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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Kouketsu Senju

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PostSubject: Kouketsu Senju   Kouketsu Senju EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 1:06 am

Kouketsu Senju QlE3

Kouketsu Senju Whoare14

First Name: Kouketsu
Last Name: Senju
Alias: None At the Moment

Gender: Male
Age: 19 
Height: 5'8"
Weight: 145 lbs
Birthday: April 20
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Nothing but family.

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure
Rank: Special Jounin
Element(s): Doton (B)
Specialization(s): Ninjutsu (B)

Kouketsu Senju Tellme11

Personality: DISPOSITION:

Chaotic Neutral.
neither good or necessarily evil, Kouketsu prefers to do things in the best way that benefits him. above anything he is loyal to his family and friends, but aside from that he has no true side - preferring to simply go with the flow, even if that means not listening to his superiors.


A man of his word, Kouketsu's personality has shifted greatly ever since the death of his little brother. Gone is the little boy that remained positive and optimistic about everything, and in his place is a man that views the world as it really is - a place of corruption where greed, money, and power come first. Now, that's not to say that he believes in such a disposition, but he no longer is completely oblivious to it. He has grown to accept what really happened, and while he still does not approve of it, he understands that it was a necessary evil.
Even though most of his personality had gone through a complete makeover over the three years he spent training, Kouketsu can still be playfully witty and sarcastic like he used to be. What hes learned, however, is that there is a time and place for these antics. Whenever in battle he shows a completely different side to him. A naturally born tactician at heart, he views combat as if it was an orchestrated game where the only way to win is to out smart your opponent with strategy, as opposed to brute strength.

The most drastic change in his personality comes from the fact thathe often finds himself manipulating others to get his way, more than usually not even realizing that hes doing it until its too late. Needless to say, his sometimes borderline egotistical mindset affords him very little friends and many enemies. However, those that are capable of seeing through that facade treasure what they find. At his core hes still a boy that wants nothing other than the safety and protection of his friends and family, and is more than willing to fight whoever tries threatening that.

Likes: Kouketsu finds himself spending  time with his friends and family. He also likes to go with the flow on things, improvising if you would. On top of that if there's anything he does like most it's being in the thick of a fight, being with his friends makes it all that much more fun.

Dislikes:  Kouketsu dislikes being opted out of things when it looks to be extremely fun. He also prefers to surround himself with friends and family, not wanting to be alone, even hating it sometimes. Depending on how bored he is he will become annoyed, being one of his top dislikes.

Motivation:  His motivation is to become stronger for his friends and gain enough power to protect those around him he deems loved ones. They help him push to a higher standard and achieve goals thought to be unthinkable. With them he hopes to bring Kusamuragakure into a whole new world of power.

Fears:  His biggest fear is to alone his whole life, not having anyone there for him. He is also afraid that he may not be strong enough to make Kusamuragakure a well known village.

Kouketsu Senju Blood10

Senju Clan

Bloodline Name: Mokuton

Bloodline Ability: Mokuton Wood Style is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines earth and water-based chakra natures to create wood, or complete trees. This ability can also be used to create other aspects of trees, such as seeds or flowers. Wood Release techniques can be produced from anywhere, including the user's body, as the user's chakra is literally converted into a source of life. Wood Release Techniques Mokuton no Jutsu are commonly affiliated with the Snake seal. due to their many battles with the uchiha they have a natural resistance to genjutsu that reduces genjutsu used against them by 1 rank. The Mokuton jutsu is rather difficult to control and thus only chuunin and above are able to use it. members can choose not to have earth and water as elements but if they do not have them they will not be able to use wood style.

Location:  Kusamuragakure

Clan History:  The Senju clan descended from the younger of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths who was born with the "body" of the Sage, inheriting his father's strength of will and physical energy and believed that love was the key to bringing peace to the world. The Sage grew to favor the ideals of his younger son over those of his older son, who believed that power alone was the true key to finding peace. Therefore, on his deathbed it was the younger of the two brothers that the Sage chose to name as his successor. The elder brother, bitter and hateful at having being denied what he felt was rightfully his to inherit, attacked his younger sibling. The Uchiha clan would descend from the elder brother, resulting in the bitter centuries-long rivalry between the Senju and the Uchiha.

The Senju clan gained their fame in the era before the founding of the hidden villages. Where other clans focused on mastering one particular skill, the Senju were prodigious in all skills, from ninjutsu, to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this, they were "the clan with a thousand skills" which gave them their name "Senju" (a thousand skills", or "a thousand hands").

