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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Senju, Makoto

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Makoto Senju
Makoto Senju
Male Posts : 50
Ryo : 14500

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Senju, Makoto Empty
PostSubject: Senju, Makoto   Senju, Makoto EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 2:14 am


Senju, Makoto Whoare14

First Name: Makoto
Last Name: Senju
Alias: -

Gender: Male
Age: 19
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 163 Lbs.
Birthday: March 9th
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: -

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Rank: Jounin
Element: Mokuton, Doton, Suiton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Reserved, Medical Ninjutsu

Senju, Makoto Tellme11

The most defining aspect of Makoto's personality is his introversion. He has always been a loner, not exactly by choice, but that's the way it turned out. Over the years, lack of human contact has left him very incapable of adequately bonding with others. That isn't to say he lacks empathy, in fact, he is adept at telling how a person is feeling, whether through expression, or just a hunch. What he lacks are the social skills to communicate with others. He can read, write, speak, what have you, but stringing words together in a smooth manner is beyond him. He is blunt to a fault, and often comes off as insulting. He despises this aspect of himself, but it is far too late in his life for his personality to dramatically change, so he has resigned himself to solitude. There are people he can get along with though, it just takes more effort on their part to understand Makoto's intentions when he speaks rudely.

The second most defining characteristic of his personality is his caring nature, and over-abundance of empathy. You could call him a care-bear if you will, as that is the roll he often takes. Through his actions, he is very kind and gentle to others, especially animals, fauna, and children. Adults still tend to have a harder time with him because of his atrocious choice in words, but children who's skills in communication are lack luster find it very easy to get along with Makoto. It certainly helps that Makoto is a bit childish himself, so he can fit right in with kids. He has even applied to be an academy instructor which his skills would easily qualify him for, but the interviewing process was too much for him. That doesn't stop him from checking on the village youth every once in awhile.

Makoto can also be quite stubborn. He has long been in quarrel with people about nature, and their treatment of it. He is completely 'green' so to speak. Much of his time is spent in the jungles around the village. He absolutely adores the vibrancy of nature that seems to contrast with his gloomy demeanor. This also fits well with another aspect of his personality, which is his wanderlust. Makoto finds it very difficult to stay in one place for long, especially villages. He isn't very good at being around large groups of people, preferring to be out in the wilderness enjoying the world. He constantly travels, checking back in with the village every once in awhile. He usually takes missions and whatnot that will send him someplace new to explore, rather than hanging around Kusamuragakure.

Another faucet of his stubbornness is his resistance to change. He is very set in his ways, and adamantly refuses to adapt. He smokes not because he is addicted, but because he is so used to smoking that stopping now would be too much to change. He also can't settle down because he is so used to traveling. He will likely continue in his ways until he dies, whether that's sad or not doesn't concern him because as long as he can keep doing what he wants, he is content. Luckily for others, his 'ways' are often beneficial to others, if not simply harmless.

As mentioned, Makoto is quite fond of nature. He grew up in the wilderness, and has always loved it. In particular, he likes flowering plants, and flashy aspects of nature. From bright fruits, to exotic birds, everything that is bright and naturally colorful is appealing to Makoto. He is even known to wander off, simply to find something pretty to look at. Another thing he likes is smoking. Smoking is no vice to Makoto, as he doesn't smoke tobacco, he simply smokes flavorful herbs and such that he finds on his journeys. He likes things that are appealing to all of his senses, so tasting things through smoking is another one of his joys. Other things that he is fond of are children and small animals. They tend to get along with him, and are a large portion of his social contact, so he makes sure to have fun while he's in town.

A bit surprisingly, something that Makoto doesn't like is being alone. If he had the means, he would love to be in better contact with people, but it just isn't something he thinks he's capable of. In his travels, he is often alone and it depresses him greatly. Another thing he dislikes is pointless destruction. It's fine if you hunt for food and clothing, or chop down trees for shelter, but when people are wastefully destructive, it infuriates him. There is no reason to take a life for no purpose, and there is certainly no joy in doing so. He has a particular distaste for assassins and game hunters. The sheer waste of life they endorse is obscene. Some other things he dislikes are the taste of synthetic foods, candy and fire.

