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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Ysaru, Kaizen

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Male Posts : 19
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyTue May 08, 2012 11:43 pm

Ysaru, Kaizen Kaelvir-2

Ysaru, Kaizen Whoare14

First Name: Kaizen
Last Name: Ysaru
Alias: N/A

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 162 lbs
Birthday: April 5
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Hyougagakure
Rank: Chuunin
Element: Fuuton (Wind) | Chiton (Blood)[see clan]
Specialization: Ninjutsu | Kenjutsu | Taijutsu

Ysaru, Kaizen Tellme11

Personality: A reserved young man, Kaizen rarely speaks unless spoken to, and even then for only so long as he must. Seeming a cold, callous person to most, it is the rare individual that gets a glimpse of Kai with a smile on his face. Rarely missing even the tiniest details, Kai's green eyes hold a fierceness and intensity that belies his quiet nature.
As the heir to the Ysaru clan, Kai is ever vigilant in his duty to protect the honor of his clan, seeing any failure on his part as a black spot on Ysaru honor. This sense of duty, coupled with a fierce loyalty to Hyougagakure, has made Kaizen into a no-nonsense ninja willing to do anything to see the Village Hidden in Glaciers' power expand. In battle, Kai is a cunning and patient opponent, preferring to let his opponent wear themselves down before striking a decisive blow.

Likes: The feel of the cool ocean-breeze has always served to bring Kaizen a sense of serenity. When he is not training or performing a mission he can most often be found on the Ysaru estate, staring out across the Frozen Sea from balcony of his room. Though not musically inclined himself, Kai has a love for song, it is one of the few things that can bring a smile to his usually stoic face. Of all the foods in the world, Yakitori is the dish which most appeals to Kaizen, the succulent taste of grilled meat is truly one of life's great joys.

Dislikes: Since his days as an academy student, Kaizen has dealt with those who believe themselves to be stronger than they are, and there are few things in the world that irritate him more. One of those things are people that don't know when to be serious, the type class-clowns that ultimately end up getting themselves and their team killed. But what is most abhorrent to this shinobi which believes in duty and honor above all else, is those that would forsake their own honor and turn their cloak.

Motivation: Kai is driven by duty and honor. As the heir to the Ysaru clan and the son of a former Anbu, Kai has been told since he was born that it is up to him to see that Hyougagakure takes its rightful place as the most powerful of the Hidden Villages. To do any less would be a stain on his honor.

Fears: As a child, while on a training expedition with his father, Kaizen found himself lost in a cave. Wandering about with only a single torch to light his way, it wasn't long before even that was gone. Alone in the dark for almost three days, Kaizen could only sit there, listening to sound of unseen creatures moving around in the dark. When his father finally found him, he found his son curled in a ball, his green eyes filled with a terror few men will ever know. Those monsters that he imagined, lurking in the dark, still haunt his dreams.

Ysaru, Kaizen Blood10


Bloodline Name: Chiton

Bloodline Ability: Chiton (Blood Release)

Location: Hyougagakure

Clan History: A clan almost as old as Hyougagakure itself, members of the clan have served the village faithfully for generations. Proving to be powerful and deadly warriors, almost all Ysaru clan members become shinobi as a rule, and have a strong tradition of swordplay. Often leading the Vanguard in times of war due to their resilience and raw power, Ysaru clan members garner much deserved respect from their allies, and fear from their enemies.

Ysaru, Kaizen Histor11

History: The son of Kane and Rei Ysaru, Kaizen has been groomed as a warrior since he was old enough to hold a blade, taught that it was his duty to protect his village and the people that live there. At the age of ten, Kai already showed a natural aptitude for the blade, and a prodigal mastery of Vitae, all but assuring his place as a shinobi of Hyouga. After graduating from the academy at the age of 12, Kai and his father left the village to visit Gust country and further his mastery over Vitae and see the world beyond his village’s walls.

