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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Shichiyou, Mitsuko

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Female Posts : 221
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Shichiyou, Mitsuko Empty
PostSubject: Shichiyou, Mitsuko   Shichiyou, Mitsuko EmptyFri Apr 26, 2013 7:17 pm

Shichiyou, Mitsuko 0dac784c-54ec-4115-8ecf-1fadf02ef31d_zps56970cfb

Shichiyou, Mitsuko Whoare14

First Name: Mitsuko
Last Name: Shichiyou
Alias: None at the moment.

Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 1.65 m
Weight: 45 kg
Birthday: 21 April
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: None at the moment

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: gennin
Element: Suiton (Water-Primary) Fūton (Wind-Secondary) Katon (Fire-Tertiary) Kōri(Ice-Bloodline)
Specialization: Ninjutsu (Primary) Bukijutsu-Kenjutsu(Secondary) Sensory Ninjutsu(Tertiary)

Shichiyou, Mitsuko Tellme11

Personality: Mitsuko is a friendly, kind girl. Mostly looking for other options then bloodshed if they are present. Then there are opponents where she knows they will just attack. In that case, Mitsuko will have no mercy for them. She will fight back in most cases like that, except if it is very clear that Mitsuko has no chance to win. In that case she will run if she is alone, and if she isn't on a mission will advice her team to do so too. Missions are the only exception to this, which she will complete or at worst make a tactical retreat.

Mitsuko is not easily angered, there are only two things that will really anger her. The first being perverts. People peeping when she is taking a bath or changing clothes or when they force her to wear to revealing clothes. The second one angers her even more then the first one. Someone attacking her younger brother or sister. She is very protective off them and will defend them at all costs. In fight she tries to remain her calmness as good as she possible.


Water: favourite drink. She does dislike it if anyone does anything funny with water she was going to drink, like adding something mean.

Sweet food: She has a sweet tongue, she likes sweets and anything that taste sweet.

Snow: Maybe this is genetic, but maybe not. Mitsuko loves snow. It is unknown that this is because of her clan, or just pure coincidence.

reading books: She loves reading books in free time.


Perverts: People who just get to talk to her and want to get to know her are fine. On the contrary she likes that. But if they are peeping when she is taking bath or changing clothes.

Alcohol: She really can't stand her liquor. Recently she accidently drank a sip of her father sake, she was drunk on the spot.

Spicy food: it burns in her mouth, she really can't stand that. She doesn't like it when her food is spicy.


Not meeting expectations: Even though Mitsuko isn't a main family member, her parents and the rest of the family have high expectations. She doesn't likes to disappoint.

protecting her family, friends and village: She loves these people and won't like it if someone wants to harm them.

She wants to write a book one day: She likes to read, and would love to write a good book one day. She might just be afraid to let anyone else read it however.


Thanatophobia (fear of death): not only her own death, but also the death of her friends and her family, as she loves both very much. She is a little overprotective over her little brother and sister.

Autophobia(fear of being alone): She is afraid of when she is alone, often thinking that someone wants to kidnap her again is nearby.

Xenophobia(Fear of strangers): She is afraid when she meets someone new. Mostly being on her edge when talking to people she never talked with before. Depending on the situation it could go away fast or not from a certain person.

Shichiyou, Mitsuko Blood10


Bloodline Name: Hyoutsuki 'Frozen Moon'.

Bloodline Ability: This unique bloodline is the ability to create ice on the whim and to travel through it. They can also perform jutsu only using one hand.

Location: Hyougagakure

Clan History: Generations before the rise of Hyougakure, the Shichiyou was ruled by a man, Shichiyou Tenzou with an aptitude amount of knowledge of how water worked. He developed various skills and techniques that involved ice and all aspects of it. He was famous in his power and capabilities for the area was covered by a frozen tundra. He started to built a shinobi village in the Blizzard Country to create place that provided security against enemies. It was going to be a long long road. Unfortunately, he passed away before he could finish his life's goal.

Luckily, he had a son that continued his legacy. There isn't much information about this. Just that he signed a pact with a demon to gain more power, to increase the speed of his work. There was a certain price though. The demon's power shall run forever through the main family's first son of each generation, giving them red eyes. And the demon would be able to use their body's sometimes causing them to have a split personality disorder.

