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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Kazuma Hyuga

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Kazuma Hyuga
Kazuma Hyuga
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PostSubject: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 6:48 am

Kazuma Hyuga NewKazumarender_zps03eb36cd

Kazuma Hyuga Whoare14

First Name: Kazuma
Last Name: Hyūga

Gender: Male
Age: 22
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 166
Birthday: October 20th
Sexuality: Straight

Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element(s): Lightning

Specialization(s): Taijusu, Kenjutsu and Ninjutsu

Kazuma Hyuga Tellme11

Personality: Kazuma is fiercely loyal and committed person, unflinchingly charging forward to achieve what he believes in. Those who he cares for he will do whatever it takes to make sure that they remain safe.

Kazuma learned at a very young age that life was too short to treat it so seriously. After learning about how serious the atmosphere was at the Hyūga household, Kazuma decided that the Hyūga's shouldn't all be thought of that way. As a result, he spent a lot of time trying to make his mentor Takumi laugh and smile. He is very light-hearted and enjoys making other people happy.

Due to his goofy personality, most people are surprised when they see Kazuma in training or combat. Though he still wears a smile, he conducts himself in a more serious, almost business-like manner. During combat, he adopts a calculating attitude.

Likes: Kazuma really likes the rain. Something about it just calms him and brings him a strange clarity. He also enjoys being challenged. Whether its a test of physicality or mental prowess, Kazuma loves testing his limits and pushing himself. However, nothing compares to his love of lollipops. Kazuma loves lollipops. He enjoys all sweets but prefers lollipops because they last longer than most.

Dislikes: Kazuma really doesn't like to see his loved ones sad. It always broke his heart to see his mother sad or cry when he was a child. When he would see it, he would do whatever he could to make her happy. He also can't stand to be in confined spaces. The idea of being in a small space and being unable to do anything about it terrifies him.

Motivation: Kazuma is driven by the thought mastering the gifts that he has been given by his parents. He wants to perfect his Byakugan and become an even greater swordsmaster than his mother. He is also driven by the idea of protecting his friends and loved ones.

Fears:  Kazuma has an intense case of claustrophobia. Being enclosed at any point where he can't use his arms, he tends to rapidly try to find any escape. Every one plan that proves fruitless, causes him to become more and more terrified. He also constantly has his curse mark in the back of his mind. He worries one day, he will unintentionally upset the Hyūga and they will activate the mark.

Kazuma Hyuga Blood10


Bloodline Name: Hyūga

Bloodline Ability: The Hyūga are renowned for possessing the highly coveted Byakugan, a kekkei genkai feared for the great visual prowess that it grants its wielder. The first ability of the Byakugan gives the user a near 360 degree field of vision, except for one blind spot at the back of the neck above the third thoracic vertebra. The second ability is being able to see through solid objects, and can use a degree of telescopic sight. The distance and the degree of telescopic sight varies from person to person, and can be improved. However, the Byakugan cannot see through certain barriers. The third and one of the greatest uses of the Byakugan is the ability to see chakra, its flow, as well as the chakra circulation system inside the body with great detail.

Location:  Tsukigakure

Clan History:  The Hyūga clan is one of the five noble clans of Tsukigakure, the others being: Kyuketsuki, Hachurui, Ookami, and Metarumasuta. All members born into this clan possess the Byakugan, a kekkei genkai that gives them extended fields of vision and the ability to see through solid objects and even the chakra circulatory system, amongst other things, and expel chakra from any of the tenketsu in their body.

While not much is known of the clan's background, they are considered to be one of, if not currently, the most powerful clan in Tsukigakure. Their notoriety and prowess stretches far and wide, leading others to both praise and covet their abilities. During the latest Shinobi World War, an enemy-nin noted that they had a hard time against them during a previous war.

The clan is separated into two parts, the main house (Sōke) and the branch house (Bunke), a system that protects the secrets of the Byakugan from outsiders. The main house runs the family while the branch house protects it. The members of the branch house are branded with a cursed seal upon the third birthday of the heir to the main house. This seal gives the main house members absolute control over the branch members, because they can destroy the branch members' brain cells with a simple hand seal, or cause them great pain to punish them. This seal also makes sure the secret of the Hyūga's Byakugan is safe, because it seals the Byakugan after the wearer of the seal dies. Because they are essentially servants, simply because of their birth order or heritage, some branch house members are hostile to those of the main house.

