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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"

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Leak Ireto
Leak Ireto
Male Posts : 102
Ryo : 5650

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue100/100"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 7:16 pm

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Kisame

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Whoare14

First Name: Leak
Last Name: Ireto
Gender: Male
Age: 12
Height: 5'2
Weight: 126lbs
Birthday: 27'th January
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Single
Affiliation: Hurricane Village
Rank: Genin
Element: Water , Wind, Earth
Specialization: Genjutsu, Taijutsu, Ninjutsu

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Tellme11

Personality: Leak is mainly a mellow sort of guy, He can be hotheaded at times, But not most of the time, mainly being mellow he is an averagley calm sort of person. he will be encouraged when there is more to learn, but when he is trying to improve on a skill he is not interested in improving he just wants more and more information each and every time.

Likes: Leak being mellow he can sleep for hours, Eat and then sleep again his favorite hobby though is to watch fight he can sit there for ages and watch a decent fight, he may come across as not an agressive person but once his temper is flared he will not back down from any sort of fight, he loves also to take on new challeneges yet not to improve on them, So any new skills/jutsu's he will learn them and try to learn them as fast as posible but not as efficeient as possible

Dislikes: Leak from his previous history hates taking orders from anyone in his Village he will mostly always just go ahead and do what he is told even though this does not mean he likes it, he just does it to get on with what he has to do, Him wanting to become one or even the best ninja in the Hurricane village then he will have to do the orders that he is told witch he understands and goes ahead to do.

Motivation: Motivation is to be one of the best or even the best ninja of the hurricane village, When this came across his mind because his village is almost defenceless not being so many ninjas in that village and he would like to hope for he desided to take it upon himself to be the defender of his own village, He tries his hardest yet his lack of dedication can come into the problem of this as he hates to take orders and learn things effectivly he'd rather rush into learning a new jutsu and then use it.

Fears: Leak ireto is really scared of injections and needles, If he were to fight Haku well it speaks for itself, He'd be completely screwed the thought of death also scared him the nothingness that awaits, This is another reason why he is motiviated to be a great fighting to save/protect people from his village. Blackness and dark places such as caves can be scarey to Leak because of the dark and the thought of nothing, As he uses water he is always been able to concentrate on his jutsu's even though they not being so strong he can concentrate on them pretty well. So being able to not see anything scares him almost to the bring of panic attacks.

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Blood10

Place clan name here N/A

Bloodline Name: N/A

Bloodline Ability: N/A

Location: N/A

Clan History: N/A

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Histor11

History: Leak was brought up to be a honorable kid, Kind to all and show respect to everyone, Taking loads of orders from his Dad he made the promise to his Son (Leak) That soon he'll make him a great warrior of peace, And bring the wars to an end. Leak being inspired by his Dad desided to go ahead and take orders from him and make his journey along the way to become the hero his Dad wanted him to be.
Soon enough in a war between the hurricane and another village, Leak's dad died, Leak then having a blast of reality, If his dad who was ment to have been this real tough guy to train him and make him this Hero/Warrior, And then him dying, Why should he listen to others?
Leak desided to seek training by himself, Seeking out tough opponents and learning from them. Watching and studying other fighting tactics. After this massive incident what happened to his father, he went back to creating/smithing swords in the Hurricane village after one dark day where he was feeling really down on his ninja skills, he really made an outh tohimself to be the best ninja in the hurricane village!, This was not the only outh that he made, He also swore if he didn't make it as a Ninja he'll make his gold by doing his favorite traite witch is blacksmithing he really was good at this for the simple reason that there was no orders to be taken, He can freely make/create a weapon from his choice of will, The only orders he would have to take was from a customer witch he didn't mind aslong as he was getting something back, He continued to train in the hurricane village as his leader started to get better Ninja's Leak being such a young age, He really didn't learn much or really couldn't master his chakra skills, He tried his best, Getting frustrated and angry withhimself more and more each day. Then finally he desided that he will have to take it up a level one day Leak created himself a lovely Blue sheathed Katana, The blade about 5foot long, Really long, and he started his training finally reaching the rank of Genin at the age of 12. This is where leak ireto will begind his history in the making, The blacksmith "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"