This man gave birth to three children. Three boys. And indeed the first son had red eyes while the other two had regular blue eyes. These three men eventually finished their grandfather's work. They founded Hyougakure together. All the residents of the local villages moved to Hyougakure. It was a beautiful and amazing place, just like a fairy tale. An enormous village that provided security to everyone.

The three created Shichiyou's Monarch which is Hyougakure's outer wall, the city's thickest layer of protection. The wall was huge. Easily a hundred meters tall and perhaps fifteen meters thick. The wall encircled all of Hyougagakure. It is considered indestructible and is commonly drawn on maps as a terrain feature. It has never been breached. The council mandated that soldiers and sentries would be placed on the wall at all times, with many of them even living in built-in homes inside the wall.

A couple of years later one of the branch family leaders died during the war with Kazangakure. He was leading the a small shinobi squad, nothing more. Kazangakure wasn't a match since they couldn't handle the cold. Heavy winter blizzards constantly pelt the tundra, and unstable ice sheets often gave way under the slightest pressure. The man died with a smile on his face as he crushed several platoons at once saying "You never managed to enter our village." The two remaining brothers were saddened by this tragedy. Shichiyou was left with a main family and a branch family.

Decades later the Shichiyou clan was increased in numbers. The amount of the main family could be counted on one hand. The amount of the branch family was a bit bigger. The main family lives in a palace and are referred to as the royal family of Hyouga.

Shichiyou, Mitsuko Histor11

History: Mitsuko Shichiyou, born in the branch family of the Shichiyou clan. She is to eldest child in her household. She has one younger brother, who was born two years after her. She also has one younger sister, who was born four years after her. There isn't much to tell about their life as small children, it was pretty normal. Mitsuko and Katsu, her brother often quarrelled. While if that quarrel was over, they looked like best friends again. Yuki her sister almost never had a quarrel with her brother nor with her sister. She mostly wasn't findable when the two were arguing. They only had normal quarrels like, eating the last cookie, who had to help working when, etc. Nothing really happened till Mitsuko was about 10 years old, and already enlisted in the ninja academy.

Mitsuko, Yuki and Katsu were walking about the village. Their parents had important secret city matters to attend to. Their warm coats were certainly useful. It was freezing cold. They were going to oasis to meditate. They were about halfway there when Mitsuko noticed she had to pee. She told Yuki and Katsu to head along and that she would first go to find a public restroom. It took her a while, but eventually she found one. It was already about fifteen minutes after she parted with Yuki and Katsu. She looked around. There was almost no one to be seen. Everyone seemed to be working or to be inside their homes. Mitsuko understood why, it was way to cold to be just outside for no reason! Suddenly she felt someone grab her back and only a second later placing a hand for her mouth. She could call for help anymore. A man grabbed her and used something on her as she fell down on the street.

Mitsuko woke up. the man was sitting aside her. Mitsuko tried to stand up, but noticed that she was tied up. She asked the man to let her go. The man laughed at her, asking her why he would do that he also added that screaming wouldn't help, the walls were very sound proof. Mitsuko was smart enough not to tell him who he just kidnapped. If the man knew that he might just go and ask ransom money. Not that it would ever work, and even if it did he would never get away with it. When Mitsuko didn't say anything he said that there was no reason to let such a nice catch go. When Mitsuko asked why she was kidnapped he answered that he was a Ninja from another country. They would soon leave together, he also said he knew who he kidnapped. What were his motives? Did he try to find a way to steal her bloodline? Mitsuko didn't knew if that would be possible. But it couldn't be entirely impossible. She knew that it might take long, but that it might just work. Unfortunately it would mean that she would never see her family again. He said he knew a secret way outside of the village. Mitsuko didn't knew what he meant, but why would he lie about it?

