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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Sankuro, Nahaji

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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
Male Posts : 680
Ryo : 1600

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyWed Jun 01, 2011 9:44 pm

Sankuro, Nahaji Appearance

Tell me something about yourself.
Ninja Application


First Name: Nahaji
Last Name: Sankuro
Alias: The Iron Snake
Gender: Male
Age: 40 years
Birthday: May 28th
Sexuality: Straight
Relationships: Single
Affiliation: Sabakugagure
Rank: Sabakukage
Element: Sand, Wind, Earth
Specialization: Bloodline, Ninjutsu, Taijutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Being the kage of a small village was something that Haji had never enjoyed, so it has put him on the edge of his temper at all times. He is a man who is not interested in making any new friends unless it can benefit him greatly in the either immediate or distant future. He is greatly infuriated at things that happen amongst the desert without his say so and will argue to the death that he has every right to oversee any actions that take place there. He is also very greedy in his ownership of property and always wants to expand his city limits further and further outwards hoping that he can one day sit upoon a throne overlooking all of the nations as the ultimate kage. His mind is highly intelligent and his battle planning is second to none, however he has trouble with persuasion skills due to his short temper. He believes that regardless of gender or age that everyone should be punished equally for any crimes, meaning he has no juvenille system and no jail only imprisonment in the dungeon/sewers. It takes alot from someone to calm Haji's ridiculous temper, and he wont open himself up to others, he finds compassion highly unneeded in life.

Likes: What Haji likes the most is strict order, and not just any strict order, but his strict order. He likes for the people of his village to bow before him in both fear and respect and would love that to spread to the neighboring countries. He loves having power, not only physically but through his title as kage as well. He loves to push himself to his limit no matter what he is doing, he admires his own perseverence. He is highly pleased with the climate in which he lives, the intense heat gives him the ability to fight through his own fatigue on a higher scale, and the lack of trees to produce higher amounts of oxygen gives him a greater lung capacity due to his need to breathe deeply. He likes that he has beyond mastered his bloodline to where he can control not only sand but also iron ore dust, and this was not an easy feat for any ninja. He loves to send his ninja out on incredibly dangerous missions for he feels it would toughen them up for when they find themselves in a sticky situation. His preference in music is classic music, and he often plays it in his office when doing his paperwork.

Dislikes: Haji's list of dislikes starts with his unplanned, unwanted, and utter abomination of a child known as Koga Sankuro. He despises that he had fell in love once to the boy's mother and she had caught him at a moment of weakness. He hates the idea of the child whom might still be alive and wishes nothing more but for him to die. He hates the idea that the child might come to usurp him one day while he is fragile of old age. For what its worth he highly dislikes that he is aging, although he is at a physical peak that he has seen no other human in he knows it will all one day come back to him. He extremely hates that his village is overlooked and not considered as "major" as the others. He extremely hates that his village population is dwindeling at an alarming rate due to outsiders not wanting to trade their goods for glass and cactus water, so with thin resources many would have either moved away or died, hence why he wanted to expand his village limits.

Motivation: Haji's motivation has always been and always will be the expansion of his people for power, respect, and greed. Although a current motivation might be occuring to him that his heir to the throne must be destroyed if he had not been already. The worries of that lesser coming to overthrow him would cause a paranoia to strike within himself and in due time he would make it a self sought mission to seek him on his own.

Haji fears to have any weakness in him. He dislikes weakness of any kind and when battling he will force himself to overcome whatever his adversary will throw at him to prove his strength. He fears the emotion of love, because love opens the heart to others, and when that happens, weakness will pour out.

Clan Information


Bloodline Name:

Bloodline Ability:
To enfuse chakra with surrounding sand in a diameter for an extended period of time.


Clan History:
The Sankuro clan was one of many different clans among the Desert Village, and one of the popular ones at that. by using their method of enfusing chakra into the sand around them, they would then manipulate the sand into amusing shapes in the air entertaining the other villagers. The elders whom had great chakra reserves and control would gather the villagers into a fire lit sand pit and use the sand to act out tales of epic battles, or stories of the villages ancestors. The clan would also use their control of sand in battle to halt an enemy or to attack an enemy whom is slightly out of reach. However, to use the sand in a battle would cause a large deal of bodily stress due to the reaction time of exerting the chakra from the users body in compliance with what the sand would do.((EX: if an enemy is charging at you with a spear, within seconds one must exert chakra from the feet or hands into the surrounding ground, any loose dirt/sand would adhere to the chakra, and the user would command it as a physical substance to smack away the spear or spear weilder. again all of this happening within seconds.)) Each rank of ninja can administer a different diameter of sand control
Genin: 10-15 yard radius
Chunnin: 15-20 yard radius
S-Jounin: 20-30 yard radius
Jounin: 30-45 yard radius
Anbu-Srank-Kage: from 50-100 yard radius


