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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
On the cold isles of the Blizzard Country, HYOUGAGAKURE NO SATO has still refused to create a free traveling policy. Some habits never change. To protect their traditions, they have even warned outsiders to not interfere with their matters.
Now that everyone is picking up again, who will come out on top?
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 Keiko Edrick

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Female Posts : 4
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 10:46 pm

Keiko Edrick Green_hair_anime_girl

I exist.
Ninja Application


First Name: Keiko
Last Name: Edrick
Gender: Female
Age: 16
Height: 5'6''
Weight: 136.2
Birthday: July 26th
Sexuality: Lesbian
Relationships: none so far
Affiliation: Hurricane Village (shippuugakure)
Rank: Genin
Element: Wind, Lightning, Fire
Specialization: Taijutsu, Ninjutsu, Kenjutsu

Personal v2

Personality: Keiko, while in the safety of her village and among friends, is a happy person most of the time. She always tries to look on the bright side of things and often she may find herself flirting, at which point she will start to blush and look away as if she had done something wrong. She is always willing to help, and almost never asks for a reward for anything she does for her friends, or even complete strangers. She can be rather gullible, and can seem to be a bit innocent at times, even though she is not. She can also be very shy, timid and nervous depending on the situation.

On a mission, Keiko practically becomes a different person. She is cool, calm and calculating, hard to distract from her goal and a decent tactician, although nowhere near the best. She focuses on her target and tries to eliminate it as quickly and efficiently as possible, but her weakness is that she still feels remorse every time she kills something. Death makes her sad, and often times when she gets back from a mission she will seem a bit depressed if she had killed something during said mission.

When she is alone with a friend, she is just as happy as ever, but as she is not usually under much pressure in this situation she will speak a little more freely, telling you what she is thinking without a problem, if she thinks it is half-way important. There really isnt much difference between those times and when she is just with her friends and hanging out in the village.

If captured, Keiko may attempt to bargain for her safety, and if she begins to do that it quickly turns into begging for her life, however any information that may harm her village will be kept in her own mind, her will is too great to give into normal forms of torture. She wont stay tight-lipped and not speak at all, if your torturing her chances are she will scream and cry and beg for mercy, but she will keep any information that would hurt her village until she dies with the secrets.

Likes: Keiko likes Ice cream more then anything else that she would be able to think of at the moment if you were to ask her what she liked, but she also likes sugar and caramel, because of how sweet they are. She also likes dumplings quite a bit, in fact they are her favorite food, along with her favorite drink being tea. She likes to train so that she can become a better shinobi then anyone else, and she absolutely adores all types of flowers. She also likes to be complimented, but she doesn't have a huge ego or anything, and she loves to get presents for her birthday or holidays. Finally, she likes to help others, and believes that through helping others she is bettering herself as a person, thus bettering herself as a ninja.

Dislikes: Keiko absolutely hates the general idea of death, it haunts her and terrifies her and it is all around a very unpleasant subject for her. She also dislikes hatred itself, despite the fact that she feels it for several things in the world, such as spiders. She also dislikes turtles because of her fear of them and the fact that they attacked her when she was little, and the thought of violence makes her cringe with distaste. She dislikes pain towards herself and others alike, and one of her biggest dislikes is destruction, due to the fact that in the end it doesn't really solve anything.

Motivation: Her motivation, the thing that pushes her forward in her training, is to become the greatest shinobi that there ever was. Her own naivety prevents her from realizing the fact that this will lead her towards violence, pain, destruction, death and possibly spiders and turtles. Nonetheless it continues to make her strive to become better and better every day until she cant be beaten by anyone else.

Fears: Keiko has a great fear of death, and will do almost anything to avoid it. She will practically crumple down and begin to cry if she ever begins to believe that she really will die soon. Her other fear is turtles, stemming from a traumatic experience in her childhood where she was attacked by what she describes as a "swarm" of snapping turtles. (there were two.)

Clan Information

Clan name Eagle

Bloodline Name: Eagle eye, eagle eye compass

Bloodline Ability: There are 3 stages within the Eagle Clan bloodline, each offering special types of jutsu within the bloodline. The main power of the Eagle Clan is the Eagle Eye and Eagle Eye Compass.

The Eagle Eye has the ability to target and lock onto a single opponent once blood is drawn from that opponent during battle. The vision of the Eagle Eye is similar to an Eagle itself. (Think of how far an Eagle can see.) Once locked on, the target and his/ her moves can be sensed ALMOST instantly. This eye is perfect for a one on one fight, and is perfect when it comes to fighting against an opponent possessing a Sharingan.

The Eagle Eye Compass is more advanced than the Eagle Eye. The Eagle Eye Compass, when activated, can sense anyone just by using the winds around them. Anytime someone moves within a 1/2 mile radius and disrupts the natural air flow, the Eye picks it up(This is mainly while tracking). During battle it senses anything within a 20 ft. Span. This is due to the constant change in direction, which affects the Compass' range drastically. The compass within the eye acts just as so, able to send the signal to the brain of the user to which direction the natural wind flow was broken or changed. If the user manages to stay perfectly still, the range can open back up to the 1/2 mile radius. Great for battling both one on one and multiple opponents, this doujutsu is legendary in books, but almost forgotten by many, since it hasnt been seen in quite sometime.

Location: The only mountain in the region surrounding Shippuugakure.

Clan History: The Eagle Clan is a mostly forgotten clan of Shippugakure, but was the clan that actually founded the village in creation. Once called the Guardian's of the Sky, the Eagle Clan was said to live on the only mountain in the region, living peacefully for many years. Though they created the village, they werent actually a part of its population, due to their love of high altitude and desire to be the defenders of the village's peace. The Eagle clan's Founder, Myria Edrick was responsible for this, her ideals of making a vast village to accomodate the vast number of people on the island to live in peace with one another, was the revolutionary that began what is known as the Village Hidden in the Hurricane.