It was late, Mitsuko was tied up and he place something before her eyes and mouth. It seemed to be tape for her mouth and a scarf for her eyes. It was cold, she just layed there on the cold floor. Helpless. She remembered there was a technique which they used in the academy which could untie someone when they were tied up. Sadly she never got it to use it yet as of today. And if she could use it, she was still blindfolded and muzzled. If anyone was watching her, which was very likely he would probably interrupt before she had the chance to escape. Was this how it was going to end? She didn't wanted this. Why did she had to be kidnapped for this? What if they didn't wanted the bloodline, what if they wanted something worse form her? What did they possibly want from her else? Katsu and Yuki, and her parents would be searching the city for her. She heard a door opening. Someone came closer and putted her on a paralyse jutsu. He putted her in a bag, and she couldn't move.

After a while the man fell and the bag went open. Mitsuko slide out of the bag and could hear what was happening outside. The paralyses technique wore off. She was still tied up, blindfolded and muzzled. She could hear the voice of her father, and he was furious. He threw all kinds of mean words to the other man, and he was right over most of them, if you asked Mitsuko. After a while she could hear a lot of things going around, most of them jutsu's and punches. It wouldn't take long for any one else to come here, someone had to notice all that sound. The mysterious man quickly ran away, while her father untied his daughter. He was happy she was found. He asked to explain everything. After Mitsuko explained everything they went home and did like it never happened. The man was never found again.

Eventually Mitsuko graduated outside the academy. Yuki recently was enlisted too, and Katsu was already working for it. Yuki and Katsu were stimulated by Mitsuko's success to work even harder and become better then their bigger sister. Of course, Mitsuko wasn't about to let that happen as she was going to get stronger herself.

RP Sample: Yuki, Mitsuko and Katsu were sitting in the local park. Which was full of ice as usual. Katsu and Mitsuko both wore a wooden sword they got to train. Yuki was to young to wear that. Being six years old. It was debatable that Katsu was too young too, but he wanted to wield a sword so much. So Mitsuko decided she could train with her little brother a bit. Always training with father was hard. Plus, it would be good to train together every now and then.

Katsu stroked with all his strength at Mitsuko. Too easy. Mitsuko really just sidestepped as the stick went down aside her. "Don't rely that much on pure strength. It doesn't matter how hard you swing if you can't hit your target." Mitsuko told him. Mitsuko would normally smile a little, but in the heat of battle there was no room for this. She actually made the same mistake too, once her father tried to teach her this. He did exactly the same what she just did when she first started. "You are way out of balance,too. Set your feet like this" She said while she showed how she used her foot to fight. Right in front and left behind. Then strike like this. you won't hit that hard, but you can hit your target. She showed as she moved closer to Katsu ready to strike him. While he blocked with his sword. His guard had to be made to fast and wasn't that good. His guard was weak, because he wasn't used to everything, and because Mitsuko's attack was good. Mitsuko smashed through it and stopped just before she would normally break through Katsu's skull. "No good, your sword better, and for heavens sake don't panic when I attempt to strike. If you do that you are practically dead before the fight has even started!" She understood Katsu's mistakes, she made them too, all of them when she first started swordplay, two years ago. She waited for Katsu to pick up his sword again and strike again.

Shichiyou, Mitsuko Extra10

Source: Advertisement from FTRP

Face Claim: Mysterious girl - Saishuu Shiken Kujira -Alive-
Shichiyou, Mitsuko Accept10

Last edited by Mitsuko on Tue Apr 30, 2013 4:13 pm; edited 19 times in total
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Shichiyou, Mitsuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Mitsuko   Shichiyou, Mitsuko EmptySat Apr 27, 2013 4:05 pm

Sorry, the Ice element belongs to the Shichiyou of Hyouga.
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Shichiyou, Mitsuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Mitsuko   Shichiyou, Mitsuko EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 3:12 pm

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Shichiyou, Mitsuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Mitsuko   Shichiyou, Mitsuko EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 4:08 pm

You forgot to put in the clan name :P
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Shichiyou, Mitsuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Mitsuko   Shichiyou, Mitsuko EmptyTue Apr 30, 2013 4:13 pm

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Shichiyou, Mitsuko Empty
PostSubject: Re: Shichiyou, Mitsuko   Shichiyou, Mitsuko EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:36 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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