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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Shichiyou, Naitosuchi

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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptyMon Sep 12, 2011 11:35 pm

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi 5v88jr

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Whoare14

First Name: Naitosuchi
Last Name: Shichiyou
Alias: The Frozen Pillar
Gender: Male
Age: 15
Height: 5'2
Weight: 100 lbs
Birthday: April 11th
Sexuality: None
Relationships: Brother of Tenzou
Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Hyouton, Suiton, Fuuton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Fuuinjutsu

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Tellme11

Personality: Let's start this interesting little shindig off with saying that Naitosuchi is a masochist at an extreme level. Pain is his pleasure. Pleasure is his pain. Anything good in life brings him actual sadness, while all the bad things in life(such as pain or cruelty) can plant a smile on his face. Naitosuchi isn't anything good. He is a very cold, callous, dispassionate figure, and is rather aloof, brooding, and indifferent, willing to harm both his comrades and enemies should they ever get in his way. He refers to anyone he does not find interesting as "trash" and treats them as expendable. Of course, he is obedient and will only fight if provoked or ordered. He claims that he does not believe in Human emotions, which he refers to as the "heart," reasoning that if his eye cannot see them, then they do not exist. These words, and much of Ulquiorra's overall behavior, reflect the concepts of materialism. His cold demeanor allows him to stay completely calm and in control in most situations, and he is not easily surprised or caught off-guard. However, he does not seem to comprehend the Human trait of fighting against all odds or the very concept of the Human heart. Naitosuchi is also highly perceptive, cunning, and analytical. On top of this, while he prefers not to dirty his hands, Naitosuchi is fully capable of committing truly abhorrent and inhumane actions without feeling any shred of remorse or hesitation.


Pain: Naitosuchi is a masochist, marking pain as pleasure, and pleasure as pain. He treats feelings the complete opposite of how they should be, forcing him to be rather dark about things.

Negativity: Naitosuchi is a very dark and callous person, making him enjoy negative thoughts and feelings between other human beings, and between him and others.

Fear: Naitosuchi likes inducing fear upon others through the act of intimidation, while at the same time he enjoys being scared. Being scared is a very alien feeling to him that he often doesn't recognize, and while a normal person would normally suffer symptoms from fear, the only ones he tends to have is happiness from it.

Cruelty: Naitosuchi enjoys being cruel to others, thinking that they enjoy it as much as he does. However, he also likes people being cruel to him, giving him the pleasure he loves due to his psychological disorder.[/font]


Feelings: Naitosuchi doesn't believe in feelings, or the heart. He claims if he can't see it, then it doesn't exist. This causes him to disregard emotion, making him often seem empty.

Kindness: Naitosuchi sees no real point in kindness, thinking it's causing others pain like it does him. He thinks it's silly to care for anyone other than yourself.

Fighting Against the Odds: The biggest dislike of Naitosuchi, forever has been, and forever will be. He can't comprehend why anyone would want to fight against the odds, it's almost pointless and a total waste of effort. He believes it stupid to fight when you know you'll lose, and be obliterated.

Motivation: Naitosuchi's purpose in life, or so he believes, is to show people the poinlessness of kindness, love, and all other good feelings in the world, and show them that the only way to truly understand anything is to be completely empty of all thought and emotion.


Love:The one and only fear of Naitosuchi is being loved, and loving anyone else. He sees love as a form of weakness that will only lead to your ultimate downfall. He hates being loved because the affection torward him directed from someone else sickens him. He dislikes everything about it because it makes him feel, and that's the one thing he never wants to do.

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Blood10


Bloodline Name: Shichiyoudou

Bloodline Ability: This unique bloodline is the ability to create ice on the whim and to travel through it. They can perform jutsu only using one hand.

Location: Hidden Glacier

Clan History: Generations before the rise of Hyougakure, the Shichiyou was ruled by a man, Shichiyou Tenzou with an aptitude amount of knowledge of how water worked. He developed various skills and techniques that involved ice and all aspects of it. He was famous in his power and capabilities for the area was covered by a frozen tundra. He started to built a shinobi village in the Blizzard Country to create place that provided security against enemies. It was going to be a long long road. Unfortunately, he passed away before he could finish his life's goal.

Luckily, he had a son that continued his legacy. There isn't much information about this. Just that he signed a pact with a demon to gain more power, to increase the speed of his work. There was a certain price though. The demon's power shall run forever through the main family's first son of each generation, giving them red eyes. And the demon would be able to use their body's sometimes causing them to have a split personality disorder. The main family would be able to access the Demon Gateways and use one handed handseals, though only the first born son would be able to summon the demon.

This man gave birth to three children. Three boys. And indeed the first son had red eyes while the other two had regular blue eyes. These three men eventually finished their grandfather's work. They founded Hyougakure together. All the residents of the local villages moved to Hyougakure. It was a beautiful and amazing place, just like a fairy tale. An enormous village that provided security to everyone. The three created Shichiyou's Monarch which is Hyougakure's outer wall, the city's thickest layer of protection. The wall was huge. Easily a hundred meters tall and perhaps fifteen meters thick. The wall encircled all of Hyougagakure. It is considered indestructible and is commonly drawn on maps as a terrain feature. It has never been breached. The council mandated that soldiers and sentries would be placed on the wall at all times, with many of them even living in built-in homes inside the wall.

