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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Xanadu, Kaede

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Female Posts : 49
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Xanadu, Kaede Left_bar_bleue100/100Xanadu, Kaede Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Xanadu, Kaede Empty
PostSubject: Xanadu, Kaede   Xanadu, Kaede EmptyMon Jun 25, 2012 11:15 pm

Xanadu, Kaede Naruto_oc__miyuki_takahashi_v2_by_dangermayer-d3kwhen

Xanadu, Kaede Whoare14

First Name: Kaede
Last Name: Xanadu
Alias: The Bane of Souls

Gender: Female
Age: 15
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 55 kg
Birthday: November 21st
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Jounin

Element: Suiton, Fuuton, Raiton
Specialization: Weaponry, Medical Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Xanadu, Kaede Tellme11

Personality: Kaede is an overly kind and sweet person, a rarity, considering the violent and turbulent times that surround the shinobi world. However, the young girl often goes out of her way to help whoever she can. She is the type of person who comes off as soft and delicate, treating those around her with an air of formality that often helps her keep others at a distance. She wears a soft smile on her face that hardly ever falters, making her appear very calm. Kaede is affectionate and motherly towards anyone she thinks is innocent or naive.

She is exceedingly loyal towards those who she thinks deserve it. She becomes wholeheartedly devoted to anyone who earns her respect and is willing to die without hesitation if said person needs her to do so. After all, she believes that she wasn't born to lead, but to protect those who she thinks were meant to lead the shinobi world towards a new era of peace. In this sense, she believes her sense of justice and her concept of peace to be absolute, making her somewhat of a selfrightcheous person. Consequently, she will not hesitate to kill anyone who she believes to be wicked or in her way. Nevertheless, she isn't prone to go off on a killing spree. Instread, she believes in patience and striking her enemies when the time is right.

Likes: Kaede likes the simple things in life, which she has been able to appretiate ever since she was young. She adores things that others might think are absolutely trivial, such as the small of spring or dipping her feet into a cold stream. She believes that those types of things are what make life and reality so unique. She does, however, enjoy the more meaningful things in life, such as enjoying time with her friends and the people she loves. Kaede also likes the thrilling feeling she gets from a good fight and, consequently, the gratifying feeling of a victory.

Ever since she was a child, she fell in love with anything artistic. Kaede likes not only admiring works of art but making some of them herself. Therefore, she often uses her free time to visit the local theater, paint landscapes and make flower arrangements.

Dislikes: Kaede dislikes senseless killing or people who lack motivation to commit the crimes they do. She believes that to do so, people need a purpose or goal to justify their actions. To her, people who don't act for anything but their own pleasure disgust her more than anything else. Therefore, she is quick to brand people like this as "empty" and "traitors to their own existance" and will eventually try to kill them.

On a lighter note, Kaede dislikes anything or anyone that's loud. People who are overly hyperactive or who yell whenever they open their mouths give her migrains. The young shinobi also can't stand anything spicy or fizzy. Hence, she dislikes drinking any kind of soda or eating anything that might make her want to beg for a glass of water.

Motivation: Kaede by no means considers herself the savior of the world. She is, however, attempting to find someone she thinks is capable of doing so and leading the shinobi towards a true epoc of peace. She wants nothing more than to follow, protect and serve the person or people she thinks will truly do what she is incaable of doing for the world. She fights to protect those she respect and cares for and ultimately searches for the greater good.

Fears: Kaede fears anything that threatens her sense of reality. Therefore, she fears being the vistim of any genjutsu that might keep her trapped in a flase sense of reality. When faced with something of the sort, she is prone to lose her sure grip on her sanity and begin to attack anything near her. Naturally, she also has a fear of losing those she respects and cares for, since the completion her goal in life depends on them still being alive and well.

Xanadu, Kaede Blood10


Bloodline Name: Meikai no shugo-sha

Bloodline Ability: Members of this clan are half-phantom and half-human. Although this is true, it also caused their Chakra pool to be completely removed from their body and deposited at a mysterious orb-like spirit of varying color. The spirit orb can only be seen only by the members of the clan or someone who has seen death happen in front of their eyes. They have a very high level of concentration.

