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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Xanadu, Sora

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Special Jounin

Male Posts : 16
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Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyWed Aug 01, 2012 4:30 pm

Xanadu, Sora Stein
There is no Screw in his head.

Xanadu, Sora Whoare14

First Name: Sora
Last Name: Xanadu
Alias: Sky

Gender: Male
Age: Thirty-three (33)
Height: 5'9
Weight: 135 lbs
Birthday: October 31st
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Tsukigakure
Rank: Special-Jounin
Element: Raiton(Lighting), Fuuton(Wind), Doton(Earth)
Specialization: Kenjutsu, Ijutsu, Taijutsu

Xanadu, Sora Tellme11

1: Enjoys the sky, freedom and sweet and sour candy.

1: Being hostage, unable to go somewhere. Having nothing to do.
2: Hates being around crowds of people and hates noise that's at a yelling point.
3: Being told off by a woman and hates when men try to hit on him.
4: Hates peace and quite. Being in a battle where you can't seriously injure.
5: Not having any books to read. Having nothing to do in general. Being told that he can't proceed with his experiments.

Motivation: Sora has a single motive in mine, giving him a single goal. His goal on mind at all times. This goal is to train and be strong to do his duties of the Xanadu clan. The goal is simple but it keeps him going through his life as a shinobi.

Fears: All though they are all diffrent, they each share the same fears. They all have a fear of being trapped in a small space, making them closterphobic. They also have a fear of killing their loved ones. Even if they are all insane to some degree they know their family and can control themselves better to some degree. Lastly, they all have a fear of failing the clan and their responsabilities. They see their clan as the head of their life, without their clan, they are nothing.

Xanadu, Sora Blood10


Bloodline Name: Meikai no shugo-sha (Guardians of the Netherworld)

Bloodline Ability: Members of this clan are half-phantom and half-human. Although this is true, it also caused their Chakra pool to be completely removed from their body and deposited at a mysterious orb-like spirit of varying colour. The spirit orb can only be seen only by the members of the clan or someone who has seen death happen in front of their eyes. They have a very high level of concentration.

Genin, Chuunin:
During this level, they have to concentrate and absorb chakra from their spirit half. This makes it quite troublesome for those who want to be quick on their toes in battle. Although, they can use E~C rank jutsu’s with ease.

Sp. Jounin, Jounin, S-rank:
During this level, jutsu’s ranging from A~S rank will backfire on the caster if it involves chakra but to counter this disability members of the clan are able to merge with their spirit half for only 15 posts. Thus, letting them access Jutsu’s from A~S rank. Note that if the jutsu involves absorbing chakra from ones spirit half, it would require two posts for A~S rank unless stated. This can be used once per topic.

Below states the weapons that can be carried by the clan members. Note that the weapons are passed down from their forefathers (Explained in history).

(I'm choosing Kindness and Wrath)

Location: Scattered

Clan History: Long ago, war broke out. Countless lives lost in the blood stained grounds, bodies rotting, souls left unrest. Scarlet flames swirl in wake, devouring anything in its path. Merciless. Unforgiving. It comes after each battle. It’s fate? To cleanse! It’s desire? To give peace to those who have passed on.

In truth the clan was just scattered bits of nomadic people. They have no intension nor relation to what happened to the outside world. They preferred to throw everything not normal to them and live in peace as they travelled from place to place, gaining knowledge on much of the geography of the world, not to mention some well hidden ancient temples, shires and hideouts. They also have wide knowledge over many rumours, myths and legends that held were around at that time.

Among every mystery, one of them stood out the most. The legend of the temple of judgement, Tamashī no handan. Although, none of the seven members founding members of the clan went there as of yet, the legend spread like a virus, unrelenting, ever putting people in a trance state of desire. Everyone thought it was salvation and eternal bliss that will be found inside but the clan founders stayed away, fearful that the corruption will get to them.

Alas, they couldn’t escape the fate that which the temple already predicted. Soon, all of the ten leaders and their families meet at the temple. The famed mystery of the temple of black and white. One side it was rotting with darkness, malice and sin, the other with pureness, clarity and virtue. Stunning it was, but something or someone stood out. A certain elderly caretaker, stood to greet them. Unknowingly, their life had already been changed when they first came to know about the temple.

Time passed and each of the founding members changed, their families were told to wait for them far away, at the nearby river they all meet. Soon a ritual started, the caretaker revealed to be an immortal lady named Shikieiki Yamaxanadu, her job to get people to help her judge the living and send souls to their final resting place. She granted each of them a power they will never forget. Separate souls representing seven colours, their heirs having the colours of their respecting souls and weapons each depicting a vice and a virtue. Their goal was simple; to help people leave behind regrets and finally leave the world in peace.

Shocked by their predicament, each of them went down the path and the only way to move on was forward, but slowly, each member found themselves ever tied to this path. Unable to run away. “The truth is that peace is always within..” Shikieiki said before the seven founding members left the temple and it will forever stay the same as time goes on for eternity.

