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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
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 Samui Xanadu

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Samui Xanadu  Left_bar_bleue150/150Samui Xanadu  Empty_bar_bleue  (150/150)

Samui Xanadu  Empty
PostSubject: Samui Xanadu    Samui Xanadu  EmptyThu May 22, 2014 1:08 am

Samui Xanadu  Green_heart_render_by_aoi_heart-d54tswn_zpscee8067e


Samui Xanadu  Whoare14

First Name: Samui
Last Name: Xanadu

Gender: Female
Age: 18
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 119lbs
Birthday: November 13th
Sexuality: Bisexual
Relationships: N/A

Affiliation: Boufuugakure
Rank: Chunnin
Element(s): Fuuton, Raiton
Specialization(s): Kenjutsu, Ninjutsu, Genjutsu

Samui Xanadu  Tellme11

Personality: Samui is a quiet, well managed young soul, who tends to keep to herself. She rarely makes a sound, only speaking when spoken to or when it is needed of her. Being not a big contributor to human communication, it is no secret that she tends to just over all avoid human contact. There are a few reasons as to why Samui has such traits about her, though commonly and ironically, the more suggested reasons that are blamed are her Xanadu clan weapons. Being the owner of Pride and Humility, it is often said that the traits of these weapons greatly affect how Samui acts. To a degree, this is true, though there are unspoken reasons to it as well.

Emotionally, Samui is not an overly strong person. She often doubts herself and is afraid of getting close to others, afraid on how they may affect her. Thanks to Humility, Samui doesn't feel pain or fear, which cures her emotional troubles, but does not completely remove them, nor prevent her from keeping her distance. Pride, Samui's shield, repeals foreign chakra that is not her own. As it repeals chakra, Samui repeals people, as a means to protect herself much like the shield does. It is due to these symbolic and compatible traits that Samui is so taken with her weapons, as they are part of herself as well.

However, despite her emotional and personal troubles, Samui is by no means a weak individual in all. She's a smart girl, with a great moral compass. She knows the difference between right and wrong and will fight to defend others, even if she doesn't know them. Granted, she will not ask for their thanks, nor try to bond with them afterwards, following her belief of, "You don't need to know someone, to do the right thing."  This slightly contradicting piece of her is that she will normally only help others who will help themselves; something that sometimes makes others around her rather confused, though it is one of the few things that Reese tends to not question, ironically.

Though Samui is never without her weapons, if removed from her person for a certain amount of time, she becomes extremely helpless and frail. Her doubts, paranoia, and fears tend to over run her, causing her to panic and frantically try to get her weapons back, so they can once again balance her out and settle her mind and heart. This dependency is by far Samui's greatest weakness as a whole, and the biggest reason as to why she is so protective of her Pride and Humility. Without them, she would be nothing.

As far as other habits and emotions go, Samui is also a bit lacking. She doesn't smile much, nor laugh, or find many things overly curious. She's pretty much a doll who just hides behind her shield from the things that can hurt her. when she speaks, she is extremely straight forward and short, not wanting to say any more than she has to, even if it seems rude or unpleasant. After all, there is right and wrong, and then there is just out right reality. Which to Samui, is all that really matters. When the two come together is when Samui will speak most and even freely. Though due to her how she is, she can come across as a bit cold while she is like such. Saying things such as, "There is no such things as miracles, only fools too scared to do what is needed." This becomes even worse when reality and right and wrong conflict, leading to what is practical over all else. Normally, one would hesitate when it comes to such, but once again, thanks to Humility, ironically, Samui does not, which to some, makes her seem almost like that of a monster.  The reality is though, some people just can't be saved.

Likes: Samui is not a girl with many likes. She's completely enamored with her weapons, Pride and Humility. However, her other interests are pretty light. It is known that she isn't much of a fan of sweets, and actually likes things of a bitter taste. This goes for all sorts of foods and drinks. She holds a greater interest in women then men, though this isn't saying too much since she isn't fond of people in general. Her favorite color is green, and she prefers to compliment it with the color black. To a more secret note, Samui is a sort of closet pervert in a sense. Having desires and interests of the more lewd nature, more closes assorted to bondage and other odd things, compliments of her perverted teacher, Jushin.

Dislikes:  Samui is not a fan of many things, the biggest ones being other people generally. She much prefers to be alone, then with the company of others, though she does allow a few people to get close to her. After all, humans are social creatures and even a shut in like Samui, needs someone around to at least listen to. None the less though, she stands by the usual belief that there is no greater evil then humans, and by believing in such, continues to keep her distance. Dislikes for the young girl doesn't stop there though. As it stands, Samui has a strong dislike for anything sweet.