Location: Scattered.

Clan History: Long ago, war broke out. Countless lives lost in the blood stained grounds, bodies rotting, souls left unrest. Scarlet flames swirl in wake, devouring anything in its path. Merciless. Unforgiving. It comes after each battle. It's fate? To cleanse! It's desire? To give peace to those who have passed on.

In truth the clan was just scattered bits of nomadic people. They have no intension nor relation to what happened to the outside world. They preferred to throw everything not normal to them and live in peace as they travelled from place to place, gaining knowledge on much of the geography of the world, not to mention some well hidden ancient temples, shires and hideouts. They also have wide knowledge over many rumors, myths and legends that held were around at that time.

Among every mystery, one of them stood out the most. The legend of the temple of judgment, Tamashī no handan. Although, none of the seven members founding members of the clan went there as of yet, the legend spread like a virus, unrelenting, ever putting people in a trance state of desire. Everyone thought it was salvation and eternal bliss that will be found inside but the clan founders stayed away, fearful that the corruption will get to them.

Alas, they couldn't escape the fate that which the temple already predicted. Soon, all of the ten leaders and their families meet at the temple. The famed mystery of the temple of black and white. One side it was rotting with darkness, malice and sin, the other with pureness, clarity and virtue. Stunning it was, but something or someone stood out. A certain elderly caretaker, stood to greet them. Unknowingly, their life had already been changed when they first came to know about the temple.

Time passed and each of the founding members changed, their families were told to wait for them far away, at the nearby river they all meet. Soon a ritual started, the caretaker revealed to be an immortal lady named Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, her job to get people to help her judge the living and send souls to their final resting place. She granted each of them a power they will never forget. Separate souls representing seven colors, their heirs having the colors of their respecting souls and weapons each depicting a vice and a virtue. Their goal was simple; to help people leave behind regrets and finally leave the world in peace.

Shocked by their predicament, each of them went down the path and the only way to move on was forward, but slowly, each member found themselves ever tied to this path. Unable to run away. "The truth is that peace is always within.." Shikieiki said before the seven founding members left the temple and it will forever stay the same as time goes on for eternity.

Xanadu, Kaede Histor11

History: Kaede spent most of her early life travelling from one end of the continent to the other. She was born with the name Kaede Ito and was the illegitimate daughter of a woman who belonged to a group of wandering merchants and a shinobi who Kaede never had the priviledge to meet. Despite her troubles, Kaede's mother, Hana, raised her as a single mother. She taught Kaede everything she knew about the world from her experience of travelling around. Hana had already visited every shinobi country on the continent and often told her daughter stories of brave shinobi who fought for the greater good and who sought out all kinds of adventures. Needless to say, Kaede was fascinated by the world around her at a young age. As soon as she could walk, she helped her mother and the merchants who had become her family in anything she could. The young girl saw in wonder as they crafted armors and weapons for the shinobi and sowed gowns and clothes for the civilians. Before she was ten years old, she had already seen all of the places her mother spoke of for herself.

As any other child would be, Kaede was curious. She often wandered off around town, climbing buildings like a street urchin or prying into other people's belongings to search for something that might catch her interest. This particular trait, which she learnt to let go of later on, caused her life to change drastically from one moment to another. As was usual for the travelling merchants, the group settled down in the outskirts of Tsukigakure for about a month to establish certain connections and trades. Since she usually had nothing to do, Kaede , who was ten years old at the time, often wandered off into the village. Her favorite place to visit was the theater, where she would sneak into and hide while watching plays. She was small and agile, so she usually never got caught.

