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The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
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 Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]

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Posts : 97
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PostSubject: Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]   Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] EmptyThu Jul 24, 2014 12:59 am

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] 796672-bigthumbnail

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Whoare14

First Name: Hosi
Last Name: Senpū

Gender: Male
Age: 16
Height: 5'7
Weight: 132Ibs
Birthday: May 1
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Relationships: None

Affiliation: Hyougagakure no Sato
Rank: Genin (D)
Element(s): Fuuton, Katton
Specialization(s): Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, Bojutsu.

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Tellme11

Personality: Hosi is yet another Ninja who appreciates the silence of his voice. Although he does speak, he chooses not to utter the slightest of words during times of battle or conflict. Hosi is a clear thinker and would prefer to test the enemy before moving into combat.

Hosi is actually a very respectable male when it comes to women and will treat them as though they are princesses in his eyes. However sometimes his love for women may be a big weakness for him, seeing as he has a rule against laying a single hand on a girl. If he meets a resolve that requires him to hurt the female then he will probably break the rule, most of the time he does not. Sometimes when he meets a female that he finds unapproachable because, 'their beauty is enough to entrap a man where he stands,' he will blush and stare away in an embarrassing matter.

Those who become Hosi's friends become his family, giving them someone who will lay down his life to protect them. Hosi has a resolve to never surrender and never quit. To fight until he cannot move a single piece of his body, even if that means death. His one mission is simple, become strong and protect those who need it. Maybe even become a kage.  

Likes: Hosi appreciates women, and will express his love for women despite his quiet nature. His love for strength is what drove him to becoming a Genin in the first place. Hosi loves windy days, sometimes he feels as though he is at home. He also has a secret undying love for cute and cuddly things. Finally Hosi can be seen drooling on fresh fruits whenever he is hungry, his love for fruit is endless!

Dislikes: Hosi utterly hates it when women use their bodies to get what they want and will have the sudden urge to speak up to them or persuade them to do better in life, though if it is for a mission then he will be quiet about the matter. He also dislikes men who treat women poorly. His hatred on people picking on the weak is far greater, often times silently steeping up to protect the weak. 

Motivation: His motivations are simple, to push himself to become stronger. Though he has mini goals such as protect his family and his village from any and all enemy attacks. Hosi real wish is to finish what his father and Satoshi started by perfecting the Whirlwind underground technique.

Fears: Hosi main fear are his likes, women. Though he treats women as though they are precious flowers, he tries his best to avoid a very pissed off one. This is due to the witnesses of beatings his neighbor would take when caught peeping by a female. He fears that one day a female will be angry and pulverize the life out of him.

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Blood10

Place clan name here

Bloodline Name: Will of the Wind

Bloodline Ability: The Arts of the Sky God allow the user to enhance the sky with jutsu, and utilize techniques with such things as enhanced winds generated from the sky above. The user can also gather wind from the sky within his mouth, then exhale them towards his opposition.

Location: Hyougagakure no Sato  

Clan History: The Will of the Wind first assembled centuries ago, though the clan itself was very scarcely populated. A woman by the name of Cheria assumed one night, while the wind blew violently, that she had witnessed the sight of a dragon; the first presumably in Shinobi History. Upon making eye contact with the dragon, the dragon took a glimpse of Cheria, then landed gracefully aside her. It is said that the dragon raised its paw, and asked Cheria to raise her right hand, in response. As the two touched, the dragon disappeared, and Cheria died instantaneously. Seven years later, a wind identical to the one that blew before the now-deceased Cheria covered Hyougakure. Some men and women chased after this wind, and once the wind stopped, these men and women were bedazzled; Cheria had been reborn! She first-appeared as a dragon-incarnate, with clear dragon scales along her body, though other strange occurrences followed. All of the clouds above gathered above this single area, and in a single minute, the clouds had been absorbed by this reincarnated Cheria; nine of them. During the next three years after this event, Cheria was found with nine new children. These children adapted from her ability, and later gained a special form of Fuuton; one that could manipulate the sky. These children, along with the men and women who witnessed the special event renowned Cheria as the "Sky God". Time had passed since the entitlement of the Sky God, and before you knew it, plenty of shinobi were learning jutsu after her. Centuries have now passed, and to further promote the Sky God Cheria, the Will of the Wind has been formed. The Will of the Wind wishes to harness every power the Sky God held, and enhance these powers, creating the best of Fuuton techniques ever known to mankind.

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Histor11

History:  Hosi was born to the will of the wind, a clan dedicated to strengthening the power of the sky god through the use of Fuuton ninjustu. His father, Yamamoto Senpū, was not born of the clan but his mother was. His mothers parents did not agree to the marriage of his father because there was no faith in the Sky God. Upon marriage, his parents bond with the will of the wind clan was severed.