The clan eventually became a big target, their legend sought after by many outsiders from neighboring nations. An unexpected betrayal within the clan, led to their demise, thanks to an attack by ninja corps from an unknown nation at the time. With limited survivors and a fear for staying in the homeland, many of the scarce surviviors fled to other countries, leaving the once proud clan in dwindled numbers.


History: Keiko's parents had lived on Mt. Myria for a while, but when they were about 18 each there was an attack on the eagle clan's home. They had just managed to escape the attack and make it to the Hurricane village, where they settled down to live, and eventually had a child at the age of twenty five.

Keiko was born on July 26th, and for a few years she had a great life. Her parents pampered her and gave her anything she wanted, causing her to grow up without any worries. Because of this pampered lifestyle, her first traumatizing experience was nearly doubled in it's effect on her.

When she was about four years old, she went to the shore with her parents to go swimming for a bit, and when she went in the water she stepped on something small and slick with a hard shell, and it quickly snapped at her foot, tearing flesh and drawing blood easily as it was a snapping turtle, making her scream and cry out in pain. At this point she was attacked by what she describes now as a "swarm" of turtles (there were two), causing her near-phobic terror of turtles.

For a few years after this she was teased and made fun of by other children in the village, terrorized by some of the meaner ones who would chase her around holding turtles, and basically made to have a tough childhood.

When she turned 7 she decided she was going to join the ninja academy after being informed of what happened at Mt. Myria, and of her clan's ability. At the academy she showed incredible potential and talent with taijutsu and wind-based ninjutsu. Her interest focused on Taijutsu and Ninjutsu, although she also showed a good affinity for Kenjutsu. She fought most bullies off with ease after a couple of years of schooling, and when she was 10 she was convinced she had fallen in love.

She had a crush on a girl in class, and as she began to pursue a relationship with this girl she began to be teased more and more, bu this time for being gay. As word got out about it, her parents had actually punished her for it, in an attempt to "beat" the gay out of her. Despite the teasing and hitting, her sexuality was not changed, however whenever she flirted with a girl after that point she blushed brightly and looked away, thinking she was doing something terribly wrong. When she turned 12, the girl she had a crush on had given her the first kiss of her life, and soon after the girl had left with her parents to go to a farming village far away.

At the age of 14 she began to train harder then ever, practicing with her special kekkei genkai and excelling further and further along, but during a school yard fight, a fellow class mate pulled a kunai on her, stabbing her in the abdomen and leaving a large scar there. The child who had done it was expelled and she herself was sent to the hospital, where she stayed for a few days recovering from the injury. That month she graduated at the top of her class, becoming a full-fledged shinobi at the gennin rank.

RP Sample: Keiko would be walking through the hurricane village one night, past her curfew, when she saw a strange-looking cat. The cat appeared to have a limp, and may even have been bleeding, so she followed it quietly. She chased after this cat for almost an hour before it slumped and fell to the ground, panting and wheezing. "O-oh no!" She would say, a sense of distress obvious in her voice. She quickly stooped and picked the cat up, holding it close to her chest as she ran through the streets. She couldn't find a place that could help the cat at this time of night, so she took it back to her house, bandaging it and trying to make it feel comfortable. She stayed up all night just to make sure that the cat was OK, and eventually she recognized it as her neighbor's pet, so she went over to her neighbor's house in the morning and knocked on the door.

"Yes? What is it, sweety?" A tall lady asked as she answered the door. "H-hello ma'am, I-I found your cat and I tried to bandage it up, but I'm not sure i did to well", Keiko would say, still sounding distressed. "Oh thank you so much, I was terrified that he'd gotten lost or something. You wait here, young lady, I'm going to get you a reward." The tall woman said, clearly thankful for Keiko's act of kindness towards her pet, but Keiko quickly began shaking her head. "No ma'am! No reward... i broke the rules by staying up so late, I gotta go home now...bye!" She sais, as she begins to run away towards her house.

(I'm relatively new to RP, especially forum RP, so I hope this is good enough x.x)

Source: A friend suggested I try this place out.

Last edited by Keiko on Mon Jul 25, 2011 2:04 am; edited 6 times in total
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 11:03 pm

Add an appearance image.

Increase likes to a paragraph.

Increase dislikes to a paragraph.

Increase motivation to a paragraph.

Increase fears to a paragraph.

Increase history to at least 400 words.
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 11:39 pm

Minus the wings on the picture, of course.
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 11:53 pm

Ok, Im particular about the history for people who join my clan, especially since there was an attack on our clans home when I was three (My char is 26 now). You need to state whether your parents were not living in Mt. Myria when the attack happened, or managed to escape during the attack, and you were born later after they fled. Once that is in there, then you should mention whether you were informed about what happened. You must come to me or any other Edrick to activate your Eagle Eye also. That is all thats left.
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptySun Jul 24, 2011 11:58 pm

would i be able to put in my history that i went to you to get it activated, or does that have to be done in RP?
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptyMon Jul 25, 2011 1:26 am

RP. It's simple though. However, I do it that way to make it understandable to members. With you being genin, it especially needs to be done with RP.
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptyMon Jul 25, 2011 2:03 am

Ok cool.
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Keiko Edrick Empty
PostSubject: Re: Keiko Edrick   Keiko Edrick EmptyMon Jul 25, 2011 3:17 am

Ok, with that said, it looks like you've taken care of all of Shy's Issues with the app.

Keiko Edrick L
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