One day, however, a young man noticed her hiding in the corner of the theater. Initially, he didn't say anything. He noticed her several times after that. Nevertheless, a week went by before he called out to Kaede and spoke to her. He complimented her for her skill in hiding, asked her her name and where she came from. Kaede was hesitant, but answered anyways. She spoke to the shinobi on several ocasions. He would tell her what it was like to be a ninja and how they had the power to shape the world's history. Needless to say, Kaede was fascinated by his stories. So much so that she asked him to teach her the basics of ninjutsu.

Though hesitant at first, the man obliged and began to teach young Kaede the basics of Taijutsu, figuring that it wouldn't requier Kaede to use any form of chakra and would therefore be easier for her to learn. The young girl caught on quickly and showed some talent in the few days she recieved lessons. The shinobi later on admitted that he was initially drawn to Kaede because of the red orb that floated around her. He asked her if it had always been there, to which Kaede answered that she supposed it had. Suspecting it was some form of Kekkei Genkai, the man offered her a place in Tsukigakure's Shinobi Academy.

Kaede talked it over with her mother, it was the first time she had seen her so angry. Hana offered her daughter a choice: Staying with her mother and living her life as it had been up until then or entering the Academy and forsaking her family. After thinking it over, Kaede decided to stay with the merchants after several days of thought. However, she kept on dreaming of what it would be like to live the life of a shinobi. She kept on travelling and helping her mother around for another year. By that time, her habit of curiosity hadn't died out yet.

Kaede would often go through her mother's belongings, just as a habit. She found trinkets and all sorts of odds and ends that entertained her during her times of boredom. But soon enough, she had already seen everything that her mother had. The only place where she hadn't searched was the small chest her mother kept burried in her closet, which Hana had forbidden her to do years before. But her mother had become distant ever since they had left Tsukigakure. She treated Kaede coldly and often avoided her. So maybe it was her need for attention or her curiosity itself or maybe even both that made Kaede leave aside her usual obedience.

What she found inside changed the course of her life completely. She picked up the small bundle and unwrapped what was hidden inside: Two daggers, one white and one black. The shinobi from Tsukigakure had taught her how to hold a kunai knife, so she supposed that holding a dagger would be the same. She picked up the white one and what she saw before her changed completely. She was able to see the same image from different angles and in incredible detail. She was able to notice objects and colors that she had never seen before despite living in that room. She was quickly overwhelmed by her surroundings and passed out a moment later.

Hana found her a few minutes afterward and feared for the worst. When her daughter woke up and wondered what happened, she hesitated to tell her the truth. She lied and told her daughter that she had fainted from dehydration. Kaede believed her until she saw both daggers on the floor near the bed. She accused her mother of hiding the truth from her and a long discuccion began. After hours, Hana relented and decided to tell Kaede everything she wanted to know. She began by telling her that her father was a member of the Xanadu clan, a group of people that possessed the power to wield special weapons. She went on to explain that the red orb that revolved around her head was her chakra pool and that the daggers she had found were the weapons of Patience and Pride. She went on to tell her daughter that she could reconsider becoming a shinobi if she really wanted to. Hana gave Kaede 3 months to decide, before they reached Tsukigakure.

Once the three months passed, Kaede finally decided to become a shinobi. She joined Tsukigakure's Academy and spent most of her time training so that she could be able to catch up to the other spiring ninja her age. She lived in the local orphanage, where she was often made fun of for her habit of speaking so formaly and for spending so many hours practicing the most basic jutsu. Kaede hardly listened to them. Her own drive was stronger than that. However, she often felt lonely and left out. She simply felt like she didn't belong.

Her efforts paid off soon enough. She was able to graduate, though barely, with the rest of her class. There began her career as a true shinobi. As a genin, she began going on basic missions, the way everybody else did. She would washe people's clothes and tend to their gardens. And like any other shinobi her age, she thought it was a waste of her talent. Nevertheless, she did as she was told, though she never missed a chance to demonstrate her abilities. She trained to use her weapons and honed her abilities as best she could. And at that time, at the mere age of 12, she thought that nothing could be more perfect.

