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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
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 Amelia Endoresu

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Female Posts : 14
Ryo : 1500

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Amelia Endoresu Empty
PostSubject: Amelia Endoresu   Amelia Endoresu EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 4:56 am

3-years old/Pre-Kidnapping

Current: Post-Kidnapping
Amelia Endoresu Ruri_gokou__by_kichikutie23-d6hligz

Amelia Endoresu Oreimo-anime-28564121-437-600

Amelia Endoresu Whoare14

First Name: Amelia
Last Name: Endoresu
Alias: N/A

Gender: Female
Age: 9
Height: 3'10''
Weight: 70 lbs.
Birthday: March 7th
Sexuality: N/A
Relationships: Sakigake Endoresu: older brother

Affiliation: Tsukigakure (technically)
Rank: Genin
Element: Raiton, Katon
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu

Amelia Endoresu Tellme11

Personality: An angry child, abused a mistreated by the men who took her since they kidnapped her has twisted her young mind from the innocent little child she had been when still living with her family. She has a jaded look on the world, her perception of both life and death distorted beyond measure. Her childhood innocence was destroyed by the time she turned five - that happy, lovable, care-free child that her brother cherished no longer existent in the world. Instead, it has been replaced by an unhealthy bloodlust and deep resentment towards people, life, and the world in general. She is very confused about her life right now, unable to compare the world she occupied prior to the senseless slaughter of her parents, and the "deconstruction" and "reconstruction" she was subjected to under the hands of the kidnappers. Now, Amelia has become quieter and has turned sullen and withdrawn from the world. She can no longer happily engage with it, nor can she care for it. She believes that something has taken root deep within her soul, a snake poisoning her heart after what she did to the men who kidnapped her. Raised for several years under emotionally and mentally straining conditions, Amelia's inversion's psychology can not focus on anything other than to kill, harm, and perhaps even verbally harm those in her way. She tries to resist it by keeping conversation to a minimum and not looking a person right in the eye, and she'll feel detached and distant. As she wanders around the world, she is curious of the things around her, wondering what it is that she missed from the 6 years that were stolen from her and why she lost them.

Amelia still thinks of her brother Sakigake every day, who taught her many things about the world and the life. Sakigake represents her only salvation, and it is her goal to find him before her soul and sanity perishes. For several years, there is no other person that she keeps and holds dear to her mind than her brother. Even while imprisoned, every day, she thinks, even if vaguely or for the briefest of moments, of the brother that loved her when she was unloved for more than half of her life. She thinks of him even if its hurts her too. She also remembers the slaugher of her parents; a heavily traumatic memory that haunts her to this day. One cannot imagine what frenzy or emotional depression she'll enter if she recalls that dreadful night with colorful detail. Outwardly, Amelia appears to be weak, curious, and somewhat shy.

Her inverse side, however, who she is hardly cognizant of, is much different. Although not sadistic, her inverse side is completely repressed, harboring no emotions at all towards anything, especially during killing. Amelia's alter ego is the embodiment of the kidnapper's human Terminator program to turn the baby girl into an outright murderer. This Amelia has no emotional shackles, and can think in a calculated and cold manner, programmed robotically to eliminate her foe using any means necessary. Although Amelia has ever really met her dark side, Dark Amelia is well aware of what has happened to Amelia and knows of her situation. She speaks in a very straight-forward and composed manner. The two of them subconsciously struggle against each other, to try to preserve their own mental existences.

Likes: Amelia likes having her freedom from the cruel men who stole her away from her family.
She likes to be left alone and just surround herself in nature.
She likes her brother.
She likes to make self-reflections of herself to cope with her bouts of instability.
Dark Amelia likes to kill
Amelia hates harming another human being.
She dislikes being told what to do or being yelled at.
She dislikes closed spaces.
She dislikes the sight of a puddle of blood
She dislikes prolonged conversations
She dislikes men touching her.

Motivation: Wants to find her brother, whereever he is in this cruel world.

- Semi-claustrophobic.
- Fearful of blood leaking from humans
- Heavily fears losing herself and sense of being/reasoning

Amelia Endoresu Blood10


Bloodline Name: Mugen no hanashi

Bloodline Ability:  The ability of this bloodline is very odd. It is directly linked to the grimoires that each clan member has. Each grimoire was made the moment the member it was destined for was born. It has an odd connection to the chakra, and inner wishes of the person whom it was made for. The grimoire unlocks the potential that each person has locked within them, allowing them to accomplish great feats.

The grimoires also gives the reader the ability to change, at will, to their inversed selves. Basically they become their opposite, their inner self, what they wished they were more like, taken to an extreme. It turns the user into anything they are not normally. It gives the user a rank increase in both speed and strength though only for the first two posts after the change.

