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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Uchiha Kazuki

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Kazuki Uchiha
Kazuki Uchiha
Male Posts : 2
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PostSubject: Uchiha Kazuki   Uchiha Kazuki EmptySat May 11, 2013 10:48 pm

Uchiha Kazuki 524365-4 Uchiha Kazuki 524365-5 Uchiha Kazuki 524365-6

Uchiha Kazuki Whoare14

|First Name|
Kazuki || 一輝, 和希 "One Radiance"

|Last Name|
Uchiha || うちは一族 "Uchiha Ichizoku"
Uchiha Kazuki 18px-Uchiha_Symbol.svg

Chīsana Akai || 小さな赤い "Little Red"

Dansei || 男性 "Male"
Uchiha Kazuki 18px-Gender_Male.svg

Jūsan || 十三の "Thirteen"

150.8 cm || 4.945 ft

40.1 kg || 88.405 lbs

Jūnigatsu || 12月 "December" [20th]

Iseiaisha || 異性愛者 "Heterosexual"


Shippugakure || 嵐の村 "Hurricane Village"

Genin || 下忍 "Low Ninja"

Katon || 火遁 "Fire Release"

Ninjutsu || 忍術 "Ninja Techniques"
Genjutsu || 幻術 "Illusionary Techniques"

Uchiha Kazuki Tellme11

Quote :
Kazuki is a deferential young man, holding on dear to the morals in which his mother, Kizuka had instilled into him from a young age despite his upbringing. Punctual and well-mannered, you won’t catch this Uchiha speaking ill of anyone, regardless of how he actually feels towards them. Courteous and thoughtful to others, he doesn’t stray for doing the more nominal things that mean more in the long run to others. Most call him overly nice, or too respectful, and mistake this trait for a weakness. Nonetheless, it’s quite the opposite, as it’s an unconscious façade he displays to others which forbids intrusion into his mind. A defense mechanism to keep him mentally above his opposition.

A odd trait that the Uchiha tends to follow if cognizant of it or not is that Kazuki never showcases his full potential, or takes credit for anything that could potentially raise his recognition. Not one for the extra attention, Kazuki would much rather to keep his accomplishments to himself; after all, they were only a testament to what he did; he doesn’t need the verification from others to feel accomplished. Despite this act of isolation in such an area, he’s quite the gregarious person. Not shy to say a few words, even to strangers, the Uchiha is open to conversation.

Unlike most who hail from his Clan, Kazuki is in no such way branded a child prodigy. His skill and current level of intelligence (Which is quite high in comparison to others) derives from his own unparalleled strength of mind and willingness to try new things. He wasn’t given anything at birth that signified immediate achievements. He worked for everything he has today, which instilled a greater sense of appreciation into the Uchiha’s heart. As such, Kazuki takes little to nothing for granted. With an open mind to pretty much anything, it’s allows better comprehension of logical and abstract ideas and practices alike; making it much easier for him to learn things.

A rational thinker when needed, Kazuki is quite the tactician. Able to conceive a number of possible outcomes to any given events, he can pick through his analysis and apply the best ending for the specified situation. Nimble-minded, he’s a quick thinker, and sometimes more instructive, a peculiarity trained from his childhood to present time. This is key for him in combat when faced with task that require a more clever approach.

  • Training - Kazuki enjoys training and working on various techniques that help better his skill as a shinobi. Majority of the time you can find him in the training area.

  • Uchiha - Kazuki has great pride for his clan and loves their traditions. He will protect anyone of Uchiha lineage with fierce determination.

  • Ninjutsu - Kazuki specializes in the art of ninjutsu and enjoys learning new techniques.

  • Missions - When the opportunity unfolds, Kazuki loves going on missions

  • Incompetence - People who are stupid, act foolish, and dumb are people Kazuki despise. He finds them uncontrollably annoying and cannot tolerate their nonsense.

  • Wasting time - Another thing about Kazuki is that he isn't known for wasting time, especially his time. He always has something planned for himself.

  • Failure - As most people, Kazuki hates failing at any subject or mission.

  • Pork - The most disgusting piece of meat on the face of the earth that Kazuki can't bare to smell or even think about eating.

  • His Family - Kazuki's motivation is his family, they have given courage all throughout his childhood to become both a find shinobi and Uchiha.

  • Being weak - Kazuki fears becoming weak and not being able to protect those dear to him. His dream is to become one of the greatest Uchiha's to ever live.

Uchiha Kazuki Blood10

Uchiha Clan

|Bloodline Name|
Sharingan || 写輪眼 "Copy Wheel Eye"

|Bloodline Ability|
Quote :
Sharingan is the blood inheritance limit of the Uchiha Clan. The Uchiha are said to be descendants of the Hyuuga, with the Byakugan changing into the Sharingan over time. This doujutsu (eye skill) gives one the ability to read Genjutsu, Taijutsu and Ninjutsu and then defeat it. As such, the clan member can view a technique being performed and almost instantly memorize the movements required to be able to complete it, including the needed chakra moldings and seals used. However the clan member cannot copy techniques that are unique to another bloodline and the clan member must have a body capable of meeting the chakra and physical requirements to do the jutsu. This rarely stops the clan member though, as such stressful situations often push their limits farther and allow them to harness their full potential.

