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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki

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Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki Empty
PostSubject: Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki   Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki EmptySat Jun 14, 2014 2:26 am

Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki 2i1i5pdYoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki 34ifudw

Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki Whoare14

First Name: Yoshi
Last Name: Hizumo
Alias: --

Gender: Female
Age: 19
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 123 lbs.
Birthday: January 8th
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Rank: Chuunin
Element(s): Katon (Fire), Fuuton (Wind)
Specialization(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Iijutsu

Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki Tellme11

Personality: Yoshi is an intellectual, or at least she tries to be most of the time. She focuses in school and studies hard, even now that she's graduated, to keep her mind sharp. As such, she's an excellent strategist, and a very knowledgable individual. She's analytical, and catches on to patterns or flaws in things very quickly, through years of training herself to spot even the smallest details in things. She didn't skip out on socializing as much as one would have expected though; in fact, she had many friends growing up, and has always had sort of a way with words, that made people want to flock to her. Maybe it was the way she always seemed to know what to say to someone, or just how smart but laid-back she was, but people quickly appointed her the 'leader' in many social groups, in one way or another. They always looked to her for answers and such, but that's getting off topic. All in all, she's an intelligent person, who likes to be in charge and solve puzzles/make battle plans, but she's still very laid-back and sociable, with an inspiring aura about her. Of course, like all of my characters, she's also a huge perv, but she's better at keeping that to herself than some people, unless she's drunk.

Likes: Well, obviously Yoshi likes to solve puzzles. Whether it's a riddle or a jigsaw, she just loves them. That doesn't mean she wants to be bombarded with them at all times, but she does fancy them from time to time. She also likes to play board games, like chess or shogi, but she honestly feels that such things can get dull after too many plays, so she usually only goes for one or two games every now and then. Most of all, she likes to go out and party, have fun, and be the [explitive deleted] freak that she wants to be, which is why she loves to read the Icha Icha series of books and sit around fantasizing all day, along with getting drunk so that she has an excuse for such behavior. However, she has another side that prefers to stay in and read wholesome material, and brush up on her knowledge. She's also a huge dog lover.

Dislikes: Yoshi is very laid-back, so she doesn't truly 'dislike' much. She mostly feels positively or neutrally on any given subject, however there are a few things she feels strongly about. Firstly, ignorant people that think they're being smart. It gets to her in a way that nothing else really can, it infuriates her. She doesn't really care if it happens once or twice, or only once in a while, but idiots who constantly think they're smarter than everyone else, she can't even stand being around. Then there's arrogance. She's a bit of a hypocrate on this one, because she can be arrogant, herself, at times... But she hates seeing this trait in others. Another thing she dislikes would have to be being kept waiting. She doesn't like waiting on people, at all, and if you're late to a date or a meeting, she's bound to just leave after just a short time, and contact you again later. Finally, she really, REALLY dislikes fish. Not just eating it though, she can't even stand the sight of the things. They creep her the hell out, seriously.

Motivation: One of Yoshi's deepest motivations is to be part of a team that would oppose evil at every turn. Be part of something huge, an effort to make the world a better place. She's not sure if this goal will ever be met, but she's determined to give it her all. Of course, she'd also like to be the head of such an operation, but that choice wouldn't really be up to her, in her opinion. It would be left to those around her to decide if she deserves such an honor. She also has the motivation to keep all of her promises, which is why she never takes such things lightly. If she makes a promise to someone, she will keep it, or find a way to fix any damage caused by her failure if she does fail to keep it.

Fears: Yoshi fears being helpless. She fears that one day, when her friends need her the most, she will be powerless to save them. She fears that when she needs to be strong, she won't be able to. This fear doesn't run too deep, however, as she does like the idea of being 'helpless' in... "Adult" situations. She fears dying most of all, but she only truly fears dying before making some sort of impact on the world. If she were to achieve her goals, for example, she would no longer fear the reaper. Yoshi also fears losing control of the beast dwelling inside her, the Rokubi.

Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki Histor11

History: Yoshi was born in the village hidden in the jungle -- Kusamuragakure -- to the Hizumo clan. The Hizumo were, at the time, a clan of nobles that produced highly skilled ninja, but had no bloodline ability per se. From a young age, she was pressured to work hard in school and study almost constantly. She didn't mind though, she actually liked learning new things and playing IQ 'games', which were really tests to see how high her IQ really was. It turns out she had a particularly high one; no where near the highest, but definitely very good. This raised her clan's expectations even higher, to the point that she couldn't handle the pressure any longer, and requested to be emancipated. Her request was denied the first two times she put it through, but on the third try, when she was 10 years old and doing very well in the academy. She graduated the same year that she was emancipated, and began her life as a gennin living alone in an apartment nearby her clan's old compound. Now that she wasn't being sheltered by her family anymore, she began to blossom into a social butterfly, finding that she actually made friends very easily. In time, she actually started to really like going to parties and hanging out with the other ninjas, or even civilians in town. She was never allowed to drink or anything, since she was so young, and most groups treated her more like the group 'mascot' than anything, but they were drawn to her nonetheless, and often surprised at her level of knowledge and insight.

Of course, this kind of lifestyle didn't last long once she was assigned to an official squad, and started receiving training from a kunoichi by the name of Masutomi Karin. Her two teammates were named Koga and Mu, and she got along very well with the two of them, throughout all of their training and missions together. She was actually very attracted to the one named Koga, and she was teased for it by Karin mercilessly. Still, it was like a little family, the kind that Yoshi never really had growing up. When she was living with her real family, they were more like relentless tutors than caring friends or role models. Karin quickly took notice of Yoshi's taijutsu and iijutsu skill and began to instruct her in techniques from both of those areas, while teaching Mu and Koga how to coordinate their ninjutsu abilities, since Koga was a lightning and fire user, and Mu used water and wind. Together, the three of them and their teacher were a fairly formidable team.

Unfortunately for Yoshi, her family had never found time to warn her about the family's outside threats. You see, the Hizumo had made some trouble with a man named Bishamon. They had stolen a great deal of money from him, and he has been their enemy ever since. On top of that, they possess many secrets that he would just love to get his hands on... Bishamon hated them so much that he ordered his men to bring him any Hizumos they might find, in exchange for handsome rewards, and they started to target and attack members of the clan indiscriminately, in a mad attempt to capture one and bring him/her back to Bishamon. This animosity in certain individuals had apparently persisted throughout the decades that the family had taken refuge in the hidden jungle, and that meant that leaving the village would be a very dangerous thing for any member of the Hizumo clan. Because she had never been warned about this, Yoshi saw no problem with her team being assigned a mission to go outside of the village, far into the Sakura country to escort a band of merchants.

The sun was shining brightly on the day that Yoshi and her teammates were sent out on their mission. The temperature was nice and pleasant, as it had been all week. Yoshi was feeling particularly happy that day; this would be her first mission outside the village hidden in the Jungle, which was a big step in her development as a ninja. She was excited that she was going to get to prove herself to the world now, to prove that she was a fine ninja. As they traveled, Yoshi spoke curiously with her sensei, Karin, asking what the outside world was like, since she had never been outside the village, let alone outside the vast jungle. Karin told her about stuff like festivals, great cities with nobles that weren't ninja, but politicians and such. It all only served to get Yoshi's hopes up even further. By the time they had arrived at the rendezvous point, where they were supposed to meet the 'Kuroi Traders', the merchants they were to escort, Yoshi had all these fanciful ideas of massive parties with tons of new people to meet. She wasn't expecting the merchants to be anything like what they really were.

The Kuroi Traders were led by a man named Bishamon, and they were a sorry, scruffy lot at best. Most of them were wearing little more than burlap scraps sewn together with frayed twine, wielding heavy, spiked clubs. Few of them had a full set of teeth, and the smell of them was bordering on the deeply disturbing, from long days of no baths and having to deal with their own 'needs' due to a lack of women. Not to mention all the sweat from working hard all day and well into the night. It sobered Yoshi up immediately, and she even shot a glare at her sensei for not warning her about this kind of thing. Karin just laughed and patted her on the head, saying something about smelly men not being the worst about the outside world, but there were enough upsides to outweigh at least that much. Yoshi wasn't convinced though.. The smell was REALLY terrible. Still, she had to get over it, and she greeted the men happily. From there, Yoshi and her team led the men through deep jungles, fighting off local fauna and bandits to keep them and their cargo safe. It wasn't too difficult a journey, but one day, when they were in the middle of the jungle, with noone around for miles, the Kuroi revealed their true colors.