Location:  Tsukigakure

Clan History:  The Endoresu clan was founded nearly two hundred years ago, by a man named Thellian Endoresu. He was the man who created the first grimoires, his, his wife's,and their newborn daughters. This began the strange connection the clan has had with the grimoires, the strange powers it has given them as a result. Thellian first noticed his powers three days after he made his grimoire. He noticed it never seemed to run out of pages, and keep everything he ever wrote in it. He also felt it store his chakra in it, releasing something inside him.

That was when he first changed into his inversed self, an odd feeling he had, his body shifting to look completely different from his normal self, hair colour, height, muscle mass, width, weight, all changed. His wife would not have recognized him, if not for the fact that she had witnessed his transformation. Athena, their daughter began to be able to access the grimoires power at the age of one. When Thellian and his wife had a son, they seemed compelled to create him a grimoire.

By this time the grimoires had bonded to the clan, and would cause every new generation to need one, or else they would not be able to live. The grimoires changed the mentality of the new clan, placing the thought, that they needed to continue to create the grimoires for their children, becoming nearly symbiotic in their relationship. The grimoires could not be used by any other than the one who they were made for, and would appear completely blank to any outside the clan, a fact that the clan is still to this day unaware of. Four generations ago the clan discovered other uses of the grimoires, other than the ability to change into their inverse selves. The grimoires actually could use the readers chakra, and given mental commands could create maps, radar scans of the area, weapons from it's pages, and various other jutsu utilizing the grimoire.

In the next generation rose a great user of this ability, the man was known to all as “Death's Librarian.” A title he himself would never have chosen, and he never heard it, as he was given it after his death in a pitched battle, where he defended against twenty men, just to save a small girl from rape and death. Althayus was a great man, a great warrior, a great scholar. He had perfected every jutsu of the clan, even making new discoveries of the grimoirs. He was said to have been perfectly in tune with his grimoire, able to make it do whatever he wanted, without any difficulty.

Now the clan is quite prosperous, quite welcome in the ninja world, able to preform a wide variety of tasks; assassination, scouting, bodyguards, decoys, etc. They are well respected in their village, and are highly valued in any type of fight, due to their versatility. Most members of the clan now live very comfortable lives, their positions all but secured due to their link with the grimoires.

Amelia Endoresu Histor11

History:  Amelia's birth was nothing out of the ordinary, was the second child to her father, born to his second wife. Her elder brother Sakigake, doted over her, giving her everything from a young age. She spent the first three years of her life with her brother, and family, almost always by his side, learning something from him and otherwise just living in his love.

One day however a horrible thing happened to the young girl. A group of men attack her house, brutally assualting her mother and father, actually killing her mother. They took the young girl from her home, shattering her young world, revealing to her the true brutal world. These men would take her far from home, and would become her family from now on, and what a horrible family they were.

Amelia was taken to their hideout, and thrown into a cage, kept there day and night, only taken out of the cage to be put through horrid training regiments, her captors turning her young body into a weapon. Making her into a machine for only one thing, killing. Murder became her only purpose, and they made sure she was good at it. These men would take people from their homes nearby, and make Amelia do unspeakable acts to them, until she no longer felt anything.

They killed her emotions, dulling any pain she might have felt, damaging irreparably her young psyche. However at night, when the criminal captors went to sleep she would stay awake, thinking about her life before, remembering her brother, and her parents. Amelias Grimoire had been with her, thankfully, when they took her, so she has always had it, though had yet to experience any sign of the traits her clan usually go through at a young age, having never managed to inverse into her alternate self yet.

One day, after several years of her imprisonment, the men went too far in their brutality, and Amelia snapped. Using the skills she had learned from the men themselves, combined with her first every inversion, Amelia killed the five grown men who had stolen her away from her family. She massacred them in some of the most gruesome ways they taught her, literally disemboweling one of the men. She gave them no respite, leaving some to time from their wounds, to bleed out their lives into the dirt as she left the cave hideout, striding out into the moonlight, her vengeance having taken the entire day to satisfy.

Not knowing where she was Amelia walked out onto a hillside, only one thought on her mind. Finding her way home.

RP Sample:  

Amelia Endoresu Extra10

Source: Must have known about this site for almost a year before deciding to join.

Face Claim: Gokou Tamaki (baby) and Gokou Ruri/Kuroneko/Shironeko (Oreimo)

Amelia Endoresu Accept10
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Male Posts : 1428
Ryo : 396513

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Amelia Endoresu Empty
PostSubject: Re: Amelia Endoresu   Amelia Endoresu EmptySun Jun 22, 2014 8:49 am

Good, now work on your statistics and jutsu registration ^_^

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