Motivation:  Samui isn't a very motivated person. She follows what she sees as right and just continues to maintain her distance from others. With that she just continues to get stronger and keep her weapons close. Other than that, she doesn't have anyone to impress, to please, or to look up to. She just does what is asked of her of her village and continues to get stronger.

Fears:  Samui's biggest fear is losing her weapons, Pride and Humility. Without them, she is completely useless in her own eyes. Despite her intelligence and strength, Samui cannot be without them, and refuses to ever be so. If taken away, she panics and begs for their swift return, or she'll lose herself to her other fears and emotions. It is also no big secret that she is not a fan of other people, and only gets close to a very few. This is due to the fact that in this world, nothing is more "wrong" than man. Human beings hurt one another every day, and when she was a child, that's all she knew.

Samui Xanadu  Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: Meikai no shugo-sha (Guardians of the Netherworld)

Bloodline Ability: Members of this clan are half-phantom and half-human. Although this is true, it also caused their Chakra pool to be completely removed from their body and deposited at a mysterious orb-like spirit of varying colour. The spirit orb can only be seen only by the members of the clan or someone who has seen death happen in front of their eyes. They have a very high level of concentration.

Genin, Chuunin:
During this level, they have to concentrate and absorb chakra from their spirit half. This makes it quite troublesome for those who want to be quick on their toes in battle. Although, they can use E~C rank jutsu’s with ease.

Sp. Jounin, Jounin, S-rank:
During this level, jutsu’s ranging from A~S rank will backfire on the caster if it involves chakra but to counter this disability members of the clan are able to merge with their spirit half for only 15 posts. Thus, letting them access Jutsu’s from A~S rank. Note that if the jutsu involves absorbing chakra from ones spirit half, it would require two posts for A~S rank unless stated. This can be used once per topic.

Below states the weapons that can be carried by the clan members. Note that the weapons are passed down from their forefathers (Explained in history).

Chastity – Increases jutsu damage by two fold.
Temperance – Dispels Genjutsu every two posts.
Kindness – Heals the user passively but at a small amount.
Charity – Has the ability to sap your life in return for an increase in power
Diligence – Able to continue a battle after being landed a critical hit
Patience – Increased focus, insight, foresight and senses.
Humility – Does not feel fear or pain when used.

Lust – Has the ability to sap life from the opponent to heal yourself.
Gluttony – Loves to drink blood, the more blood, the more power.
Envy – Has the ability to copy the shape and effects of other weapons but its strength is 80% of the original.
Greed – The more Ryo one has in hand, the more powerful the weapon
Sloth – The being of slowness can have a very slow movement but very high damage output
Wrath – Increase all stats by two times but at a cost of your sanity
Pride – Being as pride, it does not like other chakra except for its owner, thus it will push aside all other chakra.

Colour to discern the seven members:
Green - Samui

Location: Scattered

Clan History:

Samui Xanadu  Histor11


A small little town, forgotten and enclosed by a shroud of stale boredom. This is the type of town Samui grew up in. It wasn't always a quite, meaningless little place though. Once it was a busy, buzzing little place, filled with trade and people who knew not the hardship of life. This changed though when bandits and scoundrels. They pillaged the land, killed its people and ruined the way of living in that land. This, would be the first tragedy that would appear with the young girl's life. For on the day that little town was pillaged and brought to its knees, Samui's parents, along with many other townsfolk, were brutally murdered, most of them, before the eyes of their loved ones. Those who were kept alive, were either killed right after, or kept for whatever uses the evil conquerors desired them for. Samui, being a young but beautiful girl, was kept alive for the aspect of her body. Despite being young in flesh, it was no secret that she would grow into a beautiful women and those men wanted to taste that beautiful, beautiful flesh for themselves. The remainder of the town was enslaved, and would live out their lives as servants to their masters. This would only last as long as till the day where they too would be conquered by another.

After a few years after Samui's little town fell from light, a man stumbled his way into the crossfire. He wore a cloak that covered his face, which remained just as mysterious as the aura that surrounded him. Nobody knew or had seen him before, and that frightened the rulers, if they could even be called such a thing, afraid. After all, that what one does not know can often bare fear and unease in thy hearts. In an attempt to crush that fear, the bandits went after the man. A mistake that would certainly be their last, for this was not just any mere man, but a shinobi of old and a powerful one at that. Removing his cloak that enveloped him in mystery, the man revealed himself and spoke his name. His name was Jushin Onmyoton. Finding that the bandits had over stayed their welcome in the town, called upon his powers to create an army of phantom soldiers, who came to life and slaughtered all of the bandits. The one who had a front row seat to it all, was no other than the little Samui.

