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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Hisoka Ko-Seido

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Hisoka Ko-Seido
Hisoka Ko-Seido
Posts : 22
Ryo : 1500

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PostSubject: Hisoka Ko-Seido    Hisoka Ko-Seido  EmptyTue May 28, 2013 5:59 pm

Hisoka Ko-Seido  Tumblr_mazgcnn9Bk1r6y341o1_500

Hisoka Ko-Seido  Whoare14

First Name: Hisoka
Last Name: Ko-Seido
Alias: Cicero The Butcher

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 6'2''
Weight: 180lbs
Birthday: 4/12
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationships: -

Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element: Lightning, Wind, Earth
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Kyujutsu, Kenjutsu

Hisoka Ko-Seido  Tellme11

Personality: What is there to be said about Hisoka that has not already been said about him? He is crude, rude, and often mean. He prefers to deal with problems by himself, being that type of person he would never send another to act in his stead. He is a very hands on sort of guy and takings his missions very seriously, sometimes to the point where some would call overzealous. He enjoys killing and does not shy from it if he is commanded to. Like a hunting hound he will fiercely decimate his enemies at the slightest hint of provocation. Most often he is more than willing to jump into battle and defend his charge no matter what the situation.

Hisoka likes to prance about like a psychotic jester and will insult anyone when in the mood only to play it off as a bout of insanity during these times he will refer to himself as a butcher. However the whole thing is an act as he has a sharp and cunning mind worthy of combat and can read people like a book. Facial, and muscle movements reveal emotions and intentions to him, while tone of voice also helps back this up. Overall he is ruthless to his enemies, and protective of his charges like a true ninja should be.

Hisoka likes blood, the color crimson, roses, and wine. Things red are really his forte. He also enjoys making fun of others, making fun of himself, jokes, slapstick, and jests.Of course fighting, combat, crossing blades with another and practicing his archery holds a place in his heart, as does understanding, learning, reading, and listening.

The things that Hisoka dislikes are peace time, solitude, ong drawn out speeches other than his own and being serious.

There is one thing that motivates Hisoka, and only one thing alone his humor, simply put he does whatever he wants so long as he can find humor in it and will seek out something that heartens him over most anything else.

Hisoka fears that he will not die in combat, or that he will have his tongue cut out.

Hisoka Ko-Seido  Blood10

Place clan name here Ko-Seido

Bloodline Name: The Baruzuaigan

Bloodline Ability: With the bullseye activated, it also has a number of jutsus for the doujutsu it can use to add to the user's arsenal. For example, with one jutsu, the user can mark a target specifically on their body with the eyes. Once this occurs, a bullseye aka Target will appear on that specific area that only the user can see. With this target here, whatever projectile is thrown will home in on that target no matter what or where the person is headed. Forcing them to have to block. All members of the clan have a penchant for the lightning and wind chakra sets and will be born with them as their main and secondary respectively.

The eye itself is only in one socket. Meaning one eye will be a normal eye, and the other will be the doujutsu. It is always active and takes the form of black ripples leading into the center red pupil of the eye. The eye, itself, has a tendency to glow once being removed from its patch but only for a few seconds. Once the patch is removed, all its jutsu can be used. However, when on, none of its techniques or traits can be used. Those who use this doujutsu will see their skills in weaponry and other forms of combat, skyrocket to ridiculous levels.

Location: Boufuugakure no Sato

Clan History: This clan is a relatively new one at being only three generations old, the founder is still alive today it is thought though none have seen him since he began his twenty year pilgrimage fifteen years ago. The clan is usually raised to be the silent hand of the kage, and are groomed for missions where they must kill. They relish a good fight and usually will not shy away from battle. This does not always apply as with the rest of the traits but for the most part Ko-Seidos do not flinch from a battle or from killing. They are also very precise and prefer working with weapons over using hand seals, they know how quickly ones hands can come off after all. They are usually found in Loki's bar, or at an older age in Thor's Temple. The clan originated in the Village Hidden in the Storm but even still complain about the heat preferring to be in colder climates, thus they do a lot of traveling when on and off assignment. The highest order a clan member can heed is from the patriarch, his word going even above the Kage's this is the one trait that all Ko-Seido's share without exception as it is brainwashed into them at a young age. So far no Ko-Seido has ever been Kage.