The Senju's place at the top of the shinobi world was undisputed, but there was one clan that was able to stand up to them: the Uchiha clan. Whenever one country hired the Senju, their enemies would hire the Uchiha, and vice versa. This led to a rivalry between the two clans.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the fighting, and a peace treaty was formed with the Uchiha clan.  The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country. Due to their lack of a basic kekkai genkai at the time the Senju clan all but disappeared the lines between them and other clans becoming dimmer and dimmer until eventually the clan disappeared. An occasional person can be found with these abilities but overall it's extremely rare for people to have any ability contained by the Senju clan, but it does happen and not just in their original country several villages have claimed to have a ninja that holds these abilities.

Kouketsu Senju Histor11
History: Kouketsu sat at the desk in his new house. He had formerly been a Chuunin that served under the Kusakage, now he had been selected as a Special Jounin. Whether he agreed or not, it had to be this way. He could distinctly remember the days when he was a Chuunin, a Genin, and hell he could even remember those Academy days where he knew almost absolutely nothing. Indeed those times were the hardest though. No one had really noticed due to him excelling in class, but Kouketsu had a rough time. He made no friends in class despite his personality, and on top of that his childhood was actually quite rough.

Kouketsu began to drum his fingers on the wooden carved desk. It was extravagant and to be honest, he liked it. It reminded him of a time when he was particularly young and no longer innocent due to his father. If anything could destroy the entire day's mood it was his father. He was cold and ruled over the family with a steel fist, not iron no that wasn't strict enough. His father usually made Kouketsu and his brother work their farm by themselves. Not on person was permitted to help them. They didn't have friends anyways so it wouldn't matter if they were told they couldn't have help, mostly because of the ridiculous rule of no one is authorized to bring outsiders into the house. Kouketsu' s mother had to clean the entire house without help as well while his father sat on his ass all day. At least the house wasn't that big, it made everything a little bit easier on his mother.

A rap on the office door shattered Kouketsu' s little stroll down memory lane. As he snapped out of the daydream he looked up to a rather attractive woman with ample bust and an hourglass figure. She had dark brown hair that reached to her shoulders. It was actually rather thin looking almost as thin as silk. She had tanned skin which was unusual in this region. Kouketsu crossed his arms and displayed a slight smile on his face.

The woman politely smiled back and laughed at the comment. She didn't know whether  to be embarrassed or whether she should be excited. She normally got somewhat rude and crude compliments from men calling themselves shinobi.

With that, the woman left as soon as she came leaving Kouketsu once again drumming on the desk. At least one person thought of welcoming him. Maybe he would have some house party, who knows.

The new Special Jounin, Kouketsu sat at his desk, still daydreaming of a time long gone. He had finished his ongoing drumming with his hands, it had been fluent and mechanical. That is until he had been previously interrupted. Kouketsu looked up at the door once more to verify no one else was coming. He began to drift inside his own thoughts again, ever so slightly remembering things of his dark past. He thought once more of his family and the tense atmosphere it always had when they were alone. This time he had thought about a particular day. A day when yet again he was just young but still not innocent.

Kouketsu and his sister were both working in the field, it was sunny and hot meaning it was one of the worst conditions to ever work in, but their father didn't care. They didn't get the luxery of cold lemonade being brought to them, they weren't even allowed to drink water during their work. This meant they had to wait until it was all done to get any water. Kouketsu was ploughing the field for the next crop that was going to be planted. His sister, she had the duty of planting the seeds and watering it. You could say that was easy, up until you actually see how big the land was. Kouketsu wiped the sweat from his forehead and took a second to rest for the first time. That was his first mistake.

His father had been watching the two all along. In fact, he always watched taking the time to even go out of his way to make sure the two didn't ever notice him. He saw Kouketsu slack for the tiniest second and he erupted. He flew out the door and slammed it all in the same motion. He was now sprinting towards Kouketsu and he didn't even notice it until he was right on top of him. Kouketsu looked back and flinched in fear as his father snatched him up by the collar and dragged him towards the house.

"Daddy please, please don't do this. I'll go back and work twice as hard, please daddy! I'm sorry!"

Kouketsu kicked, wailed, and screamed but he wasn't able to break free from his father's tight fisted grasp. It really didn't matter either, his father was far too gone with his blinding and explosive rage. Bis father threw him in the nearest chair he could find and looked at him for a second, mulling over what new punishment he would give his son, Kouketsu. Kouketsu looked up towards his mother in the kitchen, but she had her hands covering her ears while she sobbed into the towel she had been cleaning with. He looked outside towards his sister, expecting her to already be at the door trying to help her brother. She was still out in the field, planting her seeds with her head hung low. Kouketsu was officially alone, no one would be coming to save him. His father left the room in search of a weapon that could be used for Kouketsu' s beating. As his father left, Kouketsu looked for anything he could use against his father. He had had enough of his father's beatings and of everyone being too scared to do something. He was going to rid this plague that was his father.

Kouketsu's father came back into the room with a wooden katana held high. As he neared, Kouketsu held a tiny knife behind his back.