With the town liberated, Jushin, now the hero of the people, helped them rebuild their little town, wanting to make sure that they were at least situated before he went on his way. During the few days that he remained there, Samui watched him constantly. She followed him around in secret, though it was never really a secret. Jushin was always aware of the girl's presence, though he never showed that he knew, out of curiosity himself. He wanted to know why the girl followed and watched him, and she wanted to know about him and his strength. She was enamored and to no surprise. All of the townsfolk liked and praised Jushin for saving them and each time he told them that he saved them simply because they could not save themselves. Being such, he helped them learn how to better defend themselves again any future problems. This would lead to him staying for several weeks, and during that entire time, Samui followed and watched him. That is, until Jushin's curiosity peaked and he exposed the fact that he knew she was there. He asked her why she had been following him for so long? What she wanted and how could he help? Samui's nervous and embarrassed, hesitated for a moment before telling him. She wanted to become strong, like he was. She wanted to be brave, as he was, and lastly, she wanted to thank him, for killing them men who had murdered her parents. So with that, she asked for him to make her strong, and at first, he refused, but Samui managed to change his mind, when she presented him with the weapons that her family had passed down to her; the Xanadu weapons that she bore. Faced with such a factor, Jushin couldn't help but accept the girl's request and with that, Samui's life would start a new.

For the next few years, Jushin tried his best to teach the young girl the arts of ninjutsu. He trained her and went over the basics of what all young shinobi at the academy would learn. She learned how to use ninja tools. How the different forms of jutsu worked. The key factors and rules that a shinobi must know to survive. Samui, determined and unrelenting, pushed herself to learn all that she could from Jushin and then some. By the age of nine, Samui had learned all that any average genin would have learned, maybe even a little more. However, her knowledge and skills had no direction yet. No nindo or specialty that she could call her own. Samui wanted to be strong like Jushin, so she wanted to learn genjutsu like what he used the day he killed the bandits. However, Jushin told her that it was impossible for her to do so. Regardless of such, he tried to teach her genjutsu anyway. Sadly, Samui had very little talent for genjutsu, which wasn't too surprising to Jushin. Being so, he suggested that she learn more about her weapons. Samui, though hesitant at first, agreed and as time would pass, came to love the weapons she called her own. It had became clear to her what her direction was. The weapons she bore were her way to become strong and Jushin did all he could over the learns to help Samui grow and become strong. However, this simple life couldn't last forever. Jushin understood this all too well. Staying in one place for so long, it was a wonder he was even still alive.

As more time passed, Jushin found himself looking at Samui no longer as a little girl, but at a young women. Samui, now a teenager of the developing age of fourteen. She was becoming a promising shinobi and a beautiful girl. In his eyes, she was really growing up and now was old enough to know his story. A story that she had asked about time and time again over the years, but was told she was not yet old enough to understand. Jushin sat Samui down and told her everything she wanted to know. Not leaving any details out, for he not just wanted to answer her questions, but to prepare her as well. After all, he would not be able to live with himself to endanger the girl who he saw as a daughter of sorts.

With the truth revealed, Samui found herself  struggling to accept the reality of what he was telling her. She protested that those who were hunting him could be stopped if they fought. She insisted that a man with such strength should not be running, but living. Amused by the girl's stubbornness, Jushin simply patted her head and told her, "Running and living another day is better than fighting and dying too soon." Samui didn't want to accept his decision, but Jushin had his mind set on protecting her and the town in which he had saved and now called home. This just made Samui even more bent on becoming stronger though. She wanted to become strong enough to save her teacher. She wanted to fight to keep the one who had showed her so much. Who had saved her from a life of being nothing more than a slave of the flesh and an early grave. However, neither time nor fate was on her side, for it wouldn't be long, before word would tell of where Jushin was hiding.