The Sharingan itself contains three tomoe (comma). A higher mastery of the Sharingan can be seen in the creation of a new tomoe in the eye, with three tomoe being the typical highest form of the eye. The rare Mangekyou form is a unique evolution of the Sharingan beyond the three tomoe form, please see its entry for more information. An eye possessing two tomoe can allow the Uchiha clan member to track the movement of an opponent and do some minor copying of an opponents attack. For avoiding incoming attacks, the Uchiha's speed and agility will greatly control whether they can move to avoid it. However, three tomoe will greatly help in this area.

Two tomoe will also allow the ninja to pierce Genjutsu and see the surrounding reality for what it really is. It can also allow the member to pierce another’s body and see their chakra. While the eye is not refined enough to see the tenketsu and chakra circulatory system like the Byakugan, it can view the movement and flow of chakra. This can help them tell if a person is trapped in a Genjutsu, or if an attacker is a real threat or merely a bunshin.

An eye containing three tomoe will allow the ninja to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body. This prevents wasteful movement and allows the Uchiha clan member to conserve much needed chakra in battle. It allows them to synchronize their movement to strike at an area moments before their opponent is even in that spot, essentially allowing them to strike out and hit their opponent before they're even there.

Three tomoe also grants the Uchiha the ability to do Genjutsu and hypnosis after locking eyes with an enemy. This can be used to cause their opponent to do an attack of the Uchiha's choosing. This hypnosis can also be used as a Genjutsu counter, which is the ability to turn a Genjutsu spell back upon the original caster without the requirement of forming any handseals.

Shippugakure || 嵐の村 "Hurricane Village"

|Clan History|
Quote :
The Uchiha clan descended from the elder of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths. The elder brother inherited the Sage's "eyes", powerful chakra and spiritual abilities. When it came time for the Sage to choose a successor, he questioned the two on what course of action they would follow to bring order to the world. The elder believed that might was the way to bring peace, while the younger believed love was the way. The Sage favored the ideal of the younger brother, and therefore designated the younger as his successor, causing the elder to be filled with jealousy and hatefulness. From the younger son descended the Senju clan who would be the eternal rivals of the Uchiha.

Before the founding of the ninja villages, the Uchiha were one of the many mercenary clans for hire. Because of their Sharingan, the Uchiha clan came to be known as one of the two strongest clans, the other being the Senju clan. As time passed the Uchiha grew stronger, conquering whatever clans they came upon, such that, whenever the Uchiha clan was hired for a job, the opposing side would hire the Senju, and vice versa.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the endless fighting, and approached the Uchiha clan with a peace treaty. The leader at that time feared that an alliance would lead the Uchiha to ruin, but his clan disagreed, and he was forced to accept. The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country to reside on its various islands. What happens next will depend on the generations to come.

Uchiha Kazuki Histor11

Quote :
Born into the eminent Clan Uchiha would be one of great principle. The blood of this adolescent would be the soul enforcer of the law, and the executioner for those who sought its obliteration. The mammoth blight, and souvenir which ran through the genetic coding of not only himself, but his entire clan would ultimately be his decisive instrument for achieving his ambition in the near futures, and the events which would take place before realization of that ambition would help to cast and sculpt not only mind but body to preserve the reasonability.

Conceived in the primary hospital within the mountain breadth village of Shippugakure no Sato would be a child, born of Uchiha blood. After birth, under a loose debate which would decide the name of this newborn, it would soon be not only accounted but palpable that the youth’s name would be Uchiha. Both parents being of imperial clan blood, and his elder brother who now had reached the age of five, Kazuki would have three liable sources to help construct his mind for the years to come.

From a young age Kazuki showed signs of a prospering future Shinobi, always on alert, strength leadership skills, and a strapping respect for the fundamental laws of Shippu that only was surpassed by his own raw talent. From the epoch which comprehension was enabled, Kazuki spent most of his childhood years with his father who would inaugurate the sagacity of impartiality into Kazuki at a young age. Tactics as such usually were only used to supplement an impassive appliance, however the inherited trait which now rests within Kazuki was the supporting beam for his father’s achievement, and thus it would only seem right for his son to flourish from such a logic and conviction as well.

As Kazuki entered the Shinobi Academy (Age six) he would find himself in a entirely new environment from what he was used to at the Uchiha District; all the kids at the academy, gifted in their own right, Kazuki’s fellow students were more adapted to the arts of the Shinobi ways and this was what Kazuki wanted to be as well. After spending two months in the academy Kazuki soon began to fit into its compound, seemingly with ease surpassing most students in study as well as basic combat tactics; Kazuki especially excelled at the Shinobi arts of Ninjutsu as well as Genjutsu, these two combined capabilities allowed Kazuki to alone become a well accomplished Shinobi and with that in mind he’d continued to practice his skill so that one day he would become what he wanted so badly.