During the years of Hosi's birth, his father began experimenting different forms of fuuton jutsu's with another man named Satoshi Andāwārudo. Together they created their greatest fuuton technique and named it Senpū andāwārudo (Whirlwind Underworld). They both believed that this technique would bring about the new age of defense and that no one would ever be able to touch the Hyougagakure village ever in future history.

Senpū andāwārudo was a very strong technique. Unfortunately the power was just too uncontrollable and dangerous. Yamamoto declared this technique a failure and wished to give up on it, but Satoshi had other opinions. By the time Hosi was the age of three, his father and Satoshi were killed at the testing site for a jutsu called  Senpū andāwārudo no kōha (Whirl wind underworld devastation). This left Hosi fatherless and clanless.

Although, he still had his mother. By the age of thirteen he was taught the art of the sky god and attended Hyougagakure academy, learning the basics of Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and chakra control.

Hosi's father figure was his next door neighbor, who introduced the boy to bojutsu and stalking women. The man was a very big pervert and the reason why Hosi is weak to women today. Though he made a variation of the women stalking jutsu his neighbor taught him and practiced it at night against Jounin, Genin, and even against the Fubukikage once, though he failed miserably at it. His series of capture after capture earned him the name night stalker by most in the hidden glacier village. Some tried to fight him because they were afraid of being stalked.

At the age of Sixteen Hosi found a mysterious scroll in his mothers attic. These blue prints described in great detail the use and power of the Senpū andāwārudo technique. Including the first level, third level uses, and the most dangerous one of them all, Senpū andāwārudo no kōha.

Hosi wished to learn every single form of this great jutsu, unfortunately he was very weak. He was of Genin level and these skills required the level of Jounin. Hosi new resolve was made, to become stronger so that he could use this incredible technique. For what purpose? He had none. He just needed a goal.  

RP Sample: Yet again another challenger steps up to Hosi. This time it was three people. Two boys and one.....Girl..... This one was going to be tough. Hosi backed up to a wall and watch as his opponents surrounded him. He was a little angry seeing as he was suppose to meet his new team and his new sensei today. He would be late now thanks to these people!

"Hosi, be a nice boy and just lose already," The female said flicking her bronze hair over her shoulder."We promise we won't beat you too bad."

Hosi said nothing and stood in place. There were many kids who wanted to fight Hosi now a days weren't there? He had no understanding why, but everyone wanted to take him down. Maybe it was because Hosi had skill or something. Maybe because he was just a tough fighter. He didn't care, he was already late and he couldn't waist anytime. Lifting his hand in the air and making the 'come on,' hand sign, Hosi thrust his feet on the ground and moved after the first person close to him.

A Mohawk boy with golden hair. He made his move trying to throw a punch at Hosi. The night stalker tilted his head, dodging the punch slightly, and twisted his body so that his back met the assailants chest. Hosi moved his left hand to the boys neck and lifted his shoulders, throwing the boy to the ground in front of him.

Another boy with a winter jacket flew in the air and lifted one leg above Hosi's head. It appeared that he was trying to go for a drop kick, however Hosi was not going to let it connect. Instead of the night stalker meeting the boys boot, the boy met the night stalkers, knocking him out cold, pun intended.

With that finished, Hosi's main attention now turned to the female who challenged him. She seemed scared now, was she having second thoughts? The genin began running to the girl at a steady speed, though the girl only began backing up. She was readying to scream as Hosi moved closer and closer to her but tripped on the icy floor. The bronze haired girl closed her eyes and prepared to meet the hard floor of the ground, but Hosi was not going to allow her.

The ninja boy grabbed the females hand and pulled her towards him. Her body then bumped into his while his hands prevented her from falling once again.A minute passed before Hosi moved away quickly from the girl, blushing uncontrollably. "N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-N-next time b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-b-be c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-c-ca." Giving up Hosi ran away from the female.

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Extra10

Source: Google

Face Claim: Ninja boy by Aoshiki

Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Accept10

Last edited by Hosi on Fri Jul 25, 2014 9:30 pm; edited 10 times in total (Reason for editing : Making sure it be perfect!)
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Male Posts : 1341
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Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]   Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] EmptyFri Jul 25, 2014 9:17 pm

Alrighty so Aliases aren't available til B rank and such. Dislikes, Motivations, and Fears if these can be made slightly longer I can stamp ya up!
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Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]   Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] EmptyFri Jul 25, 2014 9:32 pm

Changes have been made Xavier sensei.....! It is gonna take me a while to get use to saying sensei........
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Male Posts : 1341
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Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]   Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] EmptySat Jul 26, 2014 5:18 am

Haha suppose it takes some getting used to. Approved and stuffs.
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Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]   Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] EmptySat Jul 26, 2014 5:41 am

Maybe you can help me out Xavier since I am new to this whole thing. I am trying to start my statistics but I cannot find the list that has the amount of Experience I must take away when giving my character soul tree ranks.
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Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED]   Hosi the Night stalker. [COMPLETED] EmptyWed Jul 30, 2014 1:58 am

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