"Get ready boy, you shouldn't have been slacking on me today."

He swung down on Kouketsu hard and Kouketsu strikes for his father, plunging the knife into his father's chest. His eyes grew wide and he toppled back with a thud. He looked up at Kouketsu in horror. His mother screamed and dropped to his side now sobbing hysterically into his father's bloody chest.

"I've had enough of you dad. Enough! No more, no more will I take your beatings, no more of mom crying every night because of you, no more rutheless teachings. Enough is enough! I'm sorry it had to come to this but your a TYRANT AND YOU HAD TO BE STOPPED."

Kouketsu started to bawl now, realising his father would be gone. He dashed out the front door, not even looking over at his sister who watched him go. The memory faded and Kouketsu was now a Special Jounin once more, his right hand placed on his forehead trying to rid himself of the headache.

Kouketsu stood in the middle of Kusamuragakure's enourmous training ground for shinobi. He was gazing up into the sky seeing if there was even the slightest amount of pure blue sky up there. Seeing nothing, he sighed and looked around the training grounds in a search of upcoming shinobi that were quite skilled. He noticed a young boy throwing kunai and shuriken into a log of wood. He was a bit slow but he was extremely accurate with his throws, a little more aerodynamic practice and he'd just about have it down. Kouketsu moved his gaze towards an older boy. Probably a new Jounin, too old to be a Chuunin but much too young to be an experienced Jounin. He was working on perfecting his taijutsu on a dummy it seemed. He would strike at vital points on the body and would kick elegantly in a mix of punches and kicks. You could tell he had put in a good amount of work into his taijutsu, most likely having it be his main focus as a shinobi.

Kouketsu shifted his gaze towards a ring of 9 dummies towards the left of his vicinity. Kouketsu confidently strolled right in the middle of the ring and inhaled deeply. He then exhaled and leaped to the nearest dummy to him, the dummy right in front of him. He came crashing down with his right leg on the dummy' s left shoulder. As soon as it connected everything faded to black. The scenery changed but only slightly. The fog was still just as dense but he was no longer in the same training grounds he once stood in just a few seconds ago. He was now knee deep in mud and trees twist and turned all around him. There was rain pouring down hard in every direction he turned to. Due to him observing the scenery, he noticed the nine Genin surrounding him and two others that stood back to back with him in the shape of a triangle.

Kouketsu knew exactly where he was, what was going on, and what he had gotten himself into. He was once again in the swamps of Kusamuragakure, participating in the Chuunin Exams. They had to fight each other in a battle royale. The objective, be the last two teams standing. This situation was when him and his two teammates Akuma and Hitsune had been cornered by three other teams. Due to Kouketsu being an infamous Senju and excelling in the class tasks given to him, he was favored by the teacher. All the other kids knew this and hated him for it. The only two that hadn't acted this way was the two who had been placed on his team. Really the other young kids had been targeting Kouketsu, but since they were assigned to the same team and it happened to be a team effort, they were in for a fight as well.

"Look at what we've stumbled across guys. The infamous Senju, Kouketsu. Haha I think it's time we knocked this cocky guy's attitude down a couple notches."

"I agree whole heartedly, him and his teammates have to learn that nothing goes your way all the time."

"It's time you wood making freak, you ready for your ass whoopin'?"

Kouketsu smirked and held his right arm outstretched with his palm forward. His left arm was extended as well but was bent back a little bit, causing it to be not  quite as far as his opposite arm. He had his left Palm open as well.

"If you wish to fight me then so be it, I've warned you."

Kouketsu focused on the situation ahead of him. He was surrounded by nine poor to maybe average skilled Genin, each having their own capabilities, that in this amount of Genin, could make up for their skill levels. However, looking at the three  spread out Genin before him, Kouketsu was sure he could handle them. He was sure the team of three could handle all nine of the Genin. Alas the three were the top of their class respectively, it's just that the other two, excluding Kouketsu, had been more discreet about how well they could handle certain things. Kouketsu analysed the three spread out Genin.

As soon as he was finished analysing the three inferior Genin, Kouketsu kicked it off. Kouketsu rushed forward and closed in for the strike. He jumps up into the air and came crashing down with his right leg on the boy's shoulder. The young boy held up both his arms effectively stopping a great amount of force, but it was enough to keep him from becoming unbalanced. Kouketsu had made sure he would exploit the boy's mistake fully. He landed on his right foot that he previously used to knock the boy's balance off, and swiped underneath the left foot, effectively knocking him down due to his right foot being stuck out in the air in the opposite direction.

As soon as that boy was on the ground the other poised up for a jutsu of his own. Kouketsu called out to Akuma who had an affinity within the earth release, or Doton.

"Akuma take this position for me."

Akuma replied back, "Got your back man."

