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Village News
The islands in Ocean Country have been celebrating the arrival of the next Umikage, Saizo. The long bridge leading to SHIPPUUGAKURE NO SATO has been closed for outsiders because they wish to celebrate this moment with Ocean Country natives only.
As usual, the Storm Country has been hosting the Asgard Games to welcome their Kanetsukage, Cornelia. It's a double special occasion because Cornelia is also the first female Kanetsukage. She has been picked for her courage, loyalty and outstanding power by the BOUFUUGAKURE NO SATO elders.
Not only that, but the Cherry Blossom Country has become relieved as well. It seems that everyone is slowly picking up after the war now. KUSAMURAGAKURE NO SATO proudly presented their new Sakurakage, Altair.
TSUKIGAKURE NO SATO is still thriving on the merchants coming in and out. They have not experienced anything special lately. Their wealth has remained the same as they were not forced to invest into shinobi unlike the others.
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 Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)

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Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Left_bar_bleue360/360Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Empty_bar_bleue  (360/360)

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PostSubject: Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)    Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  EmptyWed Jan 01, 2014 10:35 pm

Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Russian

Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Whoare14

First Name: Altair
Last Name: Senju
Alias: The Wood-Bearing Eagle

Gender: Male
Age: Twenty-Four
Height: Five Feet, Ten Inches
Weight: 69 Kilograms
Birthday: September, 26th
Sexuality: Pansexual
Relationships: Genesis, Alexandria [Love interest]

Affiliation: Kusamuragakure no Sato
Rank: Sakurakage
Element: Mokuton, Suiton, Doton
Specialization: Ninjutsu, Fuuinjutsu, Medical Ninjutsu

Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Tellme11


There are many different personality types that make up the population as we know it and to say that Altair's is 'normal' would be quite strange of one to say. He has everything he could want in life and does not need anything more, but always yearns to find those who could use inspiration, so that he may provide it. He is a benevolent kage, always a man of the people. He started out a genin, and worked his way up to his position so he knows the value of hard work. How couldn't he? He believes that no good deed need go unrewarded and hard work is its own reward. But sometimes people need their kage to show them the ways the world can approve of what they have been doing, or not doing and he is more than happy to help in that respect.

As a person, he himself loves everyone, but hates them at the same time. He knows that they make mistakes, and can let him down, but he can't help but be happy for others though they may not feel the same for him. When all seems lost, it is he who stands proudly and strongly above everything else, landing out a helping hand to anyone who may need it. He smiles when he is sad, even if he is dying on the inside, so that others may hopefully benefit and become happy themselves, to push themselves onwards towards their own goals, in the hopes they can be something better than they really are, or will be.

He's not a strong person, per se, but makes it out so he seems such. For even when he himself is ready to break down, he will bring himself up to make sure that no one else should suffer such a fate. He can't be weak in the face of struggle, because as a kage, his subjects look to him for guidance and strength when they themselves have  none. He shows everyone that no matter how weak you think you are, you could inevitably become something so much greater. When he is challenged with something much bigger than himself, he would rather sacrifice his own happiness and stability than have one of his own fall. He's just that type of person, always caring and giving.

When he's alone he feels empty inside and is unable to keep himself happy. In the rise to power, he forgot what was important to him in place of becoming the greatest shinobi of his village. Others look at him as though he is the best around, but he knows better. He has quite the self-esteem issue and pushes those away who would help him, saying that he doesn't need it. That he'll be 'fine' eventually and live through it. In the shinobi world there is no time for weakness and no time to rest, so regardless of how depressed and lonely he may feel, he know that no matter what he has to be the one to raise the banner at the end of the day.

When talking to a potential mate, he realizes the need for the right words to make someone feel that much better. He compliments others, denying their own compliments towards himself, diverging to instead tell them how great they are. He builds them up to show them they are better than they think, and denies any thoughts of imperfections. He can be called gullible at times, but doesn't care as long as at the end of the day, his loved one or friends are happy with who they are, and who they can be.


Altair enjoys time with nature, sitting down just to enjoy the breeze going through the tree leaves, the Sakura petals dancing around as if they were in an eternal tango. He loves the smell of all plant life, and treats each plant as if they were his own children. He coos and whines with the trees, and loves to be around them at all times of the day, so much that he even made his office have the roots of a great tree meld into the trimmings and walls of the office. His favorite plant is the Sakura Blossom, as a Sakurakage it may be cliche, but he thoroughly enjoys the color, texture, and sweet sent of it.