RP Sample:
'Leak Ireto' Stares at the opponent from the opposite side of the pitch, Leaks breath steaming in the air as his temper being flared. The cold in the air almost freezing his actions but Leak managing to overcome them.
Leak manages to strike towards the oponnent , Running through the thick snow, Almost sliding across the ice, But living here in this village for so long his almost impervious to the effects of the snow, He draws out his Kunai, Ready to make a strike on the opponent, Bringing back his arm ready to thrust the Kunai into the opposing's chest, He then makes a purpose almost looking accidental slip on the ice, Rearranging his body standing on the ice with his hand as his Water chakra covers around his hand to keep him secure from falling the Kunai being launched into the air as he slipped the Kunai almost handing on him as the Water chakra catches it in midair the water forming some sort of prepelling device launching the blade towards the opponent, The way his stance is on the ice makes him ale to dodge moves more effectivley.

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Extra10

Source: Google.Com

Face Claim: Kisame, Naruto, Leak Ireto

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Accept10

Last edited by Leak Ireto on Sun Nov 13, 2011 8:57 pm; edited 14 times in total
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Shizen Suragawa
Shizen Suragawa
Male Posts : 873
Ryo : 150

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue220/220"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 7:26 pm

Ok, I don't know if this is a WIP or what, but first of all you can't have mud release without making a clan that has it, and Chakra Limit is not a specialization

Second, if you don't want a clan you have to put N/A in all the slots for it

Thirdly, Your likes, dislikes, fears, personality, and motivation all have to be in paragraph form

Fourth, please put your weight in a more commonly used measurement, not stones

Fifth, where did the Affiliation section of the app go? you need it to tell us what village you're in

Sixth, Your history has to be 400 words at least, yours is only 155 by my count

Edit all of this, and then I'll check it again

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Shizen Suragawa
Shizen Suragawa
Male Posts : 873
Ryo : 150

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue220/220"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 8:08 pm

For future refrence, bump the topic when you edit it don't tell me in the cb, but ill continue

First, You are allowed 3 elements, so i advise adding two more

Second, Chakra Limit still is not a specialization, change it, and you can have 3 of those as well

Third, Make your personality, fears, likes, dislikes, and motivation longer

and finally as i stated above, change the wieght to a more commonly used measurement, cause I have no idea how heavy 9 stone is, also, you need to put the affiliation section of the app back in, if you copied to template it should already be there.

bump when you edit this and i'll continue
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Leak Ireto
Leak Ireto
Male Posts : 102
Ryo : 5650

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue100/100"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 8:11 pm

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Shizen Suragawa
Shizen Suragawa
Male Posts : 873
Ryo : 150

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue220/220"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 8:18 pm

You can't have ice without being in the Shichiyou clan, in which case you'd have to ask permission from Tenzou to join

And please do all the edits before bumping, because you have yet to increase the length of your likes, dislikes, motivation, fears, and personality. You also haven't changed stone to a more common measurement, or even explained to me how heavy it is for me to allow it

And again, did you copy the template? There is no affiliation section in this app and there should be
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Leak Ireto
Leak Ireto
Male Posts : 102
Ryo : 5650

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue100/100"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (100/100)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 8:26 pm

BUMP think i done it now . (:
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Shizen Suragawa
Shizen Suragawa
Male Posts : 873
Ryo : 150

Character sheet
"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Left_bar_bleue220/220"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty_bar_bleue  (220/220)

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  EmptySun Nov 13, 2011 9:01 pm

"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Approvalstamp

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"Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty
PostSubject: Re: "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"    "Leak 'Dragon' Ireto"  Empty

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