Makoto has two driving forces that potentially motivate him. The first his self indulgence. More often than not, his depression can overtake him, and to fight it back, he likes to enjoy himself. This is probably the most contributing part of his personality as it drives his desire to travel and try new things. He is always searching for things to enjoy, and new life experiences because of it. The second driving motivation is a bit less selfish. He has a profound respect for nature, more specifically plants and animals, and is often motivated to act in their defense. He doesn't take to calmly protesting either, he goes right in to bluntly express his distaste. The reasoning for this respect is because wildlife has an enigmatic 'system' so to speak. Life constantly breeds, and yet things constantly die, always struggling to survive. There is almost a perfect balance between life and death in nature, which is absurd due to the scale of it all. Such an efficient yet wild system is awe inspiring to Makoto.

Makoto's most crippling fear is fire, but he is not fearful of it in the most general sense. He doesn't fear the sight, color, sound, heat or pain of fire. He doesn't even fear that it could kill him. The reason he fears fire is the same reason he respects wildlife as a whole. It is awe inspiring. Unlike wildlife which constantly grows and keeps balance, fire constantly grows and sows destruction, leaving nothing in its wake. It is an aspect of nature that is purely destructive, and yet, through destruction fire grows. It is a terrifying 'thing' that goes against everything Makoto believes in, and yet he is so helpless in front of it. To 'stop' fire would be tantamount to stopping nature, and such a thing is inconceivable.

A less noticeable, but still present fear for Makoto is the fear of being stuck. Especially being stuck alone in a dark place. That doesn't mean he is afraid of any of those individual situations, but combined, they change into a terrifying predicament for Makoto. Things like being in a prison cell, or lost in a cave are quite scary for Makoto. He would hate to be in either situation, and the only way to make them worse would be if he literally could not move. If he was absolutely restrained in pitch black darkness, with no noise and nothing living around him, he would be in hell. The only possible way to make it worse would be if he knew that there was a forest fire transpiring or some such similar destructive event.

Senju, Makoto Blood10


Bloodline Name: Mokuton

Bloodline Ability:
Mokuton Wood Style is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines earth and water-based chakra natures to create wood, or complete trees. This ability can also be used to create other aspects of trees, such as seeds or flowers. Wood Release techniques can be produced from anywhere, including the user's body, as the user's chakra is literally converted into a source of life. Wood Release Techniques Mokuton no Jutsu are commonly affiliated with the Snake seal. due to their many battles with the uchiha they have a natural resistance to genjutsu that reduces genjutsu used against them by 1 rank. The Mokuton jutsu is rather difficult to control and thus only chuunin and above are able to use it. members can choose not to have earth and water as elements but if they do not have them they will not be able to use wood style.

Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato

Clan History:
The Senju clan descended from the younger of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths who was born with the "body" of the Sage, inheriting his father's strength of will and physical energy and believed that love was the key to bringing peace to the world. The Sage grew to favour the ideals of his younger son over those of his older son, who believed that power alone was the true key to finding peace. Therefore, on his deathbed it was the younger of the two brothers that the Sage chose to name as his successor. The elder brother, bitter and hateful at having being denied what he felt was rightfully his to inherit, attacked his younger sibling. The Uchiha clan would descend from the elder brother, resulting in the bitter centuries-long rivalry between the Senju and the Uchiha.

he Senju clan gained their fame in the era before the founding of the hidden villages. Where other clans focused on mastering one particular skill, the Senju were prodigious in all skills, from ninjutsu, to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this, they were as "the clan with a thousand skills" which gave them their name "Senju" (a thousand skills", or "a thousand hands").

The Senju's place at the top of the shinobi world was undisputed, but there was one clan that was able to stand up to them: the Uchiha clan. Whenever one country hired the Senju, their enemies would hire the Uchiha, and vice versa. This led to a rivalry between the two clans.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the fighting, and a peace treaty was formed with the Uchiha clan.  The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country. Due to thier lack of a basic kekkai genkai at the time the Senju clan all but disappeared the lines between them and other clans becoming dimmer and dimmer until eventually the clan dissapeared. An occational person can be found with these abilities but overall it's extremely rare for people to have any ability contained by the Senju clan, but it does happen and not just in thier original country several villages have claimed to have a ninja that holds these abilities.

