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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Sankuro, Natsuki

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Natsuki Sankuro
Natsuki Sankuro
Female Posts : 286
Ryo : 8650

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:08 pm

Character's history requires at least 400 words.

Sankuro, Natsuki Irrationally

Natsuki has striking red hair and seemingly abnormal ice blue eyes. On the left side of her face is a long thin scar that starts at her forehead and ends at her chin.  Her outfit is comprised of a gray bandage-wrapped top and short black shorts. She normally walks around barefoot but when needed she wears knee high black combat boots. Often on her arms and legs she has bandages seeing as she is clumsy and always seems to get hurt in daily activities.  She has a large bandage covering a burn scar on her arm.

Insert witty comment here.
Ninja Application


First Name: Natsuki
Last Name: Sankuro 
Alias: Natty, is sometimes called Spitfire
Gender: Female
Age: Looks around 24, although she usually doesn't confirm or deny it. She is actually 13 years younger than Nahaji
Height: About 5'8"
Weight: 117 pounds
Birthday: Date unknown, although Natsuki believes it to be in April.
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Follows under Nahaji, otherwise none that she chooses to divulge.
Affiliation: Sabakugakure
Rank: Jounin
Element: Sand, Wind, Earth
Specialization: Medical ninjutsu, bloodline, ninjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: She often appears to be cold and emotionless because Nahaji taught her to wear such masks. When she is in a comfortable place, her true personality appears. She tries to be kind to all but her position does not always allow it. Natsuki often takes blame for mistakes in her village to prevent Nahaji's wrath from being inflicted on whomever made the mistake. She is clumsy and seemingly always sarcastic. She experiences random mood-swings.

Likes: Chewing on ice cubes, sarcasm, plants (seeing as there is almost no plant life in her village), art, singing, and for unknown reasons, following under Nahaji.

Dislikes: Being cold, people touching her, eating meat, failure

Motivation: Motives unknown 

Fears: Fire 

Clan Information


Bloodline Name: Sunahebi

Bloodline Ability: To enfuse chakra with surrounding sand in a diameter for an extended period of time.

Location: Sabakugakure

Clan History: The Sankuro clan was one of many different clans among the Desert Village, and one of the popular ones at that. by using their method of enfusing chakra into the sand around them, they would then manipulate the sand into amusing shapes in the air entertaining the other villagers. The elders whom had great chakra reserves and control would gather the villagers into a fire lit sand pit and use the sand to act out tales of epic battles, or stories of the villages ancestors. The clan would also use their control of sand in battle to halt an enemy or to attack an enemy whom is slightly out of reach. However, to use the sand in a battle would cause a large deal of bodily stress due to the reaction time of exerting the chakra from the users body in compliance with what the sand would do.((EX: if an enemy is charging at you with a spear, within seconds one must exert chakra from the feet or hands into the surrounding ground, any loose dirt/sand would adhere to the chakra, and the user would command it as a physical substance to smack away the spear or spear weilder. again all of this happening within seconds.)) Each rank of ninja can administer a different diameter of sand control
Genin: 10-15 yard radius
Chunnin: 15-20 yard radius
S-Jounin: 20-30 yard radius
Jounin: 30-45 yard radius
Anbu-Srank-Kage: from 50-100 yard radius


History: History: Natsuki was born into a family of two brothers and three sisters. Her mother died Kumori was kind and gentle and her father was compelled by her kindness. Natsuki witnessed death for the first time at age two when her youngest brother Fuishen suffered and died from a blood illness that was passed along by his father. Only one other child in Natsuki's family had this illness, and that was Natsuki herself. The village doctors and Natsuki's father believed she herself would be dead by age three. Natsuki prevailed and kept her life, although the illness still affected her abilities to move and live regularly. She often experienced pain from the illness. Her father instilled in her mind that pain led to weakness, and weakness was not acceptable. Because of this, Natsuki learned at an early age to hid her pain.  Tragedy struck the family once again when Natsuki was four. Kumori was killed on an attack to the village, leaving Natsuki and her many siblings under the care of her father, Kei. After his wife's death, Kei was relentless and harsh in caring for his children. Two of Natsuki's sisters, Miah and Sein, died first under the cruel training of Kei. This left Natsuki's brother Lea and her remaining sister Lilah. Lea died after receiving a beating from Kei when Kei was angered by a moment of weakness that Natsuki experienced in training. Lea's death haunted Natsuki and she vowed to never let anyone be punished because of her. Remaining in the broken family was Lilah and Natsuki. They were best friends; the only friends either had ever had. Both dreamed of escaping Kei's wrath, but this dream never came fully true. Natsuki had also hoped of changing her father's actions. She hoped to change him for the better.. For bother Lilah and herself. Her father was not changeable though and Lilah died in an "accident" while training. This left Natsuki alone with her father and his training. His harsh behavior and raising led to Natsuki's cold outer personality and vast knowledge of her clan's abilities. He is also responsible for her fear of fire and her many scars, primarily the large burn scar on her right arm. Since she received this scar, Natsuki keeps her right upper arm bandaged to hide it. When Natsuki was 7, her father died. His cause of death is unknown and Natsuki refuses to talk about it, although many villagers believe she finally retaliated and fought back to her father's torture.  They had known all along ofz Kei's actions, yet none had done anything to help his children. Growing up and seeing the village's lack of care and compassion led to her development of sarcasm and lack of trust in others. After Kei's death, Natsuki was put into the care of the very people she grew up disliking. The village enrolled her in ninja academy and she began her training. All expected her to fail because of the setbacks she experienced from her illness still present in her blood. Contrary to their beliefs though Natsuki excelled through her classes and learned the many aspects of being a Sankuro as well as a medic. Her medical studies strengthened her beliefs in kindness and caring and her harsh outer core was slightly broken down. She first trusted others for the first time in a long time when she was placed in her first squad, consisting of two boys named Gehn and Vain. These two became her closest friends throughout her studying and training. During her chunin exams, events took a turn for the worst. Vain, the boy Natsuki had grown to love, betrayed the team and killed Gehn in an argument. Natsuki, under Gehn's request, fled the scene. Eventually, Vain tracked her down and attacked. Natsuki, in order to survive and to avenge her friend, fought back. Vain lost the battle and died due to his injuries. Natsuki escaped virtually unharmed except for a long thin cut on the left side of her face. This cut left a scar that is a constant reminder to Natsuki about the events that happened that day. She would never trust anyone easily again. From then on, Natsuki was always seen as top of the class material. She looked up to a particular
 person, that person being Nahaji Sankuro. She was younger than him and other villagers and classmates viewed her admiration as somewhat of a crush. Nahaji's behavior reminded Natsuki of her father causing her to have a certain fear of him. But the focus apparent in his eyes always drew Natsuki to Nahaji. She admired his strength and saw her own  determination and distrust of the world hidden in his eyes. When she reached the rank of Jounin Natsuki was placed into a team with Nahaji Sankuro. With Nahaji being a natural leader, Natsuki fell into the role of a follower, quickly becoming Nahaji's most noticeable and loyal teammate. Although Nahaji would never consider Natsuki as a friend, Natsuki saw him as one. Nahaji was a mentor and trained Natsuki even further in the ways of her bloodline. Due to Nahaji's views on weakness, Natsuki chose to keep her background and illness to herself but she was almost positive that Nahaji knew. Almost everyone in the village knew about bits and pieces of her life. When Nahaji became the kage, Natsuki followed yet again. She fell naturally into the place of village Jounin and was and is still seen as one of the strongest both physically and mentally. Although she sometimes disagrees with Nahaji's goals and methods, Natsuki still remains loyal to her leader and distant friend. She knows that to Nahaji she is just a pawn for him to use but for reasons unknown to even herself, Natsuki accepts it. 

