within Boufuugakure.

Clan History: The Sukurimo started as a small group of traveling musicians, who were all well regarded in their field of occupation. Which of course was assassination. They were not merely musicians, they were a highly trained group of shinobi from all over the world, brought together by their mutual love of music. They slowly began to form couples, making their group grow, as children were born into the newly formed “family”. Most members were not related by blood to each other, but had such a strong bond, that they considered themselves to be a family.

Somehow, by miracle of genetic mutation, most of the second generation had a literal connection via chakra to their music. Most children noticed it at around the age of eight, when they played and odd things happened. By the time the second generation was around the age of 18 it was common to the clan that they could control things with music, or make odd events happen. Still, some of the things the children could do were uncanny.

As the new clan progressed along into the third generation others began to notice their odd abilities, and their love of music. They became known more as a family of bards then a shinobi clan, and were disregarded by most other large clans, thinking that the Sukurimo were weak, defenseless. So they were never attacked, as no other clan saw any advantage of attacking the musicians. This allowed the Sukurimo to become larger, ascertaining themselves as one of the more respected clans, never getting involved in any disputes between other families, never starting fight, always being relatively peaceful, only a few disputes within the clan.

Some members of the clan had plans for war, as they had become sick of being ignored by the other large families, sick of being seen as not a threat, tired of being underestimated. Many members of th clan felt this way, especially the youths, who were always picked on for being, “Tree hugging hippies”. So finally one day, the clan struck out. The clan brought together it's greatest fighters, it's greatest shinobi, and they lead an assault on rival family, wiping them out entirely, making their power and influence grow. The clan settled into a comfortable position, one of high power, rivaled by none.

The clan grew complacent, they did not expect any attack, knowing that fear would hold back any clan foolish enough to try to attack them. What they had not considered, was the attack of one Dominic Edrick, The Umikage. The members of the clan barely had time to escape, before their homes, their village, their seat of power, were destroyed, by this one man.

The clan members now roam, restless, without a home, and seeking vengeance, though not against Dominic Edrick, but the Kage who could not defend them. Few in the clan realize that the Kage is in fact already dead, killed in the attack on the village. Now the remnants of the clan, scattered, broken, live their lives in obscurity, never making much of themselves. Though for how long, who can say. The future is a difficult thing to predict.

Midareru Sukurimo Histor11


Birth Arc

Midareru had a bad birth by most standards, nearly dieing at the hands of incompetence. The doctor preforming the birth did not remove the umbilical chord from around his throat, before removing his from the womb. Mid would not have lived it not for a second doctor, one with considerably more experience, happened to be assisting. He managed to unwrap the chord from around Mids neck, and saved his life. Of course, he was placed in the intensive care unit for a while, making sure no permanent damage had been done by his near death. His twin sister of course had no issue's with her birth.

After several horrid weeks in the hospital Mid was released into his parents care, where he finally got to experience a normal infancy.

Childhood Arc

After his near death incident as a bay his parents gave more attention to him, having been afraid to lose him. They realized how close they had come to losing their elder child, and their son. So without really meaning to they babied him, giving him more attention than his sister, and giving them both complexes. He did not like their attention, so he ended up becoming more and more lethargic, not caring, not trying to be anything, hoping their attention would go back to his sister, which eventually happened due to her own behavioral issues. Both of the twins still loved their parents, but were placed on opposite ends, both wanting the exact opposite thing from their parents, either more, or less attention.

Academy Arc

Mid had a basic academy life, never standing out, slacking off most of the time, until he found his instrument. The moment he tried the guitar he knew it was his. He had never played it before, but the moment he lay a single hand on the neck, and picked up a pic, he had an odd feeling in his whole body. He could play any song set in front of him, any piece of music with such extreme ease it was as if he had been practicing his entire life, as if he had done this same song hundreds of times before. The guitar itself had been nothing special, just a regular acoustic guitar. Mid realized one thing playing it, he preferred heaver types of music.

One day after leaving the academy on his way home he stopped by this musical store owned and operated by the Sukurimo, and bought himself an electric guitar. And he tricked it out, extensively. By the time he was finished making it his he had finished his time in the academy, and was a certified genin. He finally was in the ninja world, with his best foot forward, and the rest of him in a comfortable lazy chair.

Genin Arc

Mid sits here, doing nothing, after seventeen years of life. It's not that he is lazy, he has no motivation, due to his childhood want of no attention from his parents. He and his sister live together, and are still as close as always, Mid being her shoulder to cry on, her confidant, her bodyguard, and whatever else she needed. She being his sister, which is all he needs from her. He would do anything to protect her, and would die to keep her safe.

RP Sample: Midareru walked through the streets of Boufuugakure, ignoring those around him, his guitar case resting on his back. He had just left his house, the one he shared with his sister and was heading to a gig he had at a local bar. He would be meeting up with a few other members of the Sukurimo, one who would be playing the other instruments needed for this kind of music. His drummer, bassist, and rhythm guitarist would all be there already, while he and his cousin made their way there. He cousin was the front man, the singer of the band.

Mid stopped a moment, adjusting his guitar as the strap bit into his shoulder painfully. He tapped a small tune with his foot, chakra leaking into it, making people turn in his direction, as everyone heard it perfectly and without any distortion. He smiled, as he heard anothers return beat, knowing his cousin was nearby. ”Your reply is sloppy cousin.” Mid said, his voice just dripping with sarcasm and twisted humor. He spotted his cousin, who stood leaning against the door to the bar where they were to play. He jerked his head to the alley next to it, his meaning clear; Lets do this. Mid followed him, smirking as he did so. It was time to put on a show.

Midareru Sukurimo Extra10

Source: Alt of Andeddo Tokko

Face Claim: Rayne, Neo Angelique Abyss

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Midareru Sukurimo Empty
PostSubject: Re: Midareru Sukurimo   Midareru Sukurimo EmptyThu Aug 25, 2011 10:57 pm

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