Senju, Makoto Histor11

Makoto was born into a rather depressing family. They were a dying clan that had all but abandoned the ninja way. There were 2 older brothers, one of which had become a ninja, the other of which had decided to work and support the family. Both brothers were anything but mean to Makoto, but their mother was another story. She clung to a shred of pride that caused her to be strict with the boys, to an almost abusive extent. Their father, the only other ninja in the clan besides Makoto's older brother, was often on missions and could not be bothered to step in. The reason their mother felt so entitled was because their clan had in fact descended from the Senju clan. Their family name had changed over time, but there was a direct family tree leading all the way back to one of the most esteemed ninja clans. It was due to this lineage that their mother clung to the hope of once again regaining greatness. It soon became apparent that Makoto would be the key in this endeavor.

As a young child, he had an almost baffling affinity for nature. As soon as he could walk, Makoto was off in the woods, exploring as he might, and getting into all kinds of trouble. He'd come back filthy, and covered in small injuries, and soon, their mother grew tired of it. She kept him within the estate grounds, and started enforcing a strict training cycle, believing that the academy was below their prestige. Soon after, the family noticed how distraught Makoto was, being unable to spend his time surrounded by wilderness. Despite his incessant complaints, and tantrums, she would not yield, and forced him to continue. It was after a particularly daunting tantrum, that Makoto showed a glimpse of his potential. While in the yard, screaming back at his mother after a nasty fight, his chakra went wild, and plants noticeable seemed to form around his feet. His mother, well versed in the history of the Senju, knew immediately that this was a display of the Mokuton kekkai genkai.

Almost immediately after the discovery, Makoto's treatment changed. His training was now done with an instructor brought from outside the family, and his mother was much kinder in all regards. She couldn't go and displease her meal ticket now could she? With his new treatment came a very negative aspect though. His older brother who had already become a ninja lost all support from their family. Due to Makoto's inheritance of a special ability, the family had decided that Makoto would be the successor instead of his brother. This infuriated his brother who had previously been very kind. After nearly a year of brooding, and steeping in his hatred, Makoto's older brother took him far into the jungles surrounding their village, and left him there. Chaos ensued as the family searched desperately for Makoto, but to no avail. After a week, he was declared dead, and his brother who had played innocent, was once again placed as the successor of the family. Unbeknownst to Makoto at the time, this was probably one of the most beneficial events in his life.

Despite abandoning his younger sibling, Makoto's brother wasn't completely heartless. He had left Makoto with an old man who lived by himself in a small shack deep in the wilds. The man was a simple old man who lived off the land, and respected nature. He didn't ask any questions when he found Makoto at his door, and simply welcomed the young child into his home. It was a weird pairing as the man had lost and semblance of social skills, but he was a very kind person. He fed Makoto, and provided him with a shelter, but Makoto was hardly in the home. His life was as he had wanted since childhood. He was free to explore the land, and frolic in the wilderness. It was like a dream come true for Makoto, who bonded even further with nature. Outside of the village, he was free to test his capabilities as he liked, climbing trees, chasing animals, and even experimenting with some self taught ninjutsu.

His capability of manipulating Mokuton element was a gift that he appreciated greatly. To him, it was like a sign from god that he was meant to be in the forests, not stuck in some home practicing standardized ninjutsu over and over. Eventually though, he felt his own limits and knew that if he wanted to pursue even great techniques, he would need instruction. Solemnly, Makoto made the arduous trip back to his village, after saying goodbye to the man who had homed him. By this time, he was in his young teens, and looked far different from what he did as a child. It would be hard for his family to identify him as he was now, but his name would give him away. Deciding to stick to his ancestral roots, rather than making up a name, he took on the family name Senju, while keeping his given name. It wouldn't really fool is family, but it would probably sow some doubt. With his new name, Makoto enrolled in the ninja academy, skipping several levels due to his age, and inherent abilities.

It didn't take long for him to realize that he was different from the others his age. He was awkward, he didn't speak well, and he had weird habits from growing up in the wild. Most others avoided him, and he ended up always being alone due to an odd number of people in their class. Even on assignments, and training sessions, he'd always end up paired with an instructor. This actually worked out to his advantage though, because learning directly from the instructor not only introduced him to a higher skill level, but also allowed his natural talents to shine. In a particularly straining sparring exorcise, Makoto slipped up and accidentally exposed his Mokuton abilities. He had been trying to keep them a secret to hide from his family, and in his negligence, he had used them. The instructor, while bewildered, noticed how distraught Makoto was, and was able to keep it a secret. From then on, Makoto was intentionally always separated from the other students in sparring so that he and his teacher could develop his techniques in privacy.