Kouketsu and Akuma rolled on each other's back, pivoting their feet in the opposite direction of each other. Before this even happened, Akuma had his hand seals ready. For the oncoming stream of water. He finished his last hand seal and clapped hard on the mud below. A large wall of muddy earth protruded up and blocked the heavy assault of water. Kouketsu turned to face another Genin with the Raiton release, running directly at him with a small sword. Kouketsu was put into his stance once more, right arm outstretched with its palm open and left arm slightly bent with its palm open, just short of the opposite arm. The boy held his sword up high just as his father had so long ago. He swung towards Kouketsu's right shoulder. As soon as the boy came in range and swung, Kouketsu pivoted to he left while the sword sunk into the knee deep mud. He grabbed the other boy by his collar and pulled him right back to him. He watched as the sword was flung from the boy's and as the momentum of his body drastically changed, lost to the mud forever. He delivered three precise and quick blows to the stomach and dropped the boy there without a moment's hesitation.

Kouketsu looked towards Akuma and the boy opposite to his position did the same. They rolled on each other's back for, the second time, and pivoted their feet in the opposite direction. They had ended up in their previous positions they originally began in. It seemed as though Akuma had done well in his fight seeing as the Suiton user had been placed in the mud, laying there face up and slowly sinking into the mud. Kouketsu would have gone and picked him up but he was in a fight with big group of shinobi. He didn't have time to save anyone else's ass at the moment.  Kouketsu looked at Hitsune to see how she was doing at the moment. It looked like she had taken one out but had some burn marks on her arms and two still stood with nothing in exchange on their bodies. She was getting tired from the constant fighting and Kouketsu could tell, you didn't need a Sharingan to see the heavy breathes she exhales and the inhales she took as well. It was taking a toll on the younger girl. Kouketsu turned back towards his original opponent and focused on him and noticed he was resting, catching his breathe, while Kouketsu had been studying the field.

Kouketsu stared the boy down with his raven black orbs burrowing into the boy's soul. He was trying to intimidate the opposing boy with hit red glare. Successfully, the boy's face changed from a exhausted look to a terrified coward. He took a few steps back in fear and produced a number of hand seals and slapped the mud. Up from the ground emerged a muddy wall much like Akuma' s had been. Same look in size and thickness. Perfect to try out a move he was beginning to learn but didn't quite get the hang of because of his rank and knowledge. A mass amount of water errupted from within Kouketsu's mouth and hit the wall now causing it to be an even bigger mess. He lunged forward in an attempt to destroy the wall of earth who's weakness had been what Kouketsu was currently wielding, the Suiton release. He hit the wall and his hand shot through while the wall let him pass through. Because of it being unstable, he had pushed through the wall. That's what happens when you try to get a grasp on a jutsu of that power at this rank. His body still went through the wall and was headed towards a terrified Genin' s neck. He grasped it in his hands and struck the boy with one fierce blow to the head, effectively knocking him out.  

Kouketsu looked back towards his two teammates and saw that now the battle had turned. The endless fighting took its toll on his two teammates and left them in the enemy's hands. Akuma was being wailed on by the two other shinobi he failed to defeat. Hitsune was currently out for the count lying in the mud face up with one other shinobi next to her as well. It seemed she ended up fairing better than Akuma. Kouketsu rushed forward in a frenzy of anger while still watching his now friend being beaten. As he nearly caught up, he was sent hurtling into the mud by a single fist that had been waiting his arrival. Another boy trained in taijutsu had caught him with his guard down. Kouketsu knew he wouldn't be going anywhere, he lacked in tai where he excelled in ninjutsu. The boy jumped on him and sent a flurry of fists into his face non stop. Kouketsu couldn't believe it. In the end they failed and he couldn't do anything because of his lack of skill. He felt hopeless and worthless at the same time. He was sorry for his friends that accompanied him. And opened his eyes once more with a new ferocious look. The opposing Genin hesitated for a split second giving Kouketsu the time to grab his collar like the previous Genin he did the same thing on. He produced a single hit that also knocked the boy out saving him and his team. At that moment a voice rang out exclaiming the last team's had won. He was no longer worthless.

RP Sample:  Kouketsu was currently laying down in the forest of Kusamuragakure. Yes it was potentially dangerous but didn't care in the least for the moment. He was enjoying his single day off from work that hes had in ages. Finally, he had time to just lay around lazily and enjoy life for what it was. He was laying on a patch of grass with a log as a head rest. For right now, he  had all the time in the world for absolutely nothing. Nothing could stop this kind of blissful feeling. That was, until he woke up, back to reality where no ninja had the time or leisure for that kind of luxury. He lazily got up from his cotton bed and gradually managed to put his clothes on. Another day another minute gaining ryo and new jutsu.

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PostSubject: Re: Kouketsu Senju   Kouketsu Senju EmptyMon Mar 03, 2014 6:06 pm

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