Xanadu, Sora Histor11

History: Sora was born in the village of Shippukagure, in the country of waves. He was born into a strange family. His father being insane to a high degree, and his mother being a loving, caring woman, that protected Sora. Soon after the birth of Sora, they left the village. The reason Sora was told as a child was because his mother said that they had found a better place to live. The truth was that Sora's father killed a family of non-ninja for an unknown reason, most likely the case of his insanity. They moved far away, moving to Tsukigakure, in the land of Death. There Sora went to the ninja academy and studied to be a ninja to protect his family, knowing that one day he too would have to take responsibility for his clan and take his father's two weapons, named Wrath and Kindness.

Sora lived his life peacefully, enjoying his time in the academy and learning different arts of fighting from his father who was able to push passed his insanity only for his family, anyone else going near him would usually end dead. Sora learned the ways to control weapons from his father, not just settling down with the usual sword, he learned the ways to deal with multiple types of weapons.

Sora was a talented ninja and because of his talent he graduated the academy a year earlier than most students would. Soon after graduating he was put into a team of genin, with a jounin as team leader. In this team was two males, Sora and one of his comrades, and two females, the second comrade and their sensei.

Sora lived peacefully, his father still insane as a result to the weapon "Wrath". Sora lived his life, training on a daily basis and admiring the sky. He had a deep love for the sky, loving the entire freedom of the being. He was properly named, since Sora's name literally meant Sky.

Two tears later Sora and his team took the Chunnin exams. They fought vigorously through the exams, doing their very best, and at the end, achieved one step closer to each of their goals. They had all been promoted to chunnin of their village, an incredible feature at such a young age. Sora's mother, when they got home, told Sora the news. News of his father's death.

While Sora was taking the chunnin exams, Sora's father's insanity took further steps into his life. His insanity killed him and as a result, Sora had to pick up and bare the weapons his father left him. Wrath and Kindness. Two weapons of the Xanadu clan. One that heals the user passively, a great aid when low on chakra, wounded, and having time to spare, and the other being a weapon that increases the users abilities two fold, at the cost of the user's own sanity. Sora was prepared for these weapons since he was a kid, it still troubled him, knowing his sanity would be lost, not knowing in what manner though.

Sora took up the two weapons at a young age, only have recently becoming a chunnin. From the moment he took up Wrath, he felt his mind splinting. He knew it was for the sake of his clan, to fulfill his duty as a member of the Xanadu clan. Over the course of one year, Sora's sanity slowly broke apart, literally. Over the year he began to hear voices, four different voices. At times even it seemed as if he had no control over his own body, just a puppet to someone else will.

Over the course of another year, more was lost to Sora. He began to notice when he was unable to control his own body, and when his body spoke, it was not his own voice, it was always the voice of a different sort it seemed. His voice, but in different pitches. The ability to be unable to control his own body, being helpless, drove the young teenager Sora to insanity.

Over the years Sora has become adopt to the fact that he loses control of his body and has learned how to re-gain control of his body. He all though knows that all the different personalties only take control when they know it's their times and when to take control of the body, usually letting Sora keep control unless they see a need to intervene to keep themselves alive or something they know they should, or even want, to do.

After a few more years, at the age of Thirty, Sora finally became a special jounin, keeping his insanity has hidden as much as possible with his time as a ninja, usually only taking missions on alone ever since he claimed Wrath. With the years as a Special-Jounin his insanity began to take more hold of him, making Sora see people who aren't actually there. All the personalties see these people except Ryuu and Seth, who have their own insanity with pain, gaining too much pleasure from seeing others in pain or dying.

RP Sample: I sat on the edge of the bridge,staring off into the sky,oh that sky. The sky was almost completely clear today which was quite amazing considering they are the village of the Mist. I never really did see the unblocked skies image. I could only dream of the wonder the great sky held. I stood up and heard some rustling,the sound was barely getting to me but I could make out the sound of a muffled woman's voice. I looked over in the general direction and raised my right eyebrow to the section. "No harm in checking I guess." I thought to myself. I ran over to the area and there I saw a man behind a woman,his right hand over the woman's mouth and with his left hand he held a knife to her neck. He was licking her neck on the other side. I cleared my throat and the man stooped licking the woman's neck and looked over at me. "Get out of here kid!! And don't tell anyone you saw me or ill gut you alive! This is my business and mine only!" He was becoming enraged and I could see the hostile situation I've gotten myself into,oh well guess I'll just have to get out of it.

"Sir please put down the knife and let go of the woman." I asked him nicely with a kind smile. "There is no reason anyone should get hurt today. None of us want that." I said,continuing to speak gently. Maybe it was my tone but the man was even more enraged. "What!?! You hurt me!? only hurting gonna happen here kid is when I twist my knife through your lung!" He yelled as he threw the woman to the ground. He charged at me and I sighed. They always wanted a fight. Why couldn't it just be a nice day to watch the sky. As he ran towards me I reached my hand back into my pouch and withdrew my kunai knife. I got into stance;my left hand,which held the kunai, was about at shoulder height,elbow bent, and the kunai was being held in a reverse grip. My right arm in the mean time just sat on my right side,as if limp almost. I got on my toes as the man approached,I was ready to face this savage man,even if I didn't want to.