Kazuma Hyuga Histor11

History: Kazuma's story, as with most, begins with his parents. Yui Yamashita and Kago Hyūga met during the Chunin Exams. At the time, Kago was already a Chunin and Yui was vying to become one herself. Kago first saw Yui during the 3rd stage of the exams. He was rather impressed by the  Boufuugakure woman's skill and beauty. Yui did well in the tournament, however, she ended up getting eliminated in the semi finals stage. After the fight, Kago went in search of her. He eventually found her in a hallway. Her injuries had been treated and bandaged but she still sat there with her knees tucked into her chest, crying. Kago's heart ached for the young woman and he sat next to her and listened to her as she continued to cry and began to lament to him. He would offer her a kind word here and there and gave her a cloth. After a while, Yui was able to compose enough for the two finally introduced themselves to each other. They continued to talk and Kago took her out to celebrate later that night when she was promoted due to her aptitude.

For the next couple of years, the two kept in contact. Eventually, their friendship blossomed into love. As the years passed they talked of marriage and their future life together. They knew it would be difficult being shinobi from different villages, but they were determined to make it work. But Kago could never bring himself to tell his family of his love. After a few more months of keeping in touch through letter, Yui decided to visit Tsukigakure and spent as much time with Kago as possible before she had to leave. But she couldn't stay there forever as she still had duties as a shinobi of Boufuugakure. They said their sweet farewells and she departed back to her home.

Her everyday life continued as usual until she began to feel ill and assumed it was simply a passing bug from traveling until it simply got worse and she decided to speak with a medical-nin. That was when she was informed that she was pregnant. It was a surprise as she thought they had been taken the right precautions, but she wanted this child, even if it wasn't planned. Yui sent a letter to Kago, explaining that it was important that they meet in person to talk, that she needed to see him again. But instead of a return reply, she received a visit from a Hyūga clan member. He calmly introduced himself as Takumi Hyūga and that he was here to inform her that Kago Hyūga had died during a mission.

When asked for details, all that he would reveal was that he had had an encounter with a rogue group of missing nin. He also said that when they had gone through Kago's personal belongings that they had found an engagement ring as well as a collection of letters that she had sent to him, which was how they were able to track her down. He gave her the ring as well as the letters before explaining noting her pregnancy as she was beginning to show. He said that if the child was born with the Byakugan that would be a part of the Hyūga clan and subject to certain rules and traditions. Yui, fearing for the safety of her child, asked what would happen and if they would take her baby away from them. Takumi explained that if by the age of three her child showed definite signs of possessing the Byakugan that he would still let the child stay with her as long as he is marked with the cursed seal to make sure that he would never rebel against the Main Branch. Yui agreed reluctantly, not wanting her baby to be raised without it's mother.

After that Takumi departed, leaving Yui to explain things to her family. At first they were exasperated that she had kept all of this from them, but they were accepting and caring in the end. Her pregnancy went by without any problems and she gave birth to a healthy baby boy whom she named Kazuma. At first the white eyes customary of the Hyūga clan weren't as pronounced but by his first year, it was obvious that he had inherited his father's legacy. When his third birthday came, Takumi visited once again and though Yui attempted to talk him out of it. She declared that because his father was from the main family, it wasn't necessary. However, after a long argument, Takumi convince Yui again that this was the only way and placed the cursed seal upon the boy. After that, Takumi stated that he would be staying in Boufuugakure for some time in order to monitor the boy's progress. And 'monitoring' also seemed to include teaching him a bit of Hyūga clan jutsu and about the history and finer points of the clan. He taught Kazuma how to use the Byakugan and began teaching him a special form of taijutsu that is used with it. He also taught him about the differences between the two branches of the Hyūga. Kazuma, who didn't understand at the time simply said that he would one day get to see the family. Takumi couldn't help but smile and respond someday.

Takumi ended up being the major male presence in Kazuma's life, though Yui always felt a little on edge around him, she learned to live with it. Once Kazuma was around five, Yui went back to her duties as a Boufuu shinobi. She wasn't gone all of the time though and hearing all of the stories his mother would come home with as well as Takumi's, Kazuma couldn't imagine not becoming a ninja when he grew up. As soon as he became of age, he entered into the Ninja Academy.

The first couple of days were pretty rough for Kazuma. His fellow classmates started to tease him because of his eyes, thinking that he was blind. But one girl stuck up for him, noticing that he obviously wasn't blind. The girl's name was Chiharu Kojima. She was a very upbeat person and once they got to know each other she asked about his eyes and why they were like that. He responded that it was something passed down from his father's family. He explained that it actually let him see better. He told her what he knew about his clan and soon enough the two had become friends.