[center]Hisoka Ko-Seido  Histor11

History: Hisoka Ko-Seido is a third generation Ko-Seido, and the oldest of the third generation of the clan. Which of course sets him in line to assume the position of patriarch when his grand father dies. This is due to his father's death shortly after he had turned nine in the war with Shippukagure. The war was brutal and raged fiercely between the two villages, it ended while Hisoka was just becoming a genin and the result of not being able to grow to avenge his father's death split his psyche so much that at first Cicero was a real facet of his persona. This happened after the war ended when he was about to turn eleven and during his training as a genin. Like all Ko-Seido's Hisoka had became a ninja at a young age at the begining he was about honor but that corroded as the war drug on until he was transformed into the usual blood thirsty hound. Of course this was corrected in time but not before he was punished for his behavior. Upon one of his first missions a simple request to guide a merchant became something out of hell with a score of bandits ambushing the small team. During the attack Hisoka broke himself into Cicero, which is when he attained the nickname Cicero the Butcher due to his third person references as he went into a flurry of bloody blades after seeing another of his team being shot in the head by a bandit's arrow. The ninjas were lax, their jounin lazy and as such the genin died unaware. This would have further cemented the Cicero persona into Hisoka if not for later events. During his blood rage he also killed the merchant, mistakenly blaming the poor man for setting them up. This was of course after he slaughtered twelve of the bandits personally, including the two the leader of his team had captured. While this was happening, the other genin of Hisoka's team wept and cradled their companion's broken body. Luckily the other bandits had their hands full with the two ninjas who sprung into action shortly after the arrow was fired. After the first four deaths the bandits had fled and this is when the jounin had captured two, and Hisoka slaughtered six fleeing men. Upon returning he promptly screamed about how treacherous the merchant was and flung his blade in between the eyes of the elder man before turning to his sobbing team mate and calling her a coward. Naturally when they returned the leaders of the village condemned him for the behavior, and his own leader wished him to be exiled for his actions. His savior was his grand father who while angry with the boy, understood the beast that resided within the young boy who had lost his father. Of course he had to be punished for these awful acts and as such he was stricken from taking missions for two years, during which he became quite psychopathic and used the Cicero persona as a front or a mask. During this time he also mellowed out, not showing his emotions when he was in his 'normal' personality, instead he was a stone wall of flat tone and uninterested looks. Although this won him no friends the boy was not quite ready for them, and until he was thirteen he spoke only to members of his clan as Hisoka, the rest he condemned to the utter insanity of Cicero. After his ban from working on missions he returned with cold and calculating poise preferring to partake on solo missions and silently following orders when in a team. This cold front seemingly broke when he passed his genin exam, but that too was an act. While Hisoka looked like a happy go lucky person(or a crazed madman of merriment as Cicero) the true personality of the boy was the silent observer and so it would continue to this day. During his two years as a chuunin he grew to the age of sixteen and partook in many dangerous missions for the good of the village, always making sure to defending ninja or VIPs that were in danger. For his turn around and his now clean streak not to mention his impressive skill he was promoted again recently to special jounin and began to lead missions. His first mission was a bit lack luster overall, but went out without a hitch. Instead of allowing the genin with him to learn he made them stay behind while he took care of the dirty work. For this all he got was the tiniest of scolding, a simple reminder from the Kage that he was to teach and protect, not just protect. Compared to his first scolding it was nothing but a cool breeze across the face, instead of a slash through his cheek. After this he met up with the other genin from his original team, it was not a good meeting to say the least. She was but a chuunin, and the resentment she bore towards him was immense and misdirected. Their jounin had gone forward with teaching her, but took the anger he had towards Hisoka and took it out on her. After being slapped numerous times Hisoka calmed the girl down and extracted this truth from her. Of course it brought a stirring of fire in the belly of the Ko-Seido and that night he stole out in the night like a thief to track down the Jounin who was away on a solo mission. Abandoning his normal uniform and his head band and leaving them at the clan compound, telling his cousin to vouch for him and say he was practicing his marksmanship hunting wild creatures outside of the village, Hisoka donned the clothes of a jester. Normally this would attract attention so instead he wore a grey cowl and cloak around him, steeling away through the lands towards where the jounin was rumored to be. It did not take Hisoka Ko-Seido long to find the man who had misplaced his temper, he did this by asking peasants and field hands and acting like a shadow he stole into the Inn the jounin was residing in and broke easily into his room. The ninja was sleeping when Hisoka found him, and placed a hand over his mouth after removing his cloak and cowl. After speaking like Cicero the Butcher, Hisoka told the man how he had been a very bad boy and should be punished. In a flash the jounin's hands were brought together but Hisoka was faster, his eye flashed red as the man's wrists were separated from their hands and they too flashed crimson in the night. Now completely defenseless the man bite into Hisoka's hand, but Hisoka shouldered through the pain as he never had before completing his speech before bringing the blade down the jounin's sternum and down through his pelvic bone scrapping the steel on his spine. With a smile, Hisoka was gone as soon as he had arrived ditching his clothes and returning to the village leaving the jounin's death to be blamed on the rouge ninja he was tasked in killing.

RP Sample:

Hisoka Ko-Seido  Extra10


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Hisoka Ko-Seido  Accept10

Last edited by SovietBlaine on Sat Jun 01, 2013 9:42 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Hisoka Ko-Seido  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hisoka Ko-Seido    Hisoka Ko-Seido  EmptySat Jun 01, 2013 9:36 pm

Please change your likes and dislikes into sentence format.
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Hisoka Ko-Seido  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hisoka Ko-Seido    Hisoka Ko-Seido  EmptySat Jun 01, 2013 9:43 pm

My approval stamp lies below this sentence.

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PostSubject: Re: Hisoka Ko-Seido    Hisoka Ko-Seido  EmptySun Jan 05, 2014 6:08 am

Archived until member comes back to become active.
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