History: Haji was born in the desert village to the family of Shin Mashihasi Sankuro and his wife Kikiano Lynn Sankuro. He was born pure bred from his clan and was quite an adorable baby. Throughout the first three years of his life, Haji was taught the basics of his clans knowledge, then when he was four, his fathe Shin had enrolled him into the ninja academy so that he would learn and understand how to control his chakra, for it was an important basis for the sankuro clan. When haji was age seven, he would assume the rank of a chuunin ninja and divided to team 39 with his teenage companions Shun Churiki (15) and Daishin Akuma (17). He quickly proved to them that he would be the battle cooridinator to their squad after a run in with some wandering shippugakure ninja. Daishin wanted them to do as he said for he was the oldest and told themto stay behind him and provide coverage of senbon and shuriken in case things got too sketchy. Daishin quickly found himself overpowered and the rain of senbon and shuriken were merely childsplay for the wandering ninja. Acting fast Haji told Shun to use his shadow clones to keep the enemy distracted as he would slip into the chaos and dispatch the ninja using his small stature to easily go by undetected. From then on the two ninja swore their lives to him. When age twelve Haji had assumed the rank of special jounin throughout several years of his strategic skills and his vast advancement in mastering his clans abilities. The very next year he would advance to being the youngest a-rank ninja within his village history, then at the age of fifteen he would assume the role of kage. He ruled his village from that day foreward with an iron fist and harsh judgement. When he was eightteen he fell in love for the first and only time in his life to Genki Uchiha. She had wandered into his village in search of glass containers in large amounts. This was something he greatly regretted because he could not get past her gaze, and as such a young ruler it was more than easy for him to give her whatever she pleased. After two years of faithful loving of one another, they found themselves with an unplanned child. Genki decided to keep him and raise him, but Haji saw his son as an embarrassment and after having the child around for four months he finally voiced his opinion. He was disgusted to have an unplanned son and even more disgusted to himself for becoming so weak. He never wanted a child at such a young age, because he was not willing to be beaten by a prodigy of his when he'd be in his thirties, given that the boy shared his ambitions and his temper. So he had done something highly irrational and had the woman forever banned from his village by a decree of either leave or die. After the woman had left from the village, Haji's fury led him to hide his village from the passers eyes giving his village the assumption that it is no longer there. Haji would next find himself an undergrou:d cavern to which he would fight out all of his frustrations about his emotions. The only issue with that was that he would have to fight himself forever before he would be back to what he considered to be normal. He had so many different emotions running through his head at one time every second of the day. Haji spent two years in this cavern before he would eventually emerge from it with news of an iron ore deposit. Once he realized what he could do with it, he had his people mine it out. He spent three months pounding out a hundred pounds of the ore int

Haji spent the next three months pounding out one hundred pounds of iron ore into a fine dust. After a year of intense concentration, he was finally able to make the iron ore move, although not as fluid as he wished. He forced himself to stay at this task for another three years and had finally gotten to the point to where he could move the iron ore dust in a fluid manner. Now he had to only encorperate it with his clans jutsu, so that it would be a useful weapon when against his enemies. A tentacle of compacted iron would have a times ten impact then that of a regular sand tentacle. A wall of iron would increase his defense over ten fold of a sand wall. He spent another three years refining his abilities that he just discovered and would keep this secret only to him. He would carry around the ore within a sachel upon his back wherever he went, telling others it was merely a pack of supplies, and that a kage should make it a notion to stay prepared. With his remaining years up til now, he decides to have he himself come from the mirage of his hidden village. He hears that war is striking between the nations, now would be a perfect time to allign his village with a weaker one and take them over, then use both of their militia to overthrow another nation, it would have to be executed flawlessly. Even if all he could manage was an alliance with a strong village, he would jump on it in a heartbeat. Little does he know that when he steps from the villa, he becomes a target for his long banished son.