As time faded away and Kazuki became a common and humble citizen of Shippugakure so did his talent as Kazuki’s own skill increased drastically, the transition from his clan’s Manner district to Shippugakure no Sato Academy at the point was the best thing that would have happened to Kazuki and without a doubt he was sincerely grateful for this opportunity. After four years of attending the academy it was finally time for the young genius to meet his fate as it was almost time for the Academy graduation and final exams, these two aspects alone left Kazuki with a sour feeling in his stomach but a warm flame in his soul, now it was time to see where his training has directed him and if he’d passed he would soon be a official Shinobi of Shippugakure.

For the next two weeks Kazuki would push his muscles and mind to their limits as he forced the knowledge and skill needed to pass the final exams into his body and mind, now it was time to test his own boundaries. After a long nights rest and a great fulfilling breakfast Kazuki without hesitation made his way towards the academy as he would soon face one of the hardest obstacles in his young life, the Graduation Exam.

Once entered, Kazuki was directed towards a small room which dwelled in the back of the academy, their he along with a number of students would take part in a written exam, this portion gave Kazuki a sense of what was to come for the future section of this exam, with great ease Kazuki finished his written exam and was escorted to another where he would stand face-to-face with officials of the village as well and a unknown proctor. The final part of the exam was to display the three common jutsu that must be mastered if one even had hopes of passing the exams and becoming a Genin of Shippu, after a few moments of displaying all three techniques Kazuki waited until he was asked to leave the room and wait for the results in which he acknowledged and soon fled the room in complete and utter excitement as well as disbelief, he was so close to his goal and all he had to do now was wait…

After sitting in complete silence for a few moments as his legs shuck back and forth and his arms shivering from curiosity Kazuki was greeted by the unknown proctor who examined his jutsu presentation as he was told the results of his Graduation exam. After shaking hands Kazuki’s eyes widen as he was handed an official Hitae-ate and from that moment branded as a Shippugakure Shinobi, Kazuki had finally accomplished the first step to becoming what he so desired. For the next few months Kazuki would continue his original life as a citizen only increasing his popularly around his village awaiting the time were he could actually prove his skills to a higher official so that he could do more than just the ordinary.

|RP Sample|
Quote :
Rolling over in bed, he stretched lazily before glancing at the clock on the table beside his bed. The hands read twelve thirty. Kazuki had slept late today. After all he had been doing here recently, he figured he deserved it. It was the weekend too. After all the training and missions, it felt good just to lay in bed for fourteen hours sleeping off his troubles. He could not stay there all day though. He had an important appointment today. Really Kazuki was surprised that one of his family had not come to wake him up sooner. They could see the strain he had been under too he guessed. Still, every day he needed to work at getting stronger and even today was no exception.

He had had a good rest so his body should have plenty of energy for even just a short training session. The Uchiha threw back the covers on his small bed revealing his night garb of a t-shirt and boxers. Throwing his legs over the side of his bed for a moment he sat there on the edge and involuntarily groaned at himself actually forcing himself to do something. After rubbing his hands back and fourth through his messy bed head he stood and looked around the clutter on his room floor for his towel where it had been cast the day before. As he stepped out of his room and went towards the bathroom his sister came out of her own room.

“Morning Onii-san!”

Kazuki simply nodded back, too groggy to talk.

After entering the bathroom, stripping down and showering he continued back to his room wearing only the towel. His aunt caught sight of the water dripping off of him as he had not really bothered to dry himself off like most boys. She shook her head at the mess he was making in the hall and placed her hands disappointedly on her hips, yet said nothing. She would scold him later. Once he got to his room he dressed himself in his usual shinobi garb and equipped his tools which extra heavy today. It was going to take him a bit to get used them again, which was partly the reason for going out again today.

Uchiha Kazuki Extra10

Anohana Wiki

|Face Claim|
Yadomi Jinta || Uchiha Kazuki || Anohana

Uchiha Kazuki Accept10

Last edited by sleepy on Sun May 12, 2013 4:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Uchiha Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha Kazuki   Uchiha Kazuki EmptySat May 11, 2013 11:35 pm

Your likes, dislikes, motivations, and fears need to me in sentence format, pretty please. Thank you! :)
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Kazuki Uchiha
Kazuki Uchiha
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Uchiha Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha Kazuki   Uchiha Kazuki EmptySun May 12, 2013 4:19 pm

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Uchiha Kazuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Uchiha Kazuki   Uchiha Kazuki EmptyThu May 16, 2013 8:37 pm

Okay! Sorry for the long wait!

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PostSubject: Re: Uchiha Kazuki   Uchiha Kazuki EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:43 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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