In the night, when noone expected anything, the Bishamon and his men woke themselves from their slumber and quickly slit Mu's throat, as he was on watch. By the time any one of Yoshi's team noticed anything was wrong, Yoshi was already bound from head to toe in thick iron chains, and Mu was laying, dead in the dirt, a pool of his blood welling underneath him. That was the sight that Yoshi woke up to, and she was horrified. She let out a blood-curdling scream, her eyes wide and blood-shot. The sky suddenly began to thunder wildly, filling with clouds of the darkest black any of the people in the area had ever seen. As she screamed, Bishamon took the opportunity to shove a rag into her mouth. She recoiled with disgust, and even vomited against the rag, because it tasted exactly like these men smelled, but  the man was holding it in against her vomit, and bound the rag in her mouth by tying rope around her head. She was crying intensely now, but that wasn't the end of the night's suffering. She was thrown to the ground soon after being gagged and stomped and beaten for almost half a minute before Karin made herself known.

Yoshi's teacher, Karin, was standing and facing the merchants angrily, her signature tiger claws drawn and poised to attack, but Bishamon simply laughed and picked up Koga off the ground, who had been captured along with Yoshi, and beaten even more severely since they didn't care about keeping him alive. He drew a sword and held it against the boy's throat, grinning wickedly now. He told Karin that she could attack and see both of her remaining students killed, or she could go home and Koga would follow in a few days. Yoshi, deep down, desperately hoped that her teacher would find a way to save her and Koga both, but instead of even trying, Karin just lowered her weapons and started to laugh as well. She started talking about how Bishamon was as good an actor as ever, and calling him 'buddy'. At first, Yoshi was just plain confused, but soon it all became clear. Apparently, Karin had taken this mission knowing that the traders were actually after Yoshi, and her clan's secrets. She had always intended to betray Yoshi to these disgusting men. That's when Yoshi lost consciousness, either out of heartbreak or because one of the kicks she had been delivered was actually too much for her, who's to say?

Whatever the case, she awoke nearly 3 days later, naked, in a dungeon cell. She was no longer bound, except for a steel collar tightly hugging her fragile neck. There was no more than a foot of chain connecting her collar to the ground, which meant she needed stay on her hands and knees, or lay flat on the ground. It was a humiliating situation, but for the time that wasn't really an issue. She was just glad she was still alive. When she remembered what had happened the other night, though, she fell into a deep depression, where she just sat around all day not saying a word or doing a thing. The only thing she thought about was what she had done wrong, why all of this had happened to her, and most of all what had happened to Koga. In time, she was finally visited by Bishamon, who gave her a bowl of rice with some gravy poured over it. He didn't want her to die of starvation, after all. He instructed her to eat it on her hands and knees or not at all; clearly, he was trying to break Yoshi, but he had already done enough. She didn't fight the humiliation, she just did as she was told. For an hour, Bishamon simply sat and talked to her about how horrible the world really was, and how he was actually doing her a favor by showing that to her, and even being so nice as to give her a home with food and water. When he was done speaking, he held up a bottle of water and allowed Yoshi to drink from it, then left.

Every day at the same time, not that Yoshi could tell it was the same time, Bishamon returned with the same food, the same bottle of water, and told her the same thing, until she started agreeing with him. Then, he asked her what she knew about her clan and it's secrets, and she told him the truth; she really had no idea. It was just not something that was told to everyone in the clan. This angered Bishamon, who was convinced that she had lied to him. He stood and beat her ruthlessly, and then let in some of his men to do whatever they wanted to her for the rest of the day. The next time Bishamon visited, she begged him to understand that she really didn't know, but he wouldn't listen to a word she said. For nearly 2 years, she remained in that cell, being tortured, starved to the brink of death before being fed, and raped over and over until Bishamon finally decided to believe her. Since she was no longer of any use to Bishamon, though, he ordered his men to kill her and dump her outside.