He loves to eat any type of ramen, preferably shrimp. The taste of ramen is not found in everyone but due to his delectable pallet, he has found that even the freeze dried meat can be the best meal one could have. He sometimes sits around in his office all day, eating and munching on the ramen, stuffing his face with the sweet and enjoyable noodles he craves. Whether it is freshly made, or comes from a freeze-wrapped package he will eat it and sometimes give his own opinion on it, as though it were something truly perfect to him.

Sake is one of his favorite drinks to have when winding down and no other is better than the Sake made in Shippuugakure. He can drink many bottles of it at a time and never grow tired of it. The drink has such a sweet and misty, somewhat rainy flavor much like the country it comes from. The harsh winds of the land hidden in the hurricane do not dilute the perfect mixture to the Sakurakage and he enjoys it whenever he can afford to splurge on it. Some may say he is an alcoholic, but he doesn't let their word fetter his  good nature.

Finally, he enjoys any time spent around others. Being alone is simply too much for him sometimes and when he's around others it makes him feel so much better about himself. When enjoying time with others, he can not find any reason to feel bad, or feel wrong, it is with others that he truly belongs and he smiles to this fact whenever he realizes it at the time. He thoroughly enjoys any and all time spent travelling to other villages when he can to find new friends, marking his name into the books of history.


Anything to do with being alone is on the top of this list. He hates having to spend any time by himself because that is when his feelings of regret and remorse come to him, showing himself that he isn't the being people see him as. He knows he has given up so much to become who he is now and it hurts to know that not everyone supports what he has done. When he's alone he realizes that he is a horrible person when it comes down to it. Sure, he'd do anything for his village, but others are out of luck if they need his help. It's a sad fact of life, and he feels horribly, but when it comes down to it his main concerns are with his village, and not with anyone else other than that. His own friends are different, but he tends to abandon them if they disagree with him.

Arguments and fights aren't really something he dislikes, just something he wants to avoid. He dislikes arguments for the reason that nothing that can be settled with words can not be settled with a battle. But on the same not fights are something he wishes to avoid, as he hates to hurt anything living, dead things aren't so bad for him. Living things all have their own place in nature and when it comes down to it, he is not someone to go against nature, so he hates when he has to take another's life, or even bring harm to someone who could be a bigger part of the world as it is known and bring something better to it.

He hates anyone who messes with the nativity around him. The plant life are his children and anyone who hurts them are his enemies. For this reason he hates those who use fire-based jutsu with a passion and can not bring himself to look over anyone's crimes against nature. To destroy nature is to destroy life, and to destroy life is the worst crime to him. He would not sit idly by as someone defaced a tree or even a flower, but if someone were to openly admit they hated nature and wanted it destroyed, he would have no choice but to end their days and put them out of this life.

Uchiha are a love/hate thing with Altair.  He hates the Uchiha as many of his clan would, and for good reason. But he can not hate all of them as some do not have any crimes against him. He detests their fire-use and how greatly they care about their flames, and just how destructive said flames can be. That is all they wish to do. Destroy what nature has built. How can he bring himself to pardon their crimes when they themselves would do whatever they could to see his life burn before him? Nature is him, he is nature, and the Uchiha would burn down his forests. They can not be forgiven.


Altair is motivated by the thoughts of helping others to achieve their own dreams as he has already achieved most of his own. To help others would be his best motivation and he takes it on with gusto. To help others achieve their dreams is another dream of his and he hopes that he can see it through to the end, completely helping anyone and everyone who may need it. Pushing other towards a life of success is something that Altair prides himself on and will not be shown up by anyone else in this matter, he chooses to devote a large chunk of his time to helping other train and master their jutsu so that they may become stronger and realize any dreams they have.

Another motivation of his is to see nature take the world once more. He wants to live in a perfect world surrounded by flora, fauna, and plant life to the point that a big city or village seems impossible and implausible to have in such a state. He wants to die among the trees in his older years and become widely known for being the one to bring about the world's most perfect and beautiful utopia made of the plant life that surrounds them. He is motivated to bring this about from his love of nature and will master whatever it takes to make this dream a realization.