As time they progressed through the academy, Kazuma was amazing by how smart Chiharu was. While he excelled at the practical aspects, she was good at the theoretical aspects. However, after a few months, Kazuma noticed that her she was growing more discouraged as by other's physical abilities. He tried to help her as much as he could and joked about it, trying to make it seem like it wasn't a problem but she continued to despair. He was afraid that his friend might quit the academy, but one day she seemed to finally snap out of it to, much to Kazuma's relief. The two remained friends through the academy, eventually graduating together and even getting assigned to the same genin squad.

The the squad began with small missions typically assigned to genin. Eventually, they finally received their first major assignment. Kazuma was so excited that he couldn't sleep the night before they left. The mission was to escort some important man to a designated location. About halfway through their journey, they encountered a pair of assassins. In the ensuing battle, the squad was able to eliminate one of the assassins. However, while the other was fleeing, he managed to critically wound their charge. Kazuma looked down at their charge, upset that he had let this happen. As the life ebbed from his body, Chiharu stepped up and started using a strange justu that Kazuma hadn't seen before. Soon enough the man was healed and they group was able to continue on their journey. Kazuma was impressed by Chiharu's iijutsu and surprised later on when they finished the mission to find out that the man they had been protecting was a delegate from another village.

Soon after the mission, the team's name was put forth for promotion in the Chuunin Exams. The first test, much to Kazuma's displeasure, was a written test. Kazuma struggled through the entire test. At one point, he used his Byakugan to cheat off of Chiharu's test. After the test, the proctor made an announcement that the final question of the test would determine whether or not they were ready to become chuunin. If they got it wrong, they wouldn't continue in the exams, regardless  of how they did on the rest of the test. Several people left the room after that. Kazuma looked at his teammates and gave them a reassuring smile despite the turmoil in himself. He asked for his father for strength and waited for the last question. In the end, it was just another test to see who had the resolve to continue on. As they moved to the location of the next test, Kazuma apologized profusely to Chiharu for cheating off her test.

The second test took the remaining participants to a place called the Forest of Death. The rules were simple: each team got either a Heaven or an Earth scroll. The goal was to get the scroll you didn't have. Kazuma was able to convince his team that they should pair with another Boufuu team. Between the six of them, they were able to get two scrolls for both teams, relatively unscathed.

The final test was pretty straight forward. Everyone would be paired off and the ones who won their matches would become chuunin. They were given a month of between the two tests to recuperate and prepare. Kazuma was worried about Chiharu going into a fight by herself. When the date finally came for the event, Kazuma found himself anxiously watching as Chiharu faced off against a Hyūga kunoichi. Kazuma let out a sigh of relief as the match ended and Chiharu emerged victorious. He was able to congratulate her before he left to go and begin his own match. His opponent was  Kusamuragakure shinobi. The other ninja was very skilled and forced Kazuma to his absolute limit. By the end of the match, he had exhausted his Byakugan and he himself could barely stand but he had won and he was finally a chuunin.

After the exams, Kazuma spent a few days in Tsukigakure to recover from the fight. While he was there, he was visited by one of the elders of the Hyūga clan. The man congratulated him on his promotion and discussed the two had a long discussion about Kazuma and his upbringing. At the end, the elder stood and extended an invitation to the young ninja to come by the Hyūga main house before he left. Kazuma nodded and the next day found himself in front of the large mansion of the Hyūga. He was shown around and introduced to several of the people there. The entire time, he could feel a tension in the air as he watched the main family interact with the branch family. Takumi had told him about the situation here, but he never imagined it would be this bad. His tour ended with Kazuma being brought to his father's grave. He sat by the marker and began talking. Asking all the questions he's had through out the years and telling all the stories of his missions and life. By the time night had fallen, the young ninja's eyes were red from tears and his throat was sore. He left the mansion, receiving permission to visit again and then went back to his room where he found Takumi waiting for him. Takumi congratulated the new chuunin and took him out to celebrate. During dinner, Takumi told Kazuma that it was time he returned to Tsukigakure. Kazuma got pretty upset and even tried to convince Takumi to stay in Boufuugakure. In the end however, Takumi was able to make him understand. Once Kazuma finally conceited, he realized that he should be enjoying himself and returned to his normal happy-go lucky self. After the two finished dinner, they shook hands and agreed to stay in touch and went their separate ways.

He continued to train rigorously with Chiharu everyday. He was glad he still had his friend and it showed in their teamwork and dynamic. They continued on their normal missions as a squad until one day their sensei approached them with some pleasant news. It had been decided that they would be promoted to the rank of Special Jounin due to their respective skills in taijutsu and iijutsu. Kazuma was ecstatic but his excitement didn't compare to Chiharu's. That night, the three of them all went out to celebrate.