A couple of years later one of the branch family leaders died during the war with Kazangakure. He was leading the a small shinobi squad, nothing more. Kazangakure wasn't a match since they couldn't handle the cold. Heavy winter blizzards constantly pelt the tundra, and unstable ice sheets often gave way under the slightest pressure. The man died with a smile on his face as he crushed several platoons at once saying "You never managed to enter our village." The two remaining brothers were saddened by this tragedy. Shichiyou was left with a main family and a branch family.

Decades later the Shichiyou clan was increased in numbers. The amount of the main family could be counted on one hand. The amount of the branch family was a bit bigger. Currently, Tenzou Shichiyou is the leader of the main family. And indeed he has red eyes. He takes his job quite seriously, which would be required of him since he is the Fubikikage.

The main family lives in a palace and are referred to as the royal family of Hyouga.

Demonic Gateways: They are practically gateways to another dimension which can only be used the user, who has to be a main family Shichiyou. They signed a pact with a demon to access this realm. The monster that has extremely long wings with immense horns. The beast can be summoned through a Demonic Gateway by the main family leader.

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Histor11

History: Naitosuchi was born into the main family of the Shichiyou clan during a quiet night time in the village hidden in the glacier. Being rather unaware of the concept, He was oblivious of his important heritage for the longest time as a child, somehow ending up spoiled in a palace after a rather spoiled stage of infancy. The village very wasn't very fair in the ways of treating the children that stayed there, the kids about the village teased him and made fun of him since he was treated as more important than everyone, and they used that to make him miserable. It was a very dark and scarring place that could best be described as an alternate form of prison for the youth that were unfortunate enough to be stuck there. Feelings were something that never developed, only anger. The events that must occur to lead to different sensitivities and feelings never occured, and were replaced with a dangerous and terrible enviroment that eventually led him to notice whatever small amount of positives there were in it, causing him to enjoy the pain that the place led him to experience throughout the early stages of his life. Cruelty and lack of positive emotions led him to be labeled as a freak by the peers that were contained in the same hellhole he was. The children there had experienced a life before, and one completely different, but he was alone in the world. He was important, and it meant nothing to him. The one word that everyone who had ever met him had described him with had been 'Empty'. Like he was a hollowed shell of a child. The kid's prematurity and young age soon came to an end after discovering that he could utilize the hyouton element. Recognized by the village after noticing the abilities he was utilizing unknowingly, he was discovered as a potential war of the village, but still keeping his emotional scars and attitude torwards the world. The kid began to utilize more and more of his special abilities, learning them through pure instinct, and using them to exert his hatred on the world through punishing those who were even nice to him. The boy was different and always would be. Naitosuchi was named an honorary genin after such a long time of passive training by himself. The rank would stick to him, but hold no meaning for him. As a materialist, he saw it as an idea. An idea that lacked point since it had no real meaning to him, and only brought him the rank of 'peon' to the village around him. He would continue to live his days like this, as a hyouton wielding genin. He would lead as happy a life as he could, if that's what you want to call the emotions that he felt.

RP Sample: Naitosuchi focused in on his opponent, doing a seal with one of his hands while drawing a kunai with the other. The seal that he had used began to make the ground in the area frost over, running across it, leaving the frosty ground in his wake as it left him completely unhindered. Naitosuchi threw his right arm forward, swiping with a kunai in an attempt to leave a long diagonal slash from the left kidney of the enemy to the top of his right shoulder, causing major organ damage and blood loss. The opponent would find it hard to move at all without slipping and falling on his face, and if the hit landed, it'd probably have the same effect from the overpowering momentum. This fight was over before it even started, and the boy knew it.

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Extra10

Source: Suikona's alt

Face Claim: Ulquiorra, Bleach - Naitosuchi

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Accept10

Last edited by Tomoya on Sat Sep 17, 2011 2:48 am; edited 8 times in total
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 4:11 am

Bumpity for completion.
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Kouri Ten'nou

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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptyTue Sep 13, 2011 5:14 pm

No, if you're from the main family you would've been raised in the Shichiyou Palace and honored as a prince by the people of Hyouga. The main family is Tenzou, his father and his siblings.
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptyWed Sep 14, 2011 12:40 am


History is edited.

Age changed to look more close to his Face Claim's age.

Relationship changed.
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 4:31 pm

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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptyFri Sep 16, 2011 8:33 pm

Your likes and motivation are still all bold. Fix that. then bump
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 2:58 am

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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 10:49 pm

Just one more question.....what do you intend on doing with the char app that you already have approved???
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 11:12 pm

My color got changed to noob upon the destruction of Nadaregakure, and my app was moved into the wrong category. I was planning on just scrapping it. :/
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 11:22 pm

I will scrap it then. Your name will need to be changed as well as your face on the avatar, since your claiming a face.

Do you want it....

First name last name?

Just first name?


Last name first name?
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptySun Sep 18, 2011 1:40 am

Just first name. It's be a rather long name since both his surname and primary name are rather long... I'll change the avatar when I'm fully approved.
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Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Naitosuchi   Shichiyou, Naitosuchi EmptySun Sep 18, 2011 1:47 am

Shichiyou, Naitosuchi Dom_ap12
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