Competition is a great motivator for anyone and Altair is no different. He is not the type to feel inferior to others in battle or feel the need for a competition, but when there is one, he makes it his top priority to become the best of it, and put himself on top of everyone else. He is living for life, and wants that to be his platform as he takes his throne at the top of others in competitions, shoving those not worthy of the title of "number one" out of his way to reach his goals. He will become the strongest and most powerful being in a competition or die trying.


Above all, the senju fears his forestry burning down around him and becoming nothing but charred trunks and ash. He greatly loves the trees and plant life, more than anything else. So to see it come crashing down around him would make him lose all hope in the world. He feels as though as long as a single plant could survive, so can he, but without his forestry, he feels bare and naked, as though everything he ever loved was ripped right from his hands and thrown into the eternal flames of hades. Something that he could not stand would be losing his pride and joy, nature. And so if he did lose them, fear itself wouldn't be able to describe how he felt.

As all ninja can die, he does not fear death. More, he fears life. Or rather what he can not accomplish during his own lifetime. To accomplish one's goals is to mean something but to fail and never realize those goals is to mean nothing. He fears not being able to make his life mean something or be happy in his own life and that is something he can not stand for. He fears becoming another nobody once it's all said and done, becoming of the people who just 'used to be a kage'.

He fears losing and letting down the ones he cares for, or letting down his villagers. A loss is not really a big deal to him, it's what he loses. He couldn't live with himself if he lost and his villagers suffered because of it. Having them suffer would be the same as losing the forestry he lives in, he can not hope to be able to stand again under the strain of such a loss. He fears it with more than every fiber of his being and can't help but worry about losing anyone to his own weakness. So he will not lose, he can't he fears being overtaken by his weakness and giving in at the moment when he is needed most.

Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Blood10


Bloodline Name: Mokuton

Bloodline Ability: Mokuton Wood Style is an advanced nature kekkei genkai that combines earth and water-based chakra natures to create wood, or complete trees. This ability can also be used to create other aspects of trees, such as seeds or flowers. Wood Release techniques can be produced from anywhere, including the user's body, as the user's chakra is literally converted into a source of life. Wood Release Techniques Mokuton no Jutsu are commonly affiliated with the Snake seal. due to their many battles with the uchiha they have a natural resistance to genjutsu that reduces genjutsu used against them by 1 rank. The Mokuton jutsu is rather difficult to control and thus only chuunin and above are able to use it. members can choose not to have earth and water as elements but if they do not have them they will not be able to use wood style.

Location: Kusamuragakure no Sato

Clan History: The Senju clan descended from the younger of the two sons of the Sage of the Six Paths who was born with the "body" of the Sage, inheriting his father's strength of will and physical energy and believed that love was the key to bringing peace to the world. The Sage grew to favour the ideals of his younger son over those of his older son, who believed that power alone was the true key to finding peace. Therefore, on his deathbed it was the younger of the two brothers that the Sage chose to name as his successor. The elder brother, bitter and hateful at having being denied what he felt was rightfully his to inherit, attacked his younger sibling. The Uchiha clan would descend from the elder brother, resulting in the bitter centuries-long rivalry between the Senju and the Uchiha.

The Senju clan gained their fame in the era before the founding of the hidden villages. Where other clans focused on mastering one particular skill, the Senju were prodigious in all skills, from ninjutsu, to taijutsu, to genjutsu. Because of this, they were as "the clan with a thousand skills" which gave them their name "Senju" (a thousand skills", or "a thousand hands").

The Senju's place at the top of the shinobi world was undisputed, but there was one clan that was able to stand up to them: the Uchiha clan. Whenever one country hired the Senju, their enemies would hire the Uchiha, and vice versa. This led to a rivalry between the two clans.

The Senju clan, grew tired of the fighting, and a peace treaty was formed with the Uchiha clan.  The two clans came together to stop fighting. The Senju settled in the Cherry Blossom Country, and the Uchiha moved to the Ocean Country. Due to thier lack of a basic kekkai genkai at the time the Senju clan all but disappeared the lines between them and other clans becoming dimmer and dimmer until eventually the clan disappeared. An occasional person can be found with these abilities but overall it's extremely rare for people to have any ability contained by the Senju clan, but it does happen and not just in their original country several villages have claimed to have a ninja that holds these abilities.

Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Histor11


Genin Life

Altair was a rather driven genin, aspiring to become the greatest ninja who had ever lived. He looked up to those in power, especially the ANBU and Kage, and wanted to become them, if not stronger than them. He vowed to do anything and everything he could to surpass all other and become known throughout his village for his strength. At the tender age of eleven years old, he became a genin, marking his way with blood and victories, over those who would stand in his way or try to tell him he would never be good enough to hold the tile of a Kage. Altair would not be defeated by anyone of his class, even though many of them were his senior by a few years, and even a few seemed stronger than he.

He was mastering jutsu incredibly fast. Some called him the senju prodigy because of his prowess and ability to adapt to situations easily. He participated in many group battles and team excercises, proving himself to be the strongest of his squad no matter who he was put with. He was benevolent and loved by those he was normally around, and only hated by a few who could not stand to be beaten by a child. This went on for two years, and he still hadn't become a chuunin. Not because he was not strong enough, but simply because he felt he wasn't ready to face the trials. He wanted to perfect his Mokuton art before advancing any more in the ranks, to prove the Senju only had exceptional pupils.

Chuunin Exams/Life

Upon reaching the age of fourteen, Altair took it upon himself to enter into the chuunin exams and test himself against other hopeful ninja looking to better themselves. He met many people along the way, not a lot of them being too noteworthy to him and many of them he easily defeated. Some people would scoff at such a young child being able to use the jutsu he did, but he didn't mind their cynicism. It made it that much more insulting to them when he took them down a few notches in battle, defeating them easily and winning hands down. In one or two of his matches, he actually came quite close to ending the life of his opponent, if only the proctor had not stepped in to end the match early on a technicality each time. This was alright for the young Senju, any way he won would be just fine with him, as long as he was the one who had won the battle.

After the exams, Altair wasted no time in getting back to his training, ensuring himself that he was on his way to becoming the strongest ninja of the village and would soon surpass everyone else of his rank. When it came down to being assigned back to his squad, he was pulled aside by the captain of the ANBU black ops, telling him that he had exceptional skills for someone so young. And the question was this: If he trained more, would he be willing to advance in ranks once more, becoming one of their number? Of course he wouldn't say no to that, he would be a fool to do so. Soon after he was training more and more every day, pushing others out of his life as needed to become a stronger shinobi.

Months turned to years and at the age of sixteen, he was inducted into the ANBU black ops of kusamuragakure no sato as a chuunin, fresh into the ranks. He soaked up all the things they taught him like a sponge, wanting to become better for himself and training more with the captain, to earn his place among their ranks. He knew he still had a long way to go, but he greeted the challenge with open arms and told himself it would only be a matter of time before he would reach the highest ranks of the village's ninja and proclaim himself to be the strongest ninja around. Soon he would show everyone that no matter who you were, you could become the best if you just worked hard and kept your goals in sight.

Life of an ANBU

He was to cut all ties and become something that was almost as viable as death. He was invisible, a ghost, and it was to stay that way. No family, no friends, no loved ones. Just his ability, and the will of the hidden jungle. Within his years as an ANBU he sought his chances to learn new things, and become stronger than before, showing himself and others that he would achieve his goals. He had joined the ANBU at the rank of chuunin and when he reached the age of eighteen he had become a special jounin, in the months following this promotion, he trained ever harder, to better himself and get stronger, vowing to continue rising in the ranks. He was favored by his captain, who kept a close eye on his training, and seemed to be grooming him to fill his position once he was removed from it by retiring, death, or the current kage's wish.

He rose to the rank of jounin within a few short months of becoming a special jounin, proving his prowess in battle and through missions. The Sakurakage and the Captain of the ANBU both watched him with great enthusiasm, hoping that he would become something greater than what he already was. There were a few skirmishes but not too many that weren't handled easily. He lost a friend to a raid on a slave trade house, but claimed his vengeance by slaughtering the leader in cold blood. On a joint mission with the captain, he and two others were selected to assist with taking out another land's daimyo who had been abusing his power. The captain fought bravely but his life was taken as a result of an ambush, set up by Altair's partner. With the betrayal, Altair called forth his Mokuton power and killed the daimyo himself, as well as his partner for the betrayal, taking the helm of ANBU captain for himself upon his safe return to the village.

As the captain of the ANBU black ops, Altair was happy, but not content. He was still not the strongest of the village and was still doing missions for others, when he felt he should be the one giving the missions. He was all for loyalty but during his final days as an ANBU he noticed that the Sakurakage was becoming more and more volatile towards other villages, giving direct orders to go out and assassinate nameless ninja who would later be found to be influential people in their own respective villages. It would suffice to say, that if this kept on, Kusamuragakure no Sato would have a war on its hands that it may not have been able to survive. So Altair did what was necessary: he gathered the needed support and then usurped the Sakurakage, assassinating him while he slept, taking the seat of power for himself and becoming a leader, finally a goal had been realized.