Makoto absorbed the teachings like a sponge, and ended up on an accelerated path to graduate. He out shined his class by a long shot, and was allowed to graduate with the year ahead of him. He was then partnered up with two other graduates, and a jounin for him to gain real life experience, and train for the chuunin exam. This period of his life seemed to fly by, as every day was traveling, or special training, or doing small tasks for his teacher. Despite being with the group, he still felt alone. The other two young ninjas treated him like an outcast, and only performed with him when they had to. It made it hard for them to work as a team, but he had to struggle through it. Even their teacher didn't very fond of Makoto, spending most of his time helping the other two. Unknown to Makoto, his jounin instructor had been informed of his abilities, and was spending his time training the other two so they could keep up with him.

After a long while, it was finally the time for the chuunin exam. His team entered together, and utilizing some forced tactics, they did manage to make it through the first rounds, though there was definite tension between them. As soon as they made it to the individual portion of the exams, Makoto was relieved to be on his own once again. He figured he'd be able to perform better, unobstructed by others. It was with this flimsy mindset that he went into the preliminaries for the final portion of the exam. He fought another boy his age, but the kid was far more skilled than Makoto had anticipated. He was quickly cornered and was about to lose, so Makoto had to reveal his skills in order to pass. Utilizing the mokuton element, he quickly subdued the other, and astounded the judges in the process. It had been a while since a real Senju had made an appearance.

Now that his abilities were out in the open, Makoto no longer restrained himself. He blazed through the final portions of the competition, domineering over his opponents with his overwhelming powers. Granted, his abilities only seemed strong to the young ninjas who had never seen or been taught how to fight against mokuton. Despite his prowess, Makoto almost did not pass the exam. The judges had reviewed his earlier tests, and were well aware that he did not work well with others. Despite this though, they felt his talents were good enough to warrant his passing, so he was promoted to chuunin. This was exciting news for Makoto who had passed, but it generated more animosity in his team, as the other two hadn't passed. Noticing that the conflict had grown to an alarming extent, their master split them up, allowing Makoto to take missions on his own, or with other groups.

During this time, Makoto became absorbed in his career. He relinquished any chance at friendship, and was always outside the village, performing any task available to him. When he wasn't doing a mission, he was back in the jungle, enjoying himself the only ways he knew how. He thought his life was going great, but soon, loneliness crept in. In being such a busybody, he had lost sight of those around him, and by the time he realized he was completely alone, he was already a jounin, and his entire age group was so far behind him, he had no chance of reconciling. He had achieved so much, but he gained no happiness from it. He was an adult with no friends, and a village that looked at him as more of a tool than a person, mainly because he had acted like a tool. It is in present time that we find Makoto, with little drive to continue being a ninja, wandering aimlessly through his life.

Rp Sample:
Average Sample:

Senju, Makoto Extra10

Source: Random link, not sure from where

Face Claim: Ginko - Mushishi

Senju, Makoto Accept10

Last edited by K1ng on Tue Jul 23, 2013 12:54 am; edited 5 times in total
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Makoto Senju
Makoto Senju
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Senju, Makoto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Makoto   Senju, Makoto EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 2:18 am

RP Sample:  
Long Sample:
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Senju, Makoto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Makoto   Senju, Makoto EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 6:09 pm

Nintaijutsu requires both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu as specialties. Since you have the reserved spot, I'm guessing it is for Senjutsu for later down the road, or you just don't know what you want for it. If this is the case, fill it with Taijutsu to have nintai, otherwise swap out nintai for something else. 

Everything else looks good. Also, since you're a shinobi of B-rank+ you can also have an alias if you wish, though it is completely up to you. 

Bump the app when the changes are made.
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Makoto Senju
Makoto Senju
Male Posts : 50
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Senju, Makoto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Makoto   Senju, Makoto EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 9:34 pm

Completion bump
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Jojo Kaguya
Jojo Kaguya
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Senju, Makoto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Makoto   Senju, Makoto EmptySun Jul 21, 2013 9:41 pm


Bug Eden or Ryouji for color
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Senju, Makoto Empty
PostSubject: Re: Senju, Makoto   Senju, Makoto EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:35 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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