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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Kashaku Kagone

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Kashaku Kagone
Kashaku Kagone
Male Posts : 674
Ryo : -500

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Kashaku Kagone Empty
PostSubject: Kashaku Kagone   Kashaku Kagone EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 3:16 pm

Kashaku Kagone A6591-15

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Kashaku
Last Name: Kagone
Alias: Kagone Kashaku of the Silent Sound
Gender: Male
Age: 16
Birthday: 6/15
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: N/A
Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Genin
Element: Wind (Main), Fire (sub), Lightning (sub #2)
Specialization: Genjutsu (Main), Kenjutsu (sub), Ninjutsu (sub #2)

Personal v2

Personality: Kashaku is normally very quiet and doesn't normally speak unless spoken to directly, and when he does speak, he says as little as he can and speaks his mind blunty, which can often cause alienation for his friends or teammates. Because he doesn't speak as much as others, he is able to listen more closely to the person speaking. Kashaku also has little experience in social interactions, which usually leads to awkward silences instead of conversations. Even though he is difficult to anger, Kashaku will often make other people angry, sometimes without trying to.
He believes that strength is power, that power is desirable, and that all things bow to those who know what they want, and is not concerned with consequences or with balance. Because of his few social ties, Kashaku has spent most of his time thinking, making him smarter than most other people. He can retain knowledge for quite some time, and will normally recognize any jutsu used on him more than once.
When in battle, Kashaku makes the battle as long as possible, as he rather enjoys torturing and tormenting his enemies. On a mission, Kashaku will often put the mission objectives first on his list of priorities, believing that each person must prove themselves during missions instead of helping each other. Normally, Kashaku will ignore any people having one-on-one battles, but he might help if the odds are uneven.
Around women, Kashaku is normally his quiet self and often doesn't reply at first if a girl is talking to him in a crowded place, as he usually assumes the woman is talking to someone else. This normally alienates any potential lovers, making it unlikely that he'll have a girlfriend.

Likes: Playing the shamisen, nature, beautiful music, dangos

Dislikes: Idiotic ninja, helping the weak in ways that would stop them from getting stronger, ramen.

Motivation: To find a way to become strong enough that he will surpass his own parents.

Fears: Fire (until he gets over this fear, he can't use Katon jutsu and will avoid any and all Katon jutsu when possible), snakes, and more powerful ninja.

Clan Information

Clan name Kagone Clan

Bloodline Name: Vibration Control

Bloodline Ability: Vibration Control allows the clan member to control vibrations, to some extent. Can be used to make sound, but is more often used at higher or lower frequencies than audible sound.

Location: Scattered, mostly in Kusamuragakure.

Clan History: Long before the Sage of Six Paths created ninjutsu, the Kagone Clan were a simple band of masterful shamisen players and makers. The best musician among them was named Ongakumaru, who claimed that he could feel the vibrations of the shamisen inside him when he played. A few years after the Sage of Six Paths founded ninjutsu, Ongakamaru became the leader of a new clan of ninja who used their shamisen to defeat other ninja. Though they never became very famous, almost anyone who carried a shamisen was thought to be one of the clansmen, and a shamisen became the clan's symbol.
Though the Kagone Clan was not strong enough to gain the attention of the great doujutsu clans, the Kagone Clan did fear one clan in particular: a clan that could negate sounds around them and cause utter silence. The Kagone Clan mounted a surprise attack, however, and it is believed that this sound-negating clan was wiped from the face of the earth. Ongakumaru, who was wounded in the attack, died from an infection, but he gave his prized shamisen to his grandson, allowing his family to continue leading the clan.
After many, many years of partial success, the Kagone Clan have, for the most part, gotten rid of the shamisen. Instead, they use the more modern ninja wire, which they have changed to be more like the shamisen strings from long before. Only one shamisen was held on to, and that was Ongakumaru's special shamisen, though there were no longer any blood heirs to lead them.


History: Birth and Childhood Arc: Kashaku was born to a family of ninja in Kirigakure that specialized in torturing POWs for information. His father was a Kagone ninja who specialized in using Sound-based jutsu to cause his prisoners enough pain that they would give up any information they had, and his mother was adept at using genjutsu to scare her prisoners into confessing anything they had done. As he grew up, Kashaku was taught a little bit of both methods of interrogation, though he had decided from an early age that he would be out on the field instead of staying in the village and interrogating the enemy. While training with Sound-based jutsu, Kashaku realized that the base of all sound was pure vibrations. Harnessing that kind of power would allow more intense jutsu, and Kashaku knew that with vibration jutsu, he could surpass both parents in terms of power. It was at this time that he began to believe that strength was the only virtue.
Academy Arc: Influenced by his parents, Kashaku went to the ninja academy and passed with flying colors, though almost nobody but the sensei really paid much attention to him. Several of the rumors that floated around assumed that he was from a wealthy family and considered most of his peers below him, though this was hardly true. At one point, Kashaku had helped a fellow student when the child was being attacked by a few of the other students. Even though the two had defeated the bullies, the student he had protected called him a freak and ran from him. The next time the child was attacked, Kashaku did not interfere and allowed the student to get beaten up.
Genin Arc: Kashaku continued to train his new vibration-style abilities after passing the ninja academy, and has become very skilled, though he still distances himself from other people, speaking openly only with his parents, until his father died while he had been interrogating an enemy ninja that had hidden a weapon to attack him with. Kashaku's mother, stricken with grief and depression, took her own life one year later. When he was asked what he thought about his parents by a ninja examiner, Kashaku replied that they had been weak, and that was the reason they had died.
Kashaku eventually lived with the rest of his clan, learning more about the vibration techniques from all the shamisen his clansmen shared with him. After telling one of the clansmen he had made friends with that he did not have a shamisen of his own, he and the boy made one that was both durable and beautiful. After Kashaku had finished painting the design on his zither box, his friend seemed to look very surprised. Asking what was wrong, Kashaku was led to the shrine dedicated to the original leader of the Kagone Clan, Ongakumaru. There, on the wall behind the rock tomb that held the clan leader's body, was a shamisen that looked extremely similar to Kashaku's, even the design. The night afterwards, Kashaku steals the clan leader's shamisen, replacing it with his own so that the theft is not realized.

RP Sample: Kashaku stops suddenly in front of Stein, the same breeze that revealed the ninja's stitches also revealing the black clothing Kashaku wore underneath his black coat and some of the medium-length hair blowing out of his face to reveal a determined and slightly angered face. "My father was killed by a man he was interrogating. My mother killed herself because my father died. They were both weak..." He thinks for a moment, his own mind one of analysis because of his father's early teachings. Raising his hands inside his coat, he left the sleeves as they were when the wind dies down, allowing the sleeves to hang as if the arms were still inside. "I do not know if I can trust that you are who you say you are... But if you are, then I suppose I have no reason to deny you seeing the kage. And even if you are not who you say you are... Well, the kage is not kage for no reason at all." With that said, Kashaku continues walking to the kage's office, his hands held in the handseal as he readies his chakra for a genjutsu, just in case he needs to get away. "I know better than to trust anyone... Especially someone who looks like they can speak their mind."

From another site. Somewhere around the middle of my abilities..

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Kashaku Kagone Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kashaku Kagone   Kashaku Kagone EmptySun Jan 09, 2011 4:46 pm

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