Sakurakage to Present

Becoming the Sakurakage meant that Altair had finally become the most powerful ninja in the village and everyone else would see that. He showed his ruthlessness by usurping and killing his predecessor, but also showed his benevolence by actively helping the villagers himself when they needed it of him. Through this process he met a young woman named Alexandria Genesis who caught his eye in one of the best ways. She was someone he could share his happiness with, if only he could convince her to become his. He wasn't the best when it came to asking one to be a mate, and so they did the tango of love for a few good years during his reign as kage, making it so that they were technically 'together' but not at all officially.

Presently, at his current age Altair reigns over Kusamuragakure with a benevolent hand, beloved by his people. There is not a harsh word to be said about him and everyone loves how he has changed the village. His love interest, 'Genesis', is still just slightly out of his grasp, but he vows to make her his own before someone else can come along and sweep her off of her feet. He wants to become someone loved by the people and loved by one person, he has made so many things happen for himself over the course of him becoming a ninja, what's a few more goals added to the list for him to achieve?

RP Sample:

Birds chirped, wind blew.

His mind raced as he looked around the battlefield. The daimyo's men were surrounding him and the captain, as well as his partner Hizencho. There were about twenty men as well the Daimyo around them but something was so strange. He couldn't place his finger on it but something about Hizencho was off during this mission. He had been acting quite strange, mentioning things he shouldn't know, or things he shouldn't say. Some of them getting them lost or even trapped on such occasions. But this was his first mission since he had gotten back from having reconstructive surgery on his knee so it was all to be expected right? Altair still couldn't find it in himself to feel anything less than alarmed at his point.

A flash of fire. The captain fell.

He looked to see that Hizencho had spat a fireball, incinerating the captain where he stood by surprise. The treacherous little..He couldn't cope with what was happening. But he had to stay strong and finish the mission, eliminating all threats from the men, the Daimyo, and his now former partner. The man quickly made handseals thinking on the location of all the men to himself, trying to figure out the best possible way to do this. He pushed his chakra into his feet, and closed his eyes. He stopped on the horse handseal, waiting for any sudden movements from the others, concentrating on keeping his chakra flow steady.

Foot steps, screams.

Roots erupted from the earth, coming around Altair's form. He pushed them out, the roots seeking out his foes. Many of the men were pierced through the chest by the suture thin tips of the roots, then pushed through as they became thicker, leaving massive holes in each one, before pulling back out, corpses falling to the ground one by one, the others priming their chakra for fire based attacks to attempt to burn his precious plants to ash before he could counter-attack again, and leave him defenseless. But he wasn't going to allow this.

Flames, Ten remaining.

The roots swivelled and moved around the roaring flames, wrapping around the last ten of the Daimyo's men, gripping tightly at the waist. They squeezed harder and harder, beginning to apply enough pressure to bruise the skin, the crack the spinal cord of the men. But Altair wasn't finished. The roots moved up at his command, coming back down to slam into the ground, shattering the skeletal structure of his foes easily, Hizench and the Daimyo running off in opposite directions to try to escape the massacre that was under way.  They wouldn't get far. Once his roots were done with the lackeys, they released the corpses, creeping along the ground towards those who were trying to escape, twirling around each other like a drill.

Blood, death. Kill.

The drills of Mokuton pushed into the backs of each men, piercing clothing and flesh, even armor to reach the tender muscle tissue. Once there, it pushed around their spinal cords, wrapping tightly, and the roots lifted them into the air, high above the ANBU. He walked quietly forward, as the roots lifted them towards his line of travel, stopping them as the hit against each other side by side, he looked up at them, only five meter from their positions. "Die." That was all he said before the roots tightened on their spinal cords, snapping the vertabrae, and rendering the men as nothing but cadavers, dropping them to the ground at his feet. He grinned as the roots retreated back into the earth, Altair himself turning his back and walking away, making his way home.

Mission complete.

Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  Extra10

Source: DC-Original.webs

Face Claim: Original Work

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PostSubject: Re: Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)    Senju, Altair (Sakurakage)  EmptyThu Jan 02, 2014 12:10 pm

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