RP Sample: She sat in the dark room with fear apparent in her cool blue eyes. In the corner of the room a flickering red flame loomed in a small pit. Her father had thrown her into the room when Lilah had burnt dinner. Natsuki pressed herself even farther into her dark corner, attempting to stray as far from the fire as she possibly could. Of course Lilah hadn't meant to burn father's dinner and she really should have been the one in punishment... But Natsuki couldn't bare to see her sister harmed. After the death of Lea, Lilah was all that Natsuki had left. Natsuki would do all that she could to protect her sister even if it meant enduring the fire. As time passed the room seemed to close in and Natsuki's blue eyes filled with tears. Her dad's voice rang out in the dark room and she was flung forward into the bright flames. (more of a story telling format)

*I stood outside of the kage's office, calming myself before I knocked. Nahaji had a mission for me and I was to report immediatly. As I raised my hand I took a shallow calming breath.. And then knocked. Normally I wasn't bothered by visiting Nahaji but he had been in a particulary bad mood lately and usually he took it out on me. The knock echoed in the empty hall as I waited for a reply.* (active format)

Speech: "typed in quotes"
Thought: will be italicized

Source: Nahaji and Dominic

Last edited by Natsuki Sankuro on Thu Jul 07, 2011 8:56 pm; edited 4 times in total
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Male Posts : 24
Ryo : 1700

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:18 pm

I'm pretty sure this is the first thing that the Admins would point out; please input your information after [/font][/color]. That way, the information you used will be seen in white. It'll make your application layout look better.

You did the right thing at 'Source'.
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Natsuki Sankuro
Natsuki Sankuro
Female Posts : 286
Ryo : 8650

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:20 pm

Yeah, I noticed that... I am currently working on it :u I miss my computer. Thanks!
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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
Male Posts : 680
Ryo : 1600

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:24 pm

Before any confusal is aroused, i was given an s jounin spot and a jounin spot to fill by Shy, and a chunnin spot by Tenzou, so she is allowed to apply for this position.
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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:30 pm

No need, I fixed it for you Natty. I'll confirm with another admin about your position. Although, you may need a longer history if you want jounin...
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Natsuki Sankuro
Natsuki Sankuro
Female Posts : 286
Ryo : 8650

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyWed Jul 06, 2011 9:32 pm

Aaaah, I love you Dominic. That was taking forever. I'll go add more history nowwwww
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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 1:43 am

Ok sis. Please bump when your finished.
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Natsuki Sankuro
Natsuki Sankuro
Female Posts : 286
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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 3:47 pm

Bumpppppppp! Is that long enough now? :b
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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 4:08 pm

Just an appearance image above your application and you're done.
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Natsuki Sankuro
Natsuki Sankuro
Female Posts : 286
Ryo : 8650

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 6:01 pm

Alrighty, I am in the process of drawing one. It should be posted by the end of the day (hopefully)
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Male Posts : 847
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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 7:10 pm

I'll approve it so you can RP, just add a picture later so I can move it to the database.

Welcome to Mirage.
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Natsuki Sankuro
Natsuki Sankuro
Female Posts : 286
Ryo : 8650

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Sankuro, Natsuki Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Natsuki   Sankuro, Natsuki EmptyThu Jul 07, 2011 8:57 pm

Picture added.. I don't have time to draw one. :U thanks!
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