Time went on, day after day and month after month. Samui continued to work hard and train under Jushin. She continued to have fun and do what she could for those around her. She matured and developed as a person, affected by the lessions she had learned of her past, as well as the teachings tat Jushin passed down to her. Above all else, she connected with her weapons and became one with them. When her training would be over, Jushin and her would enjoy the finer things in life that was available to them; as the town once again rose to greatness. They eat good food, enjoyed the captivating tales of other lands, and Samui even punished Jushin for peeping on the ladies bath from time to time. For a while, everything seemed like it would be perfect. Perfection however, was just a myth. As the year came to an end, word got out of Jushin and his whereabouts as stories fluttered from town to town and village to village. Those of the Onmyoton clan, quickly sent out their assassins to deal with the run away they had so long looked for.  

With the early settings of spring settling into the land, Samui and Jushin enjoyed the last few days that they would have to spend with one another. Samui, becoming more beautiful with each passing day, as she swiftly approached being a women, enjoyed the scent and sight of cherry blossoms, as Jushin watched his little girl smile and enjoy life. However, he could not enjoy the days of spring, as a bad feeling loomed over him. He could feel it in his gut. They were coming for him and he wouldn't have long before he would be resting in his grave. Being so, with the flutter of cherry blossom petals in the wind, he beckoned Samui over to give her a gift. Interested in what he could possibly have for her, she hurried over and smiled, just for her smile to turn into a confused expression, as Jushin handed over his most prized possession to her. A medallion with three horses on it. It was something that Jushin had kept on him at all times, and at this time, he wanted Samui to have it. He wanted her to live on and follow and take to heart all that he had taught her over the years, from childhood to the years of her growing old as he had. Samui questioned his reasoning of passing it on to her, just to get another complex saying of one thing or another, followed with a dotting perverted joke in which she scolded him for and then rolled her eyes. Even so, she thanked him and promised to keep it with her at all times. Despite how happy she was to receive such a gift though, something didn't sit well with her. She knew in the back of her head that something was wrong.

With the passing of the medallion, Jushin had completed everything else he wanted to do up to that point. His only regret would be that he wouldn't be able to spare Samui from the pain of his passing. He wouldn't be able to see how she grew up or lived the rest of her life, though if he didn't leave soon, he was certain that there would be no life for her. With that, he left in the dead of the night, running from the town he had spent so much time in. As he had suspected, the assassins were waiting. Once he reached the outer edge of the village, they struck, and with the snap of the fingers, the genjutsu that would send Jushin to his death bed would be complete and just like that, Samui's life had changed for the worse.

Upon that morning, she woke up to find Jushin gone. She knew as to why and quickly sprung into action, gathering villagers to help search for him. Without protest, the villagers quickly started searching and Samui, bothered and angry, roamed the nearby area in search for her master. After a day of searching, the only thing she would find of him, was the perverted little book he liked to read, with a slight hint of blood on the cover. For all she knew, he master was dead, and for all the townsfolk knew, he was just gone. Crushed and overwhelmed with sorrow, Samui withdrew to her home, once again losing the only person she cared about since her parents. The worse part, nobody was going to just appear and save her this time, as Jushin did all those years ago. All she would have left of him, was his teachings and memories, the book she found and the medallion he left her.

After months of depression, Samui finally decided that it was time for her to leave the village she had lived in all her life. Staying there caused her too much pain. The memories of her days with Jushin tormenting her like that a phantom. Without even saying her goodbyes, she packed up what things she would need and what money she had and set off to travel and see the world. As she traveled, she would use her skills as needed, never staying in one place too long and never getting close to anyone. In her travels, she learned even more of the evil nature of people, as well as how pathetic they could be. All the things she had learned from experience or from what Jushin had told her really started to sink in, as she wandered and wandered. Shortly after turning seventeen, Samui found herself in Boufuugakure. During her travels, she had heard of people from her clan living there. She was interested to meet others that were from her clan. Samui was curios to see what kind of people they were. If they were like her, like the scum she had come to slay during her travels, or if they were like Jushin. Regardless, she was determined to find out, and after a bit of a struggle, managed to register and become a part of the village. A place that was completely foreign to her. A place completely different from the little town she had lived in her entire life prior. With her skills, she managed to become a shinobi of the village, and with so began her quest to find those who were like her, as well as those who were like Jushin.

RP Sample:  

Samui Xanadu  Extra10

Source: Hisame's Alt

Face Claim: Random deviant by Aoi-Heart

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Samui Xanadu  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samui Xanadu    Samui Xanadu  EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 10:56 pm

Good job on this alt Hisa-chan :D

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Samui Xanadu  Empty
PostSubject: Re: Samui Xanadu    Samui Xanadu  EmptyTue Jun 10, 2014 11:14 pm

I loved it. Great read as always, hun. Approved.
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