Yoshi Screamed, struggled and begged for her life, but Bishamon simply walked away, already talking about how they would capture the 'next one', referring to one of Yoshi's clan members as if they were objects. She slumped to the ground, giving up on the fight for her live. She was bound and powerless, atrophied from the two years that she had been in captivity. One of Bishamon's men grabbed her up and snapped her chain, standing her on her feet. Her legs shook violently with the effort of staying up, since this was the first time she had stood in two years. She looked up into the dark gray eyes of what she assumed would be her executioner, but for some reason he winked at her, and grabbed her hand tightly, running off with her through Bishamon's complex. She stumbled and fell several times before the man just picked her naked body up and carried her bridal-style through the base. Once they were outside, the guard took off his mask, and Yoshi immediately recognized him as Koga, except two years older and much, much more muscular. He told her that he had gone back to the village and trained hard to become a special jounin, all the while investigating what had happened. Apparently, the truth was much stranger than she had expected.

He told her the story of how her clan was coveted deeply, and how people still tried to attack and capture members and unlock the secrets of the mighty power. Then, he told her the best, and somehow the worst news yet. Karin had died a week before the mission they were sent on... Which meant that the woman that had betrayed Yoshi wasn't actually her beloved sensei at all. She was overjoyed to hear that it wasn't really her sensei that had sent her to the hell that was that dungeon cell, but she was simultaneously overwhelmed with grief that she would never see the woman she had grown to love as an older sister again. Still, it was, for the most part, good news, because now she could finally forgive her sensei... Though she no longer knew who to blame for her torment. Koga took her through the jungle as he told her everything that had been happening in her absence, including every detail of his research. When she asked about Mu, though, Koga fell silent and shook his head. So that part really did happen.... Fresh tears welled up in Yoshi's eyes. She was filled with so many different emotions all at once. She was happy to hear that it wasn't her sensei after all, joyful to be free, sad to know she'd never see Karin again, confused about everything that was going on, angry that she hadn't gotten revenge.. Too many emotions to list.

Over the next 3 years, Yoshi stayed with her family, who for the first time seemed happy to see her. Her mother broke down into tears when she saw Yoshi again, hugging her tightly and apologizing for not giving her a better childhood, and for not warning her about what could happen to her outside. Koga was rewarded handsomely but Yoshi soon fell out of contact with him. It was too painful for both of them to see eachother after everything that had happened, so they stayed at a safe distance. She spent the years with her family recovering from all of the trauma and injuries, let alone the atrophy that she had sustained while in captivity. Still, the situation had left lasting scars on Yoshi, namely that she was now very submissive when it came to those she tried to get romantic with, used to giving in to any desires that those who were engaged with her may have. She was also now terrified of being rendered helpless by anyone, so she soon started training and studying again, determined to never let such things happen ever again. The final lasting effect on her was actually positive, though... The experience she had gone through had left her with a deep-set will to hunt down every evil person in the world, to clear the world of filth... Make it a better place. She knew she'd need help with that, but it was too early to try to form a team just yet. In time, she managed to get back to the way she used to be, her old personality re-surfacing as time healed many of her wounds, physical and mental. She started going out and socializing again, happy to be back among the people she had grown up around. Of course, noone dared to refuse her liquor now.. In their eyes she damn well deserved it, regardless of her age.

Halfway through her 18th year of life, she was presented with an interesting offer. Apparently, she was a suitable host for a bijuu, now that she had regained her strength, and even reached chuunin rank after only a few months of work. The governing body of the Village hidden in the jungle wanted to make her into a jinchuuriki, and they told her that it would definitely serve to make her more powerful, and a great asset to the village. Of course, she accepted with little hesitation, not even caring that the operation could kill her. She figured she'd need the power in order to accomplish her goals, and if she could help the village she had grown to love again by accepting the responsibility, she would damn well do so. After the operation, few people treated her any differently, because she had already established herself so firmly as a friend in their eyes, and she still had that oddly inspiring aura about her, and she was still as kind as ever... Just... A bit troubled, now. Obviously, the bijuu was not a big fan of being given yet another host... It was furious, in fact, and refused to be cooperative with Yoshi whatsoever. She knew that, in time, she would have to tame the beast somehow, but for now she simply accepted that it would not like her until she could prove herself to it in some way. It was even going so far as to constantly try and take her body over, but the few outbreaks she had in the past 6 months of her life were quickly contained by the anbu of the village, so the destruction was kept to a decent minimum.

RP Sample: (This is an alt account to Delilah)

Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki Extra10

Source: I was already here :D

Face Claim: Original, from Gelbooru.com

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PostSubject: Re: Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki   Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki EmptySun Jun 15, 2014 5:21 am

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Yoshi Hizumo, the Six-Tails' Jinchuuriki

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