RP Sample:
As he stood over the mounds of sand watching his companion Daishin rushing towards the ninja fool heartedly, he could only feel the warm taste of danger between his lips. He knew in his mind that they should have used Shun's clones to their advantage while the others administered a surprise attack. Surely no matter how high the other ninjas ranked, they would, no should know that strength comes in numbers, and Haji himself could have told them that. As he saw the ninja spot Daishin, he clearly saw that they would overpower him, although their loose pattern formation made it easy to tell that the ninja themselves were only genin, but again, strength comes in numbers. Haji turned to Shun who was posted at the mound to the left of him and told him to use his shadow clones to offer a hail of accurate senbon and shuriken as Daishin had instructed, however Haji took the matters to take two of these clones with him. He was going to do this the smart way.

Shun had complied and created the clones necessary for these actions to take place. As 7 of the clones began to fire senbon and shuriken to the ninja, Haji and two of the clones hid behind a wall of sand, quickly lurking upon their enemy. When close enough he had the clones jump out and start to taunt these ninja while he covered the injured Daishin with sand and brought him closer to the sand mound. Once Daishin was safely a good distance away, he would turn his attention to the distracted ninja who were forced to have their attention spent on dodging the flow of projectiles. Haji's small stature allowed him to sneak beneath the feet of the three ninja and he would administer two kunai to the spine of each ninja, he would do this by a stab and hide technique. After dispatching one enemy he would throw up a wall that would make him seemingly invisible to the naked eye, then he would continue the process until all of the opposition was then dead.

Source: How did you get here?

Last edited by Nahaji Sankuro on Thu Jun 02, 2011 2:29 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
Posts : 213
Ryo : 200

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 4:31 am

Although the application is exceptional, Tenzou's rule still applies. No member can register with a village (excluding Hyouga) with a rank above Genin. You are also missing your roleplay sample and the clan section (you will need approval from Koga, ironically enough, to join the Sankuro.)

Please alter your application as such.
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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
Male Posts : 680
Ryo : 1600

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 4:54 am

Lol not to be a ball buster but

1 i am koga
2 saba has no kage so im lookin to make it as such so that village can get missions
3 i have a character limit on my phone, so the clan section will be added in by a moderator or admin eventually, and with how the history is looking i might need my rp sample edited in as well
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 5:04 am

While I understand that Sabaku currently has no kage, it is not possible for you to instantaneously become the Kazekage. I believe Tenzou said the only way to acquire the title "Kage" for the minor villages was to meet the requirements for S-rank, which would mean countless missions as well as winning a torunament.

I will go ahead and edit the clan portion and rp sample of the application in, anyway. In case Tenzou decides to change his mind. Link me to a post on your Koga Sankuro account you would like me to use, if any.
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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
Male Posts : 680
Ryo : 1600

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 5:13 am

I have a custom rp sample for haji that im going to have dom post in for me, as for the kage thing, ill see what i can talk them into doing, cause there is no way i went through all of this to be told i have to be a genin again, its just not worth it, and it totally fucks with my own character storyline and with how i was going to impact the main sttoryline, because if i could have a ninja be the kage of the minor village, then it would be easier for those minor ninja to get missions, i know this because if i go to do a mission in a village that isnt saba when im koga, im usually told no because im not part of that village, unless i allege myself to that village and then its like im being a traitor if i eventually leave it after getting the requirements. All in all, im just sayin, its stupid to have a kageless village with mission requirements to get to the rank of kage. Too much of a shpiel than i hoped for but there it is
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
Posts : 213
Ryo : 200

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 5:32 am

I understand where your coming from, and will request that you receive the rank you applied for.
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Kouri Ten'nou

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 9:06 am

Go ahead, Nahaji can be the Sabakukage. Use proper grammar and spelling when your post missions and when you RP with this account (otherwise you'll give off the impression of being a nub). Enjoy your role as the Sabakukage ;)
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Akatsuka Kenshi
Akatsuka Kenshi
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Ryo : 200

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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 11:29 am

Alrighty. Whenever you are done updating your roleplay sample and history, post back here for approval.
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Nahaji Sankuro
Nahaji Sankuro
Male Posts : 680
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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyThu Jun 02, 2011 10:48 pm

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Kazuo Katsu
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Sankuro, Nahaji Empty
PostSubject: Re: Sankuro, Nahaji   Sankuro, Nahaji EmptyFri Jun 03, 2011 12:28 am

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