He jabbed his knife at my lung,as he promised, and I took a quick step to my right and stepped forward and swung my kunai at his throat. He was able to barely dodge the attack,thank fully, and I quickly reacted. I twisted my body and with my right arm I swung to hit his shoulder,the shoulder connected to the arm holding his knife. The man went into slight pain,not from the force but the location. I then took another quick step and stabbed my kunai into his shoulder blade,making it so that if he moved that arm it would almost surly break his shoulder blade bone. I kicked the back of his left knee with my right shin and watched him drop to his knees. "I am Hikou Inoue. Genin of the Hidden Mist. I'm gonna have to apologize for your wounds but I can't allow you to go on with your actions sir."

Xanadu, Sora Extra10

Source: I've been here for awhile,before the lil upgrade. (Koga Zeppeki)

Face Claim: Soul Eater- Franken Stein

Xanadu, Sora Accept10

Last edited by Sora on Wed Aug 15, 2012 11:30 pm; edited 8 times in total
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Special Jounin

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Ryo : 500

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Xanadu, Sora Left_bar_bleue100/100Xanadu, Sora Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyFri Aug 03, 2012 4:02 pm

Bump of completness!
Also I have a few other notes so here they are.

I saw that the Special-Jounin slot was open for my village, so I just put in Special Jounin, i hope my history suffices, its over 800 words last I checked.

Second of all, The Xanadu clan. I have really no idea how im supposto app to be one of them, so I just made this character. Here's some Xanadu clan info you should know.

Vice: Wrath
Color of Representation: Pink/Violet

Thank you and I hope my app suffices

Last edited by Sora on Sun Aug 05, 2012 4:58 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 1:52 pm


It's Xanadu. Fix this everywhere in your app.
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Special Jounin

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Ryo : 500

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Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptySun Aug 05, 2012 4:58 pm

oo my bad. Guess I has some reading troubles when I was making this app xD hope everything else suffices
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Male Posts : 338
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Xanadu, Sora Left_bar_bleue250/250Xanadu, Sora Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 12:07 am

Sora wrote:

Sora took up the two weapons at a young age, only have recently becoming a chunnin. From the moment he took up Wrath, he felt his mind splinting. He knew it was for the sake of his clan, to fulfill his duty as a member of the Xanadu clan. Over the coarse of one year, Sora's sanity slowly broke apart, literally. Over the year he began to hear voices, four different voices. At times even it seemed as if he had no control over his own body, just a puppet to someone else will.

Over the coarse of another year, more was lost to Sora. He began to notice when he was unable to control his own body, and when his body spoke, it was not his own voice, it was always the voice of a different sort it seemed. His voice, but in different pitches. The ability to be unable to control his own body, being helpless, drove the young teenager Sora to insanity.

Over the years Sora has become adopt to the fact that he loses control of his body and has learned how to re-gain control of his body. He all though knows that all the different personalties only take control when they know it's their times and when to take control of the body, usually letting Sora keep control unless they see a need to intervene to keep themselves alive or something they know they should, or even want, to do.

Hmm... Having Multi-Persona Disorder entails that the person does not remember what they do while under the influence of another persona. This is what makes it seem as though there are many beings inhabiting a body at once.

What you are referencing to is called 'Schizophrenia'. When someone suffers from this disorder they show:

Bizarre behaviours
Hearing or seeing things that are not there (hallucinations)
Lack of emotion (flat affect)
Problems paying attention
Strongly held beliefs that are not real (delusions)
Thoughts that "jump" between different topics (“loose associations”)

Aka, they hear voices and lose control of themselves, which is what I hear you describing in your history and personality, so please change your disorder to Schizophrenia, OR re-write any and all parts of your history and personality so that they describe the correct disorder.

Also, in the second paragraph of the quote, you spelled 'coarse' wrong. You mean 'course' as in trek or period of time. You used 'coarse' which means rough. Please fix that.
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Special Jounin

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Ryo : 500

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Xanadu, Sora Left_bar_bleue100/100Xanadu, Sora Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 6:21 am

All righty i changed his disorder to schizophrenia and changed that word o_O Sorry it seems the spell check I ran it through messed with me xD
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Male Posts : 338
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Xanadu, Sora Left_bar_bleue250/250Xanadu, Sora Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 4:41 pm

Did you go and apply in opening starter ranks? I can't approve you until then.
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Special Jounin

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Xanadu, Sora Left_bar_bleue100/100Xanadu, Sora Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 8:39 pm


Well we could always go there o_O I posted something Similar to that, it had lots of pages with people saying their apping for __. I posted there but I seemed to have lost WHERE that was.
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Male Posts : 338
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Xanadu, Sora Left_bar_bleue250/250Xanadu, Sora Empty_bar_bleue  (250/250)

Xanadu, Sora Empty
PostSubject: Re: Xanadu, Sora   Xanadu, Sora EmptyMon Aug 06, 2012 9:39 pm

Xanadu, Sora Approv10
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