Not long after that, Kaede took the opportunity to become a Chuunin. With use of her Kekkei Genkai, she was certain that she would be able to pass the test with flying colors. She nearly failed, but in the end, was given the rank of Chuunin. And again, she believed that the world couldn't be more perfect. Her vision soon changed when she was assigned her first mission as a squad leader. She was told that a nearby village was harboring enemies of Tsukigakure and that she was to find them and exterminate them. With the help of two other squads, she was able to carry out the mission successfully. However, it didn't turn out the way she had planned. The battle escalated and turned into an all out massacre of the innocent villagers. She herself followed her orders and participated in the massive killings. Men, women and children died like dogs despite their innocence. And she was the one who killed them, a mere excecutioner working for the spread of violence and war.

She opened her eyes that day and saw what the shinobi world was truly like. She despised it with all her heart and finally understood why her mother opposed her chosen path so sternly. But it was too late to turn back now. As she continued her path, she grew stronger and was finally given the title of Jounin at the age of 14 years old. She knew she wasn't strong enough and would never possess the necessary strength to change how things worked. So she simply decided that she would find someone who could carry out what she could ever do and set them on the path to change the shinobi word.

RP Sample: Darkenss and silence surrounded the area, making it seem like a void. Nothing moved, nothing changed. All that was heard was the wisper of wind against the trees and the rustling of the leaves that fell and paved the grass in bright colors of yellow, orange and red. But darkness was her tool. The shadows would act as her cover, the moon would be her only guardian, the stars would be her scouts. In the darkness, she could barely see on her own. However, she wasn't alone, not really. She held her blade, the weapon of Patience tightly. It had been difficult to hone its power over the years. It was even difficult now not to be overwhelmed by all the details she could see through the eyes of a bat and a fox. The image converged into her head as one, giving her a clear view of the night, as if it were the brightest of days. She would conduct her mission successfully, of that she had no doubt. She moved as silently as she could, using the abilities she ahd learned to supress the sound that came from her footsteps. Her objective was simple: A wild beast that had been terrorizing the outskirts of Tsuskigakure for over a month now. She could see it now, a wolf-like creature, slightly larger than a horse. Blood dripped from its mouth. Its paws were thick and large. Doubtless it could shred a human's back with a single swipe. But Kaede was no average human. She was a shinobi of Tsukigakure. Without much thought, she approached the beast as quickly but stealthily as she could. She held her breath, but was more than ready to strike. The beast caught on to her scent. It turned around, its blood red eyes looking at her directly. But Kaede didn't panick. She smiled calmly, as she always did, almost daring the wolf to come closer. On instinct, it did. Kaede dodged it gracefully. She jumped into the air and managed to land on its back. As expected, it thrashed and bucked, trying to knock her off from its back. But Kaede was no fool. She knew that if she let go she would die. Without much thought, she wielded her second dagger, the weapon of Pride. A electric current ran through her as she slashed the wolf's pelt like butter.

Xanadu, Kaede Extra10

Source: Deviantart

Face Claim: Miyuki Takahashi - Dangermayer

Xanadu, Kaede Accept10

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Female Posts : 49
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Xanadu, Kaede Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Kaede   Xanadu, Kaede EmptyMon Jun 25, 2012 11:19 pm

Just to clear a few things up, I know you need permission to make a memeber of the Xanadu clan, but I wasn't really sure who or how I needed to ask. So I decided to post this anyways. Also, I saw that a starting position was available for Tsukigakure Jounin and I didn't really know how to go about that either so I just placed that as a rank. The history exceeds the word requierments by about 500 words, but I still son't know if I can keep the rank. If I can't, I'll change the history. Thanks :)

Xanadu Clan:
Virtue: Patience
Vice: Pride
Color: Red
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Hakumei Shinkirou
Hakumei Shinkirou
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Xanadu, Kaede Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Kaede   Xanadu, Kaede EmptyTue Jun 26, 2012 1:36 am

Xanadu, Kaede Approv10
Unless someone has a problem with her having the rank.
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