On this journey, Kaizen and his father traveled from nation to nation, fighting monstrous beasts and even more savage men. His father was stern but a good teacher, and under his guidance Kaizen began to learn to walk the path of the shinobi. On this journey, Kaizen unlocked his ability to utilize Fuuton chakra, a useful ability indeed for a warrior. On a fateful journey to a system of caves that had been carved by the winds over thousands of year in Gust Country, a trip intended to help Kaizen understand the true power of his element, Kai and his father were separated as a misstep sent Kaizen tumbling down an unseen shaft. For three days he was alone in the dark, and when his father found him, he could see that it was time to return home.

A year after his retreat into the lands beyond Hyouga, Kaizen returned to begin his life as a shinobi in earnest. Serving alongside Yamatano Isashi and Kiyoko Ito, Kai's squad quickly earned a reputation for their quick and efficient work, which in turn earned them more important missions. As the Chuunin exams rolled around, Kai's squad along with two others were sent to compete for the right to be named Chuunin. The exams were arduous and fraught with peril, but with Kaizen's strong leadership his team was able to make it to the final round. Kaizen would be the only one to attain the coveted rank of Chuunin, however. Choosing to keep his place as a member of his squad, he took up a leadership role and continued to serve Hyouga diligently.

Just a year after his return from the Chuunin exams, Kai and his team were given a mission "of the utmost importance", as the Fubukikage told them. They were to travel to the Death Country and destroy one of the outlying villages. Disguising themselves as shinobi from Boufuugakure, the goal was to cause tension between the villages of Boufuugakure and Tsukigakure, if not all out war. Though to Kaizen it was just another mission, he could see that his squad-mates, Yamatano in particular, were troubled by the assignment. When they did finally arrive at the village, wearing the garb of Storm-nin, the Hyouga-nin fell upon the defenseless villagers like an avalanche, slaughtering all that stood in their way... until they reached the town hall.

Within the village's last bastion of defense, the villagers had gathered the women and children in a futile attempt to save them from the fate the Fubukikage had handed them. As Kaizen stalked towards them, he was stopped by his squad-mate, Yamatano. The gentle man couldn't stand idly by while children were slaughtered, and so the two Glacier-nin fought. After a long and terrible struggle, Kaizen stood victorious, but he was not without his scars. He had killed a fellow shinobi of Hyougagakure, a man who had been as close to a friend as any other, and the memory of that death continues to haunt him, traitor or not.

RP Sample:

Dark clouds hung on the air, showering the frigid waters of the Frozen Sea with a blanket of powdery snow. Kaizen’s breath came out as misty clouds as he swept his scarlet gaze across the horizon, chunks of ice the size of wagons the only thing in sight as they floated atop the dark waters, sea lions resting atop their slippery surface after a mid-morning snack. The shrilling of a single seagull rang out in the chilly silence, accompanied by the creaking of the sails and water slapping against a hull.
The Skyfisher drifted through the water, its sails hanging limp. The vessel was manned by a crew of six men, all of them local fishermen, and their Captain, one Ukitaki Himeji, was a man of middling years and an icy-blue stare. He rarely spoke, aside from the occasional shouted order to the crew, which suited Kaizen just fine. They had been directed to him because he had carried Hyouga-nin across the sea many times in the past; he was a man they could trust to keep silent about the passengers he took on board.
A thick traveling cloak hung on Kaizen’s shoulders, flecks of powdery snow blending in with the white fabric. A pair of fierce, green eyes stared out from the shadowy depths of his hood, pulled up to hide his face from view, locked on the coast-line ahead. Beneath the folds of his cloak, Kai idly traced a hand along the hilt of his blade as thoughts of the mission he and his squad had been given floated about his head.
The thumping of heavy boots on the deck announced the approach of one Kai's squad-mates, Yamatano Isashi. A mountain of a man, and several years Kaizen's senior, Yamatano was a surprisingly kind and gentle soul who almost always wore a face-splitting grin. Turning his head to glance at the man as he came to a stop next to him, Kai noted that his usual friendly smile was markedly absent. His thoughts were likewise focused on the task ahead, and the furrow of his brow told Kaizen that something was troubling the large man.
Turning his gaze back on the distant coast, Kai said in a cold tone, "We should arrive in the Death Country within the hour. If you have any more doubts concerning our objective, I suggest you toss them aside. Remember, 'It is not ours to question, but to obey.'"
Shifting his feet uneasily, Yamatano glanced at the cold young man, a frown pulling at his lips, before turning away and walking back towards the cabin that the Hyouga-nin had taken as their own, mumbling in a monotone, "I'll do what must be done, you don't have to worry about me..."
Standing in the chilly morning silence, Kai seemed almost a statue. A sudden gust of wind blew back his hood, sending locks of silky, black hair billowing out behind him. His angular face was handsome, though his stoic expression gave him a cold, almost menacing cast to his features. He knew that Yamatano would struggle with the task at hand, his disposition had always been much too gentle for a shinobi, too soft. A true shinobi must be as cold and hard as the glaciers for which his village was named. He would do as he was told, because that is what it means to be shinobi.

Ysaru, Kaizen Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Yu Kanda (D-Grey Man)

Ysaru, Kaizen Accept10

Last edited by Fulgurant on Thu May 10, 2012 6:09 am; edited 2 times in total
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Male Posts : 223
Ryo : 22501

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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyWed May 09, 2012 10:25 am

Hi, Fulgurant! First and foremost, your Forum name has to match your Character's name. Don't worry, you can ask the staffs to change it later on. By the way, I am not a member of the staff, but I'll help out as a person who wants more people to Role-Play with;D

1. The personality section has to be two paragraph. Likes, Dislikes, Motivation and fear should be 1 paragraph each. Remember, one paragraph is equivalent to three sentences. You just have to expand on each section. An example for "Likes" would be:

Likes: Kaizen loves the feel of the cool ocean-breeze. It makes him feel relaxed. It clears his mind from the stress he received throughout the day.
Kaizen also loves music because it soothes his mind and allows him to think well.Kaizen loves to eat Yakitori. The taste of the grilled chicken brings him to paradise. If he were to even smell a bit of Yakitori, he would go into "Yakitori" frenzy mode.

2. You chose to be a Chuunin in the Open Starter Ranks. If that's so, your history needs an extra 200 words, therefore a total of 600 words.

3. The "Source" section requires you to tell who or what recommended you here, not your image's source.

(Optional(Wait for a staff) - Personally, I don't think your image look like a 15 year old. Maybe it looks like one to a staff, so just ignore this and wait for a staff to review your Application.)

Other than that, bravo! Hope we can Role-Play together;D
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyWed May 09, 2012 2:16 pm

Alrighty, thanks for the help, and I too hope that we will get to rp together soon! :D
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyWed May 09, 2012 2:33 pm

So, to rp soon, let's finish this app. Complete everything I commented on, go it through with a spell checker and then bump(since I just got promoted :D). I'll check it once I wake up.
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyWed May 09, 2012 3:21 pm

mk, I've made the edits as requested, and I just went ahead and changed the age, that was how old I was going to have him as a genin anyway, just forgot to change it the first time around :P
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyWed May 09, 2012 11:46 pm

Your history is lacking 5 more words. I bet you can just add in a sentence somewhere, rite?;) Other than that, Congratz. We just have to wait for your clan. I'll run through this one last time after your clan is approved.
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyThu May 10, 2012 6:05 am

Oh, I guess I figured that was close enough, I'll go ahead and add something
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyThu May 10, 2012 8:13 am

Ready for Approval:D Once your clan application is done, bump and I'll approve it;)
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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyFri May 11, 2012 3:05 pm

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Ysaru, Kaizen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Ysaru, Kaizen   Ysaru, Kaizen EmptyMon May 14, 2012 8:36 am

Ysaru, Kaizen Approv10
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