In the months that followed, Kazuma continued to train, taking the lessons and skills Tamuki had taught him and enhancing them. One day while he practiced his Byakugan, his mother came to him and handed him a sword. When he asked about it, she responded that he already has his father's gift, now she will teach him how to use hers. Kazuma expected his mother's training to be easy. However, he couldn't have been more wrong. The several months were easily some of the toughest in his life. Yui was a ruthless and tyrannical mentor. Kazuma didn't think that she would kill him, but several times he did question it. During his training, he made many visits to Chiharu to ask for medical assistance. Eventually, Yui deemed that Kazuma was proficient enough in kenjutsu to proceed in his training on his own. Then she smiled and kissed him on his head as she did when he was a child. Kazuma has visited the Hyūga mansion when missions have made it convenient, each time visiting his Kago's grave. He also visits Takumi and will spare with him to show anything new he's learned.

RP Sample: Kazuma took shallow breaths as he peered from his hiding place among the foliage. He dared not move, not even to wipe away the sweat dripping from his brow as it seeped into one of the several shallow cuts on his cheek. He gripped his the handle of his blade tightly as he watched intently for his enemy in the waning light of the setting sun. Then out of the corner of his eye he saw a flash and was able to clamber backwards just enough to avoid the kunai that buried itself in his previous hiding spot. He stood up and took a defensive posture as his mother meandered up with her sword drawn. They had be at this for hours, yet it she hadn't broken a sweat. "Mother." Kazuma panted. "It's getting late. Why don't we call it a night before you end up killing me?" he asked with a weak smile. In response, Yui sighed and looked towards the sunset. "I suppose that will do for today." she said, sheathing her sword.

Kazuma let out a sigh of relief as he slumped forward but as he did, he found himself quickly out of breath as he was lifted a few inches off the ground with his eyes slowly found the arm of the woman he called mother that lead to the fist that had found its way square in his stomach. He could feel it coming, his mother pulled back her fist as Kazuma would drop to his knees, one hand on his stomach and the other stopping him from falling completely onto the ground. Suddenly, vomit would spew from his mouth onto the ground below. "You should know not to take your eyes off an enemy in combat," she said sternly. "Duely noted," Kazuma responded as he continued to retch.

Once he was able to breath again, Kazuma stood up wiping his mouth. "I'm glad that you're on our side." he said coughing a bit. Yui smiled and rubbed his back. "This was a good training session today. And it's probably going to be the last we have for a while. I'm expecting my next mission will have me gone for at least a month. But, I think you know enough of the basics to learn without me." She paused for a moment as Kazuma finally stood up straight. "I'm very proud of you son." she said with a smile. And then she did something she hadn't done in years. She pulled his head down and kissed him on the forehead. Kazuma was surprised at first. Then he felt the same warm feeling from when he was a child. He smiled at his mother and wrapped her in a long hug. "Are you  proud enough to buy me dinner?" he asked jokingly as the pair made their way home laughing.

Kazuma Hyuga Extra10

Source: Lee Ketsueki

Face Claim:

Kazuma Hyuga Accept10

Last edited by Da Matman on Fri Mar 07, 2014 8:36 am; edited 2 times in total
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Kazuma Hyuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 4:31 am

Unfortunately, you cannot use the Ouraboros in your history since the Ouraboros are effectively off the map IC. Nobody knows of them IC, hence how they are able to visit the village without being captured or killed. You will have to rework it.

Also, you cannot use faceclaims from the Narutoverse. You will have to use a different one.
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Special Jounin

Kazuma Hyuga
Kazuma Hyuga
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Kazuma Hyuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 6:59 am

I fixed the mention of Ouraboros in my history. And I double checked through the rules again and I don't see anything about not being able to use faceclaims from Narutoverse. Also, my character no longer looks like Omoi as I had it edited to better suit my character as obviously Omoi is not from the Hyuuga clan nor has dark blue hair.
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Kazuma Hyuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 7:11 am

The character is clearly Omoi, therefore it needs to be changed. It is an unspoken rule and anyone else on the site can tell you this. Don't tell me what is or isn't a rule. I know the rules here like the back of my hand.

Anyway, as I had asked nicely before, please change your faceclaim as faceclaims from the Narutoverse are not allowed.
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Kazuma Hyuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 7:17 am

I sincerely apologize if that sounded rude. I realized just now how that sounded. Forgive my rudeness in how I may have explained it to you.
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Kazuma Hyuga
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Kazuma Hyuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 8:42 am

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Kazuma Hyuga Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kazuma Hyuga   Kazuma Hyuga EmptyFri Mar 07, 2014 8:49 